Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough Discussion

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Just reached level 12 with my party and it looks like I'm still miles away from the ending. I'm not a fan of such situations. I prefer reaching the level cap near the end of the game, but I understand it might be hard to balance it this way. Not everyone does so many side quests after all. Anyway, this reduces the fun for me because it removes one of the most important reasons to do side quests. There's still loot and story, but leveling also plays a very meaningful role in all of this. So too early, too early...
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Music isn't my cup of tea but its well put together :)

I'm still in Baldurs Gate, been doing some minor respecs to see whats up, was using all default classes before. I'm using mostly Karlach(me) Astarion, ShadowHeart and Gale.

Spent a bit of time with Jaheira as we were around Baldurs Gate for story reasons, but Shadowheart just has better spells for my style. Had Jaheira as a Fighter/Druid and shes fine but splitting taht way just seems to mean shes mediocre at both casting or fighting

Everyones at level 11 and theres still a lot of fog of war to uncover.
150 hours and I saw credits, wasnt disappointed. The final sequence is incredible but pacing in the final parts of the city leading up to it felt off. Probably partly because like most others I hit level 12 long before the end and a lot of the fights werent balanced for that. Might be different on Tactician, but difficulty was exactly what I wanted until then, and after in the final battle. Fighting two of the big bad guys shouldnt be so easy, especially when there are tougher fights related to side quests for companions you can do not long before.

There must be a lot of different endings going by the conversation choices given at the end. Then you can play as Tav or any of the other main companions which is going to affect stuff.

Probably leaving it a while to start another solo run. Theres a lot I hope theyll patch with the inventory and some glitching I got here and there. AI in the biggest fights gets confused sometimes, and it seems to sit and think for too long quite often when theres aggro on multiple levels.

Objectively best isometric CRPG experience to date. But I dont think it will be as influential as BG1 and 2 as it isnt as unique as they were at the time.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
150 hours and I saw credits, wasnt disappointed. The final sequence is incredible but pacing in the final parts of the city leading up to it felt off. Probably partly because like most others I hit level 12 long before the end and a lot of the fights werent balanced for that. Might be different on Tactician, but difficulty was exactly what I wanted until then, and after in the final battle. Fighting two of the big bad guys shouldnt be so easy, especially when there are tougher fights related to side quests for companions you can do not long before.
Just got into the city. So far I like it, the underground area has been interesting with some secrets I am looking forward to solving. The boss fights overall have been either way too easy or bullet sponges. The more interesting fights for me have been the ones with more boss mechanics and unfortunately, those have been more related to the side quests like the one with Auntie Ethel
There must be a lot of different endings going by the conversation choices given at the end. Then you can play as Tav or any of the other main companions which is going to affect stuff.
BG3 has about 17K endings, it's pretty crazy.
Probably leaving it a while to start another solo run. Theres a lot I hope theyll patch with the inventory and some glitching I got here and there.
You would think they learned something from the DOS series but unfortunately not a lot. In Divinity: Original Sin 2 they did introduce the bag system for different item categories, but I never did like it because it makes trading with vendors or your friends more annoying, not to mention you can't see what your friends have in their bags! I wouldn't be looking for much in them patching the inventory, it is, unfortunately, one of the places where Larian has never been good.
AI in the biggest fights gets confused sometimes, and it seems to sit and think for too long quite often when theres aggro on multiple levels.
The Spirit Guardian spell for the Cleric is annoying aggro-wise. Whenever it does not have anyone in the aggro range, it will just stand there for a long time before you get the next turn. Overall, fights could definitely been a bit speedier. Still saving that Runepowder Bomb for something cool, but I guess that would be one way to fasten a fight avoiding unnecessary waiting time:LOL:
Objectively best isometric CRPG experience to date. But I dont think it will be as influential as BG1 and 2 as it isnt as unique as they were at the time.
The bear and the druid making that sweet, sweet-loving probably had more media coverage than any other roleplaying game will have for a long, long time:grimacing: I do think the game will be quite influential when it comes to setting a high standard of not only roleplaying games but games overall when it comes to quality. Larian Studios has shown what is possible when it comes to insanely good storytelling with dialogue actions that put a lot of other games to absolute shame.

There is a reason other AAA studios have been rattling their swords because they know that this high standard means a lot of them actually might have to start using their brain for something else than a lazy story with tremendously boring game mechanics. Larian Studios shows what can be done with some PASSION for what you are doing and without having shareholders breathing down your neck.
Just got into the city. So far I like it, the underground area has been interesting with some secrets I am looking forward to solving. The boss fights overall have been either way too easy or bullet sponges. The more interesting fights for me have been the ones with more boss mechanics and unfortunately, those have been more related to the side quests like the one with Auntie Ethel

BG3 has about 17K endings, it's pretty crazy.

