Baldur's Gate III

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Jun 26, 2020
I've decided to wait until the final release. Maybe I'll buy the game right before it comes out of Early Access. I don't like to play a game which I can't finish. :) Only the first act will be available in the EA.

I hear ya, I generally feel the same way. I just feel so invested in this one that I want to be a part of Early Access and be able to give them feedback where I can.

I'm also just way too damn excited for this game to be able to hold off on it, too, but yeah.
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Jul 13, 2020
I'm actually glad they're going Early Access since I'm purist and imho story of Baldurs Gate ended with Throne of Bhaal.
But this gives me a chance to follow where the game is going and is it only Baldurs Gate for nostalgia reasons.
I do like and trust Larian to be faithful with the licence.


Community Contributor
Very good news for all original BG series fans! BG3 will include a world map! A screen that presents the EA world map has leaked today. Take a look. :) It's a very atmospheric piece of art!

Jun 26, 2020
That's very cool. The language they used in the AMA left me under the impression the acts would function like D:OS, where you can't backtrack to previous act locations. This looks more in line with the original BG games. UGH the excitement is too strong. And I have to wait until Wednesday to play it :(
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That's very cool. The language they used in the AMA left me under the impression the acts would function like D:OS, where you can't backtrack to previous act locations. This looks more in line with the original BG games. UGH the excitement is too strong. And I have to wait until Wednesday to play it :(

I'm waiting for final release. It'll be a better game after all the improvements that Larian will make until they release the 1.0 version next year or so. And of course I won't have to wait for next chapters. Nevertheless I'll probably watch some streams from the game because I'm curious how it looks at this stage of development. :)


Community Contributor
So did someone play the game already? What are your feelings? I watched some streams from it (CohhCarnage and a few local streamers) and I have a feeling that it's a great RPG, but not necessarily a great Baldur's Gate game. The setting is the same, D&D implementation seems very good (I'm not familiar with the 5th edition though), but it lacks BG atmosphere. The closest thing to BG, when it comes to this factor is IMHO Neverwinter Nights 2. I don't know where the problem lies precisely. Maybe it's due to graphics and that specific Divinity feeling that the BG3 resembles. Anyway I'm sure that I'll spend dozens of hours in this game, when it's finally released!
Jun 26, 2020
I'm loving it so far. I can say with certainty that this most definitely doesn't feel like Divinity 3. I am seeing some definite hints towards the Baldurs Gate connection, although right now the story just doesn't get deep enough to say for sure. I get why they don't want to let the cat out of the bag if I'm reading those hints right. I think my biggest complaint right now is that it feels like a very watered down DnD system, but I figure that's a combination of 5e and the game being largely incomplete. But the story so far definitely feels like a DnD campaign. I'm loving the combat, the cinematics and dialogue (although I hope they don't go this route with their next Divinity game, I do appreciate the minimalist style of dialogue that Divinity has). So far it's exceeding my expectations for most things, I think classes will shape up a lot better as well as the things that currently fall short of DnD mechanics but I suppose we shall see.
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Jul 13, 2020
I like how the game looks but I just need something in order to feel like a Baldur's Gate sequel.
Gimme Minsc and Boo, gimme a Bhallspawn easter egg, gimme Jaheira, Viconia or Keldorn.

Anything so I can know this is somewhat connected to the games I love.
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Jun 26, 2020
Larian is doing a Panel from Hell 2 tomorrow, where they plan to discuss some things including the upcoming Patch 4. There are some secrets they plan to reveal regarding what to expect with the patch, but they'll also be talking about new spells, new tieflings, and some other stuff.

Based on the graphic below, my guess is they're bringing us the druid class.

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Jun 26, 2020
If anyone is interested in some quick notes about the live stream, we've got a thread up on the r/BaldursGate3 forum with some information about what was shown and discussed.

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So this game will have at least one Towers of Hanoi puzzle somewhere, right? Bioware stuck it in just about every series they made. They put a gravestone in for it somewhere in Dragon Age: Origins (I think) but put the puzzle into Dragon Age: Inquisition's Descent DLC.
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Jul 18, 2022
Can someone clear things up for me here? I'm sure I've seen BG3 on STEAM for a fixed price already, then I've seen that the game isn't released yet? So if you're buying it on STEAM are you getting a BETA version of the game or is that for a Pre-Order? Because it looked like it was released already?

In the mean time, I did purchase BG2 while it was on sale over the weekend, so that I can see how I get on with that before getting elbow deep in BG3.
Does that mean your progression would be wiped upon the release of the "Complete" game?
I own it* and here's a post that may be helpful from Steam (patch 8 recently dropped):

3. How to Continue Your Patch 7 Save: If you want to continue your progress from Patch 7, then take the following steps. Save files are not ‘deleted’ from your computer; they’ll remain in your folder, but you’ll only be able to load saves specific to their respective versions.

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the BETAS tab
  • In the list under "Select the beta you would like to opt in to", select Patch 7
  • Close the properties menu
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Jul 18, 2022
I own it* and here's a post that may be helpful from Steam (patch 8 recently dropped):

3. How to Continue Your Patch 7 Save: If you want to continue your progress from Patch 7, then take the following steps. Save files are not ‘deleted’ from your computer; they’ll remain in your folder, but you’ll only be able to load saves specific to their respective versions.

  • Right click on the game in your Steam library
  • Select properties
  • Click the BETAS tab
  • In the list under "Select the beta you would like to opt in to", select Patch 7
  • Close the properties menu

That's a bit more clearer on how it works. I wasn't entirely sure if you got to the complete release and you'd lose absolutely everything.
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Community Contributor
It's pretty common to lose everything.

What @Ryzengang is showing is how to not update to patch 8 because, if you did that, you would lose everything. When the full game comes out, I don't think you'll want to stick with whatever the last beta test version was because that will only cover the first portion of the game. When you got to the end of the beta test version, you would have to restart (probably) to get any further in the story!

You've got a LONG wait, though. But then, you've gotten BG2, and it's a long game.
Jul 18, 2022
It's pretty common to lose everything.

What @Ryzengang is showing is how to not update to patch 8 because, if you did that, you would lose everything. When the full game comes out, I don't think you'll want to stick with whatever the last beta test version was because that will only cover the first portion of the game. When you got to the end of the beta test version, you would have to restart (probably) to get any further in the story!

You've got a LONG wait, though. But then, you've gotten BG2, and it's a long game.

I'm happy to wait for it, I've got plenty to play as it is and want to get into BGII.
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