Every now and then, starting a couple of days ago, I find that my computer, after sitting idle, will start to refresh the desktop and the task bar every few seconds, which makes it impossible to use.
I've looked up fixes online, but they haven't been helpful yet. One thing I haven't done is to open the Task Manager and start closing processes one at a time to see if I can figure out what is causing the problem (It's only happened twice, and I got frustrated and rebooted). But before I do that, I was just curious if anyone else had run across this and knows how to fix it. I guess I may have to eventually do a restore if I can't figure it out.
I've looked up fixes online, but they haven't been helpful yet. One thing I haven't done is to open the Task Manager and start closing processes one at a time to see if I can figure out what is causing the problem (It's only happened twice, and I got frustrated and rebooted). But before I do that, I was just curious if anyone else had run across this and knows how to fix it. I guess I may have to eventually do a restore if I can't figure it out.