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Well, last night was miserable. I bent down and picked up a jug of water and raised up too quickly for my bad back, and the pain increased steadily over the next two hours until I was in so much pain I was throwing up. I don't have pain killers, but I do have muscle relaxers. I took those, and was still in agony about 2 hours later when I finally fell asleep. Slept for almost 14 hours, for the last two hours I kept waking up with nightmares, but was too tired to get out of bed, and every time I went back to sleep, the nightmares just picked up where they had left off. Finally managed to drag myself out of bed at 9. Back feels fine again, but I will be extremely careful about lifting things from now on.
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Well, last night was miserable. I bent down and picked up a jug of water and raised up too quickly for my bad back, and the pain increased steadily over the next two hours until I was in so much pain I was throwing up. I don't have pain killers, but I do have muscle relaxers. I took those, and was still in agony about 2 hours later when I finally fell asleep. Slept for almost 14 hours, for the last two hours I kept waking up with nightmares, but was too tired to get out of bed, and every time I went back to sleep, the nightmares just picked up where they had left off. Finally managed to drag myself out of bed at 9. Back feels fine again, but I will be extremely careful about lifting things from now on.
Wow, man! I'm sorry you go through that stuff. Glad you're feeling better, though.


Community Contributor
Wow, man! I'm sorry you go through that stuff. Glad you're feeling better, though.
I used to think I had felt the worst pain possible, I was wrong. I sat in my bed trying to play House Flipper to get my mind off of it, and I couldn't manage it. I couldn't even remember the name of common furniture items. Then I tried to play Total War Warhammer 3 with Guido on Easy difficulty and couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing or any strategy at all and got completely run over. Gaming failed me lol

If pain can get worse than that then I hope I never find out about it. My wife kept trying to get me to go to the hospital, but I knew the muscle relaxers would eventually knock me out.
May 11, 2022
I used to think I had felt the worst pain possible, I was wrong. I sat in my bed trying to play House Flipper to get my mind off of it, and I couldn't manage it. I couldn't even remember the name of common furniture items. Then I tried to play Total War Warhammer 3 with Guido on Easy difficulty and couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing or any strategy at all and got completely run over. Gaming failed me lol

If pain can get worse than that then I hope I never find out about it. My wife kept trying to get me to go to the hospital, but I knew the muscle relaxers would eventually knock me out.
I fractured three lower vertebrae in a head on motorcycle accident when young, didn't really feel it.

But later in life I started getting back pain and after spending a week on the floor waiting for it to stop, I started adapting my lifestyle. Building up the lower back muscles to take the strain, and doing stretching exercises everyday. Haven't had any since. Still ride motorbike but with back protector.

But the worst pain I ever get is tooth related, it feels like the nerve is going straight into my brain(which it is of course). I never used to like taking ibruprofen, but what the hell if it helps.

Yes I find gaming distracts from low level pain. I play something soothing or distracting, and when I finally stop, it's only then I realise my body is still in low pain.


Community Contributor
I fractured three lower vertebrae in a head on motorcycle accident when young, didn't really feel it.

But later in life I started getting back pain and after spending a week on the floor waiting for it to stop, I started adapting my lifestyle. Building up the lower back muscles to take the strain, and doing stretching exercises everyday. Haven't had any since. Still ride motorbike but with back protector.

But the worst pain I ever get is tooth related, it feels like the nerve is going straight into my brain(which it is of course). I never used to like taking ibruprofen, but what the hell if it helps.

Yes I find gaming distracts from low level pain. I play something soothing or distracting, and when I finally stop, it's only then I realise my body is still in low pain.
I cracked a tooth, a molar, all the way from top to bottom. I didn't know what was wrong with the tooth, and tried to take care of it for a few days despite the pain, and then everything went completely to heck when it got infected. Wasn't as bad as my back last night though.

I can't walk except for very short distances, like to the bathroom. There's only mild pain when I walk, but each step feels like I've run a 5k, and I have to use my arms to help lift myself up the stairs. Legs feel like they weigh 400 lbs each. I've been going to physical therapy for quite awhile now, and doing stretches every day, but they've ordered an MRI and, based off of an x-ray, think that I'm going to have to have spinal surgery,
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I cracked a tooth, a molar, all the way from top to bottom. I didn't know what was wrong with the tooth, and tried to take care of it for a few days despite the pain, and then everything went completely to heck when it got infected. Wasn't as bad as my back last night though.

I can't walk except for very short distances, like to the bathroom. There's only mild pain when I walk, but each step feels like I've run a 5k, and I have to use my arms to help lift myself up the stairs. Legs feel like they weigh 400 lbs each. I've been going to physical therapy for quite awhile now, and doing stretches every day, but they've ordered an MRI and, based off of an x-ray, think that I'm going to have to have spinal surgery,

I hope you'll feel better and good luck with the surgery if you end up needing it.
May 11, 2022
I cracked a tooth, a molar, all the way from top to bottom. I didn't know what was wrong with the tooth, and tried to take care of it for a few days despite the pain, and then everything went completely to heck when it got infected. Wasn't as bad as my back last night though.
Yes I've cracked teeth in stupid ways. Bought some 'healthfood nuts' but they contained a small rock, Crack!
I once pulled a tyre lever that was stuck under tyre, into my teeth, Crack!
But the worst was an infection which kept growing under one tooth, an abscess with no way out.(having a root extracted next thursday:eek:)

