I love modern world conveniences. I woke up and was in the mood for a fresh bagel, so I just logged into my PC and ordered half-a-dozen everything bagels and also a loaf of French bread, and 45 minutes later they were on my doorstep.
Of course it isn't without problems. I ordered Neufchatel and they sent me honey-walnut cream cheese instead, so then I had to make a grocery order because I'm just not going to eat that sweet cream cheese. Also, it's almost twice as expensive compared to driving to the bakery, but this time of day it would have been 45 minutes both ways (and it's only 3 miles away), and I'll easily spend a few extra dollars to avoid that.
Would love to do this more, but it's so expensive! We don't really even order food for delivery anymore, unless it's the Chinese place near us, as they have a $3 delivery.
But there's so many times I need like one thing from the store, but don't really want to go. Although the times I do end up going for just the one thing, I end up getting quite a bit anyway...
I'm on my way to pick up my wife, who was away for a week visiting one of our friends who moved to London a few months ago.
I had planned on getting Game Pass and playing through Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void or at least make some decent progress in Baldur's Gate 3, but I didn't really feel like playing anything.
While it was kind of nice being able to set my own schedule and having a quiet apartment, it was also very lonely. I'm happy one of my friends was available to play games almost every day.
I now understand why my brother, who lives by himself, keeps himself so busy with social activities.
Are you me? My wife went out of town two or three times last year and all I really did was get drunk and watch TV. Though I still had to do all our daily routine stuff, so I was just as tired as I am usually...
And yeah, I miss her and am hella lonely when she's gone. Her going to Burning Man in like 2009 and being gone for a week, completely incommunicado is what sparked my proposal in the first place.