Baldur's Gate III

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Ok, so we learned today that Larian will show us the first gameplay from Baldur's Gate III on 27th february.


As somebody who "grew up" playing Baldur's Gate, I am both excited and a bit worried at the same time. On one hand I would love another great cRPG. On the other, the saga was finished and at this point in time, skeptics can ask why even use the name of the series instead of going for new IP if not to get easy marketing.

What's your opinion so far? And of course when the gameplay releases let's discuss it as well!


Community Contributor
Larian is one of three studios capable of providing a good BG3 game. I'm excited about the project! The saga was indeed finished, but the game will take place in Baldur's Gate city, so
the name is somewhat justified. We have to wait for gameplay release to say something more.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Normally I would have been very skeptical if this was a company that had little experience with RPG games. Such is not the case with Larian Studios, who have been working with RPG games since the '90s and delivered some very influential games over the last two decades. They will use their own ruleset, something similar to what we have seen in Divinity: Original Sin, which I think is very smart for catering to the newer audience who are not accustomed to the VERY old ruleset from BG.


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They will use their own ruleset, something similar to what we have seen in Divinity: Original Sin, which I think is very smart for catering to the newer audience who are not accustomed to the VERY old ruleset from BG.

Is this official? I thought that BG3 will use the newest edition of D&D. This game is officially licensed by Wizards of the Coast.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Sarafan You are 100% correct. I should have given more clarity as to that they will use a streamlined version of the latest D&D edition, but based on the simplicity of their own ruleset from Divinity: Original Sin, not purely based on that.
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I was actually hoping for more continuation of their Divinity series with a Divinity 2 follow-up. The game was more action'y and was pretty fun, IMHO. (Plus it had more Bellegar.)

Then I saw the spaceship right at the end of the teaser video. OMG! Are they doing some Spelljammer in this game!? That one little flash cranked my hype level way up!
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Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
Really stoked for this. Larian have made some of my favourite experiences in the past few years and I'm on a massive DnD kick at the minute.

Mad Mage had a Spelljammer level and that was, if I remember rightly fairly heavy with Illithids. I couldn't see a ship in the teaser, got a timestamp?
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Looks like the game will be released in Steam Early Access. I had hopes that maybe we'll see a finished game this year, but it's good that Larian wants to ask the community what they think about the game before it's released. I'll probably wait for the final release however. Don't want to spoil the story to myself by playing an unfinished game.
Jan 19, 2020
I like Divine Divinity and Divinity: OS and Larian storytelling. I'll be looking for a good game like Pathfinder: Kingmaker and not just a Baldur's Gate clone. I'll be perfectly happy if they tell BG3 their way and make sure the combat feels organic (like PF:KM) as long as the overall experience delivers.
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Jan 13, 2020
I'm actually not excited about a major RPG coming to Early Access, but only because I know my infernal, desperate greed will make me play it day one, in its unfinished state. Then who will I have to blame for its various bugs?! ;P
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I'm actually not excited about a major RPG coming to Early Access, but only because I know my infernal, desperate greed will make me play it day one, in its unfinished state. Then who will I have to blame for its various bugs?! ;P

The biggest problem is that you probably won't be able to finish the game in Early Access. :p This means months of waiting for the end of storyline. That's the main reason why I'll probably wait for the final release.
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Well, I got both Divinity Original Sin games early on and both games got expanded versions after I finished them. This time, I'm waiting for it to be completely completed.

Or at least that's the plan.
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After seeing the leaked screenshots we can say that the game resembles Divinity: Original Sin 2 a bit: That's my biggest fear regarding BG3. That it'll remind D:OS2 too heavily. We'll see how the gameplay looks like, but I can say at this moment that I don't like the dialogue formula. I also hope that the game will feature real-time combat and that it'll be possible to switch between two modes on the fly.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
'Your party has been defeated' At least Sven managed to throw that boot :D (for the people watching the Worldwide Reveal)

Update 1: Been watching since the gameplay started and unfortunately as of now I have a hard time feeling much Baldur's Gate from this. It feels much more like Divinity: Original Sin 2.5. I hope this feeling might change after some more gameplay & Q/A...
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Uh oh, not real-time with pause.
I am a little disappoint with this fact.

Game looks great but it really looks like Divinity OS 3 with a different skin. I'm sure most people are fine with that though.

'Your party has been defeated' At least Sven managed to throw that boot (for the people watching the Worldwide Reveal)

Update 1: Been watching since the gameplay started and unfortunately as of now I have a hard time feeling much Baldur's Gate from this. It feels much more like Divinity: Original Sin 2.5. I hope this feeling might change after some more gameplay & Q/A...

Your update came while I was writing this. My thoughts exactly.
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Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
It felt a lot more OS Fifth Ed than Baldurs Gate. BG for me is all about the atmosphere and I didn't feel much of that from the demo.

It still looked real fun though, Larian has a lot of good will from me for creating the most solid co-op experience I've ever had. I'd rather not have the cutscenes for dialogue - it doesn't seem to mesh that well.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
45min Q&A - kind of knew that would not happen though. Hmmm, I want to say I am super hyped, but I am quite confused as to what direction this game will take. I feel there is some kind of metamorphosis going on, but I just hope it does not stay in the larva form - even the mind flayers would agree on that.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
This seriously looks like Divinity: Original Sin - D&D Edition. I get it, Larian is sticking to what they know and what works for them. But it's really hard to not feel like it's a "cheap D:OS reskin". I am not saying that the game may be good - but it doesn't have any Baldur's Gate feel or vibe to it.

Most people - if the game's name was covered - would probably assume it's another Divinity game.

Also the first question from the audience got me. Somebody was really excited, but never player Baldur's Gate and now he wants after seeing the gameplay. Oh boy is he for some surprise....


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