But other than that I don't really feel pain. Even open heart surgery was a breeze(morphine and a suitcase of tramadol helped).
Yes they can do some amazing spinal repairs, using your own bones to strengthen vertebrae, implants, stem cell, etc.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I think the most intense physical pain I've ever experienced from an injury was when I tore up my left knee ACL and MCL. That was almost 18 years ago when I was still a young 50 years old and doing freelance photography. I was trying to get pre-dawn & sunrise shots at Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and climbed down the cliffs in the dark during low tide to get a good angle. I ended up slipping, planting my left leg to catch myself, then my right leg slipped. My left leg became wedged in some rocks and my forward momentum pushed all my body weight forward, forcing my left knee to bend forward and snapping/tearing the ACL & MCL. The most excruciating pain I've ever experienced.
May 11, 2022
I think the most intense physical pain I've ever experienced from an injury was when I tore up my left knee ACL and MCL. That was almost 18 years ago when I was still a young 50 years old and doing freelance photography. I was trying to get pre-dawn & sunrise shots at Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and climbed down the cliffs in the dark during low tide to get a good angle. I ended up slipping, planting my left leg to catch myself, then my right leg slipped. My left leg became wedged in some rocks and my forward momentum pushed all my body weight forward, forcing my left knee to bend forward and snapping/tearing the ACL & MCL. The most excruciating pain I've ever experienced.
Just hearing about that, I feel the pain. I hate it when it seems stupid. I usually plan ahead, think I'm in control, then aaargh!

The other day I plugged in an angle grinder with a wood gouging blade in it, it span out of my one hand and shreddered the mat a was kneeling on. Got to rethink that one! Ambulance staff and NHS are on strike here at moment.


Community Contributor
I think the most intense physical pain I've ever experienced from an injury was when I tore up my left knee ACL and MCL. That was almost 18 years ago when I was still a young 50 years old and doing freelance photography. I was trying to get pre-dawn & sunrise shots at Pemaquid Point Lighthouse and climbed down the cliffs in the dark during low tide to get a good angle. I ended up slipping, planting my left leg to catch myself, then my right leg slipped. My left leg became wedged in some rocks and my forward momentum pushed all my body weight forward, forcing my left knee to bend forward and snapping/tearing the ACL & MCL. The most excruciating pain I've ever experienced.
Damn, that hurts just thinking about it.
I used to think I had felt the worst pain possible
About 11 years ago, I had diverticulitis so bad that my colon ruptured. It was so infected that they couldn't even do surgery without treating me for a couple of weeks with very strong antibiotics, or it would have just fallen apart in the surgeon's hands. But the moment when it ruptured, I learned what pain really is. I never imagined that it was even possible to be in that kind of pain. That experience ruined me from rating pain at the doctor's office from then on. Now, I could have some excruciating major pain, and I'll rate it like a 2, because nothing compares to when my colon ruptured.

Thankfully my hiatal hernia surgery in December wasn't nearly as intense as that one.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
lifting things
That sucks, glad it's over :)
No doubt you know the 'bend the knees' thing. GL with any surgery needed.

tooth related … taking ibruprofen
I found some clove oil worked best for me—quickly killed the searing sharp pain, reduced to a duller bad ache which was bearable. I have a high tolerance for pain tho, eg I can read all Zed's posts without flinching.

@mainer *shiver*


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
The worst pain was from an infected gallbladder. The last time I had the infection (had to remove it after that episode) the pain was horrible and it lasted for several hours. Women that have had it compare it with having contractions. The most annoying pain I had to endure was when I got a free dentist appointment at the local university. I thought it would just be a bit longer time on the chair, but it ended up with the student doing a very thorough gum test between every tooth with some type of sharp pencil type of equipment. While I do appreciate them finding out a lot about my teeth, you would THINK they would have told me about that.
May 11, 2022
I found some clove oil worked best for me—quickly killed the searing sharp pain, reduced to a duller bad ache which was bearable. I have a high tolerance for pain tho, eg I can read all Zed's posts without flinching.
We do go off down some bizarre side routes on this thread don't we. Who has had the greatest pain:)

I only just discovered Oragel which is a useful backup, numbs like at dentist.

My mother used to swill whisky around her achey tooth, talking of home remedies(she never drank normally).
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I love wearing proper headphones when I play games, and especially when I listen to music; however, these annoying people who live with me are constantly running their mouths and then looking at me like I'm supposed to have heard what they were prattling on about, so most of the time I use earbuds, or just one earbud to be precise.

Through a series of unfortunate events mostly evolving from my own stupidity, I needed some new earbuds. Thinking it was too late for me to get any smarter, I decided to go cheap this time, and I purchased a pair of FiiO Jade Audio JH3 earbuds for $39.99 on Amazon. I figured at that price that I'd probably hate them and be justified in spending a lot more on earbuds I was less likely to despise (see "stupidity" above).

So my JH3s arrived today. I was actually pretty excited. What if they were really great for only $39.99? I was immediately skeptical when I realized they had been shipped in the Ark of the Covenant. I've never seen such packaging for earbuds before. Figuring the Ark must have cost them $35, I concluded that they hadn't spent more than $4.99 on the earbuds themselves.

I was wrong about how they would sound though. They actually sound amazing for earbuds at that price. They have 1 13mm bass dynamic driver and 2 BA drivers tuned for mids and highs.

To be sure, you can get better sounding earbuds, but I'm not sure you can get better at anywhere near that price. Plus, I used the Ark to melt my neighbor's yappy dog. All-in-all, I'm very pleased with the purchase.


Community Contributor
I haven't had headphones since my Sony Walkman. ;)
If pain can get worse than that then I hope I never find out about it.
On a scale of 1 to 10, just how bad was the pain? I hate that question. I've got no clue what a 10 is like, and I would rather not have a demonstration.
Yes I find gaming distracts from low level pain. I play something soothing or distracting, and when I finally stop, it's only then I realise my body is still in low pain.
And coughs! Having something else to think about instead of just thinking about how much you would like to cough right now helps a ton!


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