Bottleneck issue maybe?

Apr 25, 2023
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First pc specs
Ryzan 7 5700g with a g10dk motherboard
32 gig ram - running at 2133
Samsung 980 gen 3
Amd 6800xt
850 power supply

Cpu usage total 40% give or take, 70-80% on the cores being used
Gpu usage 80-90%

Modern warfare 2 is my main game at this point and I feel like I am getting worse framerates that I did when I has a 3060 in it. They look a lot better. But fps seems lower.

3060 graphic settings were 1080p minimum
6800xt current 2k ultra but have tried down to 1080p or 2k basic.

I am getting about (6800xt) 120fps (3060) 140fps or so on multi-player and about (6800xt)80-90fps (3060) about 100fps in the battle royal map no matter what my graphic settings are.

Everything I have read points to CPU bottleneck but I feel like it shouldn't be so I thought I would ask if this sounds right. Thanks for looking, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome :) Some more information would help people to see what going on here. Sounds like a CPU bottleneck but it could be a symptom of something else.

Can you list the exact make and model of your PSU as it could be important here. Also what kind of case and fan set up you have.

What are the temperatures of your CPU and GPU while gaming. You can use something like HWinfo to check peak temperatures, or Radeon Adrenaline OSD (Settings>Performance tab>Enable overlay).

Also need to check that you uninstalled Nvidia drivers using DDU in safe mode (link to instructions) and have all other drivers up to date, mainly your motherboard chipset drivers from the manufacturers website.
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Apr 25, 2023
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Thanks for the reply, I have a gigabyte 850 watt psu, the gp-ud850gm. Temps seem good with the gpu/cpu not getting past 70. I just recased it with a pretty old case with a top mount psu set to exhaust. It has a 120 in front of the gpu at the bottom and a smaller exhaust under the psu with full meshed front but truth be told I havent put the side panel on it from the recase. I updated everything I could find and I did use the guru3d utility to uninstall the old gpu drivers when I got the gpu not long ago. I could try it again if it would help. Let me know, thanks.
At this point I dont really know what could be the problem. Your PSU is a decent one that should have the capacity for your card, and your temps sound excellent. Did you use DDU in Windows safe mode? There are some parts of the driver that may not be removed if you didnt that could affect something.

Techspot shows that the 6800XT should be quite a lot faster than your old 3060, but they are using a different CPU.

In the adrenaline OSD you can check the GPU usage %, if its significantly under 100% then that would indicate a CPU limitation.

I do know that Warzone is quite sensitive to RAM speed, and you have the slowest RAM possible so that would be something to look at if COD is using a similar engine. But if it was better with the 3060 then I'm not sure what it could be.

Hopefully someone else has a better idea.
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Apr 25, 2023
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I did use safe mode. But I was wanting to up the speed of the memory but every time I do it boot loops for while and then reverts to stock. I used to run it at 3200 but it won't let me now. I was going to try 3000 to see if that would work but haven't yet. I was enabling docp and changing the memory speeds in the bios. No other changes. Maybe the memory speeds could be it. I just need to figure out the settings that work for changing those speeds. Thanks again and if anyone has any other ideas let me know and I will try.
Apr 25, 2023
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Yeah and I don't know that they are truly a matched set, but all 4 are at least the same form factor and speed. It kind of looks like they are from different production runs as the silk screen of the brand at the top is about 1/8 inch off from each others, everything else seems identical. I am going to.try a couple of memory things when I get back home.
Apr 25, 2023
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Well I didn't take out 2 sticks but I did up the memory speed . I had forgotten that 4 dimms is harder to run fast, thanks for that advise. I was able to run it a 3000 reliably and it does seem to have helped. It seems to be good for about 15-20 FPS. Looks like I am still CPU bottlenecked but not as bad as before. I will start saving my pennies for a processor, motherboard, memory upgrade. Thanks for your help!