Just got into the city. So far I like it, the underground area has been interesting with some secrets I am looking forward to solving. The boss fights overall have been either way too easy or bullet sponges. The more interesting fights for me have been the ones with more boss mechanics and unfortunately, those have been more related to the side quests like the one with
Auntie Ethel
BG3 has about 17K endings, it's pretty crazy.
You would think they learned something from the DOS series but unfortunately not a lot. In Divinity: Original Sin 2 they did introduce the bag system for different item categories, but I never did like it because it makes trading with vendors or your friends more annoying, not to mention you can't see what your friends have in their bags! I wouldn't be looking for much in them patching the inventory, it is, unfortunately, one of the places where Larian has never been good.
The Spirit Guardian spell for the Cleric is annoying aggro-wise. Whenever it does not have anyone in the aggro range, it will just stand there for a long time before you get the next turn. Overall, fights could definitely been a bit speedier. Still saving that
Runepowder Bomb for something cool, but I guess that would be one way to fasten a fight avoiding unnecessary waiting time
The bear and the druid making that sweet, sweet-loving probably had more media coverage than any other roleplaying game will have for a long, long time

I do think the game will be quite influential when it comes to setting a high standard of not only roleplaying games but games overall when it comes to quality. Larian Studios has shown what is possible when it comes to insanely good storytelling with dialogue actions that put a lot of other games to absolute shame.
There is a reason other AAA studios have been rattling their swords because they know that this high standard means a lot of them actually might have to start using their brain for something else than a lazy story with tremendously boring game mechanics. Larian Studios shows what can be done with some PASSION for what you are doing and without having shareholders breathing down your neck.