Big Ambitions (Capitalism Simulation)


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I have learned a valuable lesson regarding company layoffs after criticizing many real world layoffs.

So I opened a law office in the best office building I could find and proceeded to gradually fill it out. The space could handle 50 customers per hour, and you needed 50 work stations in order to accommodate that many customers, so I eventually filled it out, all the while hiring and training attorneys and working on my marketing campaigns. Of course, I kept track of the daily profits, and at one point, I was bringing in around 15k profit a day. I thought, this is going to be pretty good when it's fully built out. But then the profits started dropping. I adjusted marketing efforts, etc. all the while hiring and training more lawyers. Finally I had what I had planned to have, but my profits were down to 4k a day. I tried various things, but eventually could only draw one conclusion: I had out shot the market. And so, making 4k profits a day, I laid off 1/4 of my lawyers, and immediately my daily profits rose to 10k. Now I need to lay off more to get back to that 15k I was making before.

Bottom line: I need to have a new perspective when real world companies start laying off employees even though they are turning a profit.


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So I have several games going at once, but my main game is so complex (my net worth is $38 million, and I have many businesses) that if I don't play it consistently that it becomes a nightmare to get back into, trying to figure out what in the world I was working on, what products need to be ordered, etc.

I think what I'm going to do is concentrate on a custom game that focuses on experimentation and then start a main campaign from scratch later this week after the big update on Wednesday that adds new businesses and other things.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
if I don't play it consistently that it becomes a nightmare to get back into, trying to figure out what in the world I was working on
Same happens me with Civ—if I have to leave a game for a couple of days I have no clue what plans I was working towards. I refuse to take notes as I go along, so it's almost always roll a new game—which isn't a bad thing, as the start is always my fav part anyway.


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I searched around YouTube this morning for a let's play on Big Ambitions because I hadn't gotten much sleep and wanted to veg-out for awhile and maybe even fall back to sleep in my chair.

So I found someone I really liked, a calm and peaceful man, who was playing the game on Hard. In fact, nearly every let's play I saw advertised that they were playing on Hard. Anyway, I watched him play, and even though I liked his personality, he wasn't very good at the game. He needed to be on Easy, quite frankly.

This inspired me to start a new story campaign on Hard. The original one I'd played was on Easy. Turns out, Hard when you know what you are doing is much easier than Easy when you are first learning the game.

I played until I was making serious money and then quit. I think what I'm going to do next is try to play a game where I can only sell food, which would give me grocery stores, fast food restaurants and coffee shops to work with. From my experience, these are the most difficult industries to succeed in (in the game). Maybe that will hold me over until the new update.
Same happens me with Civ—if I have to leave a game for a couple of days I have no clue what plans I was working towards. I refuse to take notes as I go along, so it's almost always roll a new game—which isn't a bad thing, as the start is always my fav part anyway.
Every now and then, I'll have a flash of that in a Total War campaign, but the strategy layer in Total War is a lot simpler than it is in Civ, so I can usually get back into it. The only Total War I've played lately where that doesn't apply is Troy, which is a little more involved on the strategy side.


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Despite being difficult to decipher, I went back to my original game because there were two more things I really wanted to accomplish before the update: earning over $1 million in a day and having a net worth of over $50 million. Got that taken care of and was surprised there were not achievements for them since the game specifically told you to accomplish them. Then, just to top it off, I went ahead and bought Real Estate, and I think that's as far as the game goes.

So then I went back to my Hard game and have been goofing off with that today. Got my buyers and warehouse up and running and am opening up a new store.
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Every now and then, I'll have a flash of that in a Total War campaign, but the strategy layer in Total War is a lot simpler than it is in Civ, so I can usually get back into it. The only Total War I've played lately where that doesn't apply is Troy, which is a little more involved on the strategy side.

I've been considering trying out Troy since I got it free on Epic a while ago. It's good to know that I'll have to be a bit careful about starting it when I actually have time to play, as I get overwhelmed trying to get back into games occasionally as well, especially when it's been several days since I last played.

I haven't had it happen in Total War: Warhammer, but it does happen every time with Civ and Dwarf Fortress.


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Started yet another campaign. I was running late to the drive in wholesale joint. Parked inside and got my stuff. After putting the last of it in the trunk, I accidentally clicked in a way that took me outside, and those ungrateful jerks locked me outside--with my car still inside.

All I could do was laugh and start the run home.

I've been considering trying out Troy since I got it free on Epic a while ago. It's good to know that I'll have to be a bit careful about starting it when I actually have time to play, as I get overwhelmed trying to get back into games occasionally as well, especially when it's been several days since I last played.

I haven't had it happen in Total War: Warhammer, but it does happen every time with Civ and Dwarf Fortress.
Troy won't be nearly as tough to restart as Civ or Dwarf Fortress, but harder than Total Warhammer. There are a bunch of resources you have to track, and you always need more of at least one of them. Basically, you need to know where you stand with each and what your next planned acquisitions are.

It's probably my favorite Total War. If you decide the game is too slow and easy, you can download the very simple mods I made. Fair warning, though. the enemy willl come by ship, and you won't stop them all. best thing to do after fighting them off is to immediately launch your own attack because it will only be a few turns before they are back in full force If you don't go on the offensive, you'll soon get frustrated