You would think they learned something from the DOS series but unfortunately not a lot. In Divinity: Original Sin 2 they did introduce the bag system for different item categories, but I never did like it because it makes trading with vendors or your friends more annoying, not to mention you can't see what your friends have in their bags! I wouldn't be looking for much in them patching the inventory, it is, unfortunately, one of the places where Larian has never been good.

The Spirit Guardian spell for the Cleric is annoying aggro-wise. Whenever it does not have anyone in the aggro range, it will just stand there for a long time before you get the next turn. Overall, fights could definitely been a bit speedier. Still saving that Runepowder Bomb for something cool, but I guess that would be one way to fasten a fight avoiding unnecessary waiting time:LOL:

The bear and the druid making that sweet, sweet-loving probably had more media coverage than any other roleplaying game will have for a long, long time:grimacing: I do think the game will be quite influential when it comes to setting a high standard of not only roleplaying games but games overall when it comes to quality. Larian Studios has shown what is possible when it comes to insanely good storytelling with dialogue actions that put a lot of other games to absolute shame.

There is a reason other AAA studios have been rattling their swords because they know that this high standard means a lot of them actually might have to start using their brain for something else than a lazy story with tremendously boring game mechanics. Larian Studios shows what can be done with some PASSION for what you are doing and without having shareholders breathing down your neck.

I am curious what the effect of Baldur's Gate 3's success will be on future RPGs. It was a massive success, so I would expect other games to at least try to emulate it in some way, but I also suspect most companies aren't willing to put in the effort to get to the same level of quality.
I guess theres different types of influence. I dont think any of the mechanics are particularly revolutionary, but culturally theres a lot of people coming into the game having not played any other CRPGs or D&D stuff.

I think what it does fresh is carry over some of the isometric immersive sim-ish approach to encounters that was kind of in Divinity OS 1 and 2 and marry it well to the choices matter stuff with the story more than anything before. The companions are also great. but I think what helps take them to another level over Bioware stuff is the quality of the voice acting and facial animations, makes them seem like real people.

The boning is off the charts. I ended up with Laezel by accident really, I wanted to get with several of them because I figured the game was pretty liberal. Turns out its mostly monogamous, although I did grab a threesome with Astarion and a couple of Drow which didnt seem to phase her. Even the Mindflayers are trying it on, I draw the line at face tentacles though.

I had several times NPC's kind of run from one place to another and not then do anything else, and it would often freeze for a few seconds in fights over a large area on mulitple levels. Nothing major just wasnt perfect.
Nov 5, 2023
I have the game, but there's a lot of other games which I started and didn't finish lately, so I'll wait until I finish at least some of them. :) No point in starting BG3 while I'm distracted by other titles. I don't feel I can fully dedicate to BG3 at the moment and the game requires this for sure
I guess theres different types of influence. I dont think any of the mechanics are particularly revolutionary, but culturally theres a lot of people coming into the game having not played any other CRPGs or D&D stuff.

I think what it does fresh is carry over some of the isometric immersive sim-ish approach to encounters that was kind of in Divinity OS 1 and 2 and marry it well to the choices matter stuff with the story more than anything before. The companions are also great. but I think what helps take them to another level over Bioware stuff is the quality of the voice acting and facial animations, makes them seem like real people.

The boning is off the charts. I ended up with Laezel by accident really, I wanted to get with several of them because I figured the game was pretty liberal. Turns out its mostly monogamous, although I did grab a threesome with Astarion and a couple of Drow which didnt seem to phase her. Even the Mindflayers are trying it on, I draw the line at face tentacles though.

I had several times NPC's kind of run from one place to another and not then do anything else, and it would often freeze for a few seconds in fights over a large area on mulitple levels. Nothing major just wasnt perfect.

I do hope the main takeaway won't be that including sex with animals in your game will generate a lot of free media attention...


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Dark Urge going with the urge or Dark Urge resisting it ?
Hmmmm, now that is the million-dollar question. I'm not sure if I have it in me to just go super dark, because I'd probably feel a bit bad about it. I have even done a couple of bad moves while trying my best to play morally good that I kind of regret, but not really, but maybe (dammit, Little Britain Vicky Pollard!). I guess it all comes down to how much I want to invest myself into that character or if I just want to go with the blinds shut completely. Even then, aaaaaah, I dunno man :sweatsmile:
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Community Contributor
Finally nearing the end of the game. Probably a fight or two left.

I’m quite disappointed by the size of Baldur’s Gate city. I expected three major areas like the developers announced some time before the release. There should be at least Upper City. Given the level cap that could be a bad idea though, so I somewhat understand the decision to cut other areas.

My character had to shift into Mindflyer unfortunately. I resisted the temptation to reload and change the decision. :p We’ll see how the ending will look like. I bet that not many people decided to accept such an outcome.

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