Question Anyone else playing Diablo Immortal?

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Couple of guys I work with started playing, both on PC and mobile, I don't game on my phone so I started on my PC. While I really enjoyed all previous Diablo releases, I am not too enamored with Immortal. Gameplay and graphics quality are "meh".

Fun for a free game, but is getting repetitive fast. What are your thoughts?
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Played only a few dozens of minutes on my phone. My first impression was that the game is better than Diablo 3. It's really nice, but I haven't felt the pain of microtransactions yet and I heard that they're quite... extensive. :p I'll write something more when I have an occasion to play longer.
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I started playing as well on my phone mainly because it was out on that a day before the PC release. The PC release is literally a big screen mobile version of the game. The UI is weird looking and there is no resolution setting but it runs buttery smooth at whatever uncapped framerate i was getting.

The mobile version runs pretty good, i dont mind playing diablo on my phone, the controls feel good, the sound and lore are nice.

the game is HIGHLY P2W. Its rumored to cost roughly 110,000 to max your character but the little amount that im probably going to play, that doesnt really bother me.
Free lol.

this is "Cash in on Diablo name" time.
  • You can't get the best anything without spending real money.
  • 300k to 500k USD to get max lvl gear, this includes max lvl gems in all your gear slots.
  • A single match lasts 4minutes and can cost $375 to play if you invest enough crests in the instance. Gambling makes more sense that this abomination
  • login bonuses/boosters can be bought that you only keep if you continue to login every day and lose benefits off if you miss just 1 day
  • reward for killing main boss 1st time is a welcome pack of premium currency that isn't enough to buy anything
  • free players will on average find 3 gems a month, you need hundreds to upgrade one.
  • you can pay to increase inventory space but any extra bought ends at the end of a season, I don't know how long a season lasts. Seems you don't buy anything in this game, you just rent it.
  • Every reward screen takes you to the store
  • Game eases you into the micro transaction system, so its not obvious up front its a trap... (if you playing a mobile game, and don't think its a trap, you their perfect customer)
NO one profits out of this game except Blizzard. Revenge for 20 years of lost "sales" from letting people sell Diablo 2 items between friends?

If it were a normal Diablo game I would be buying it now. Not this time lol
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I'm actually playing it on mobile and just enjoying it for what it is more than anything else. I don't want to invest in it either, happily plodding along in RAID! as a free 2 play account as well.

Is there a PC Gamer clan on there by any chance?


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I wouldn't touch that game or ANY other games Activision Blizzard has its greedy & filthy hands on. I used to play Warzone from time to time, but after their last disgusting release, Diablo Immoral, I'm not giving them any more time, except for making this post to show my absolute distaste for the shitty company. They don't care ONE BIT about the consumers and their latest cash-grabbing stunt just exemplify why the company should slowly burn an agonizing death, experiencing what they fear the most of all in their shitty little world: Losing money!
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i doubt they really made it and didn't just get a Korean mmorpg company to make it as they are masters of this sort of thing. Mind you, its only got 2 layers of premium currency which is no where near complicated enough for this sort of game, need so many currencies the user has no idea how much they really spending. Guess that will come in an expansion.

they took the ideas from the worst mmo's out there although if the game actually has some game play and can't play itself, its better than some mobile games that get pushed

Blizz said to EA, hold my beer.

Gambling is actually better than these games as at least you have a small chance of winning. I feel this is targeted way too much at kids. I guess if it costs $USD 500k to get best gear they have to start young?

Amazed it doesn't have any NFT in it.

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Yeah, its what ruined a bunch of AAA companies as they saw how much money you can make on mobile games and wanted to turn every game into that. Loot boxes are just one part of the puzzle. Future looks interesting in uncertain ways.

if people accepted all the stuff in that Diablo game, you could bet next year all games would be like that. I already pass on enough games, it would just make the decision easier. The system in Diablo Immortal is set up not as pay to play, its pay to progress. You can play free all you like but you won't get anywhere.

i don't go to work just to earn money to play some online game and buy pixels that may not exist in a few years. I may have bought some dlc in my time but it wasn't a constant thing.

Really, if this is future of gaming I am glad there are so many old games they don't own and can't remake into pay to play games.
Diablo immoral amirite?

I personally have no stake as i have absolutely no intention to play a mobile f2p game from actiivision no less. They could have made a compelling decent mobile experience but (from all i heard) like all F2P mobile games its a cess pit of MTX all designed to bleed the consumer dry of money and the people with more money then sense are the most impacted. maybe not at the start but in end game when things get good, it might.

Whilst you could put some of the blame on the consumers, a lot more of the blame can be pointed at the shysters at blizzard. Fill their game with psychological strategies to manipulate those vulnerable to them (gambling mechanics, rewards that are tantilizingly close, make them invest more time so its habit forming etc) and just rake in the money. Most people won't be stupid enough to spend thousands but many will dip their toes and get some money. It only needs 10 of them to make 1million...

The fact it even exists suggest there are people stupid enough to invest that amount on a single game. Or Activison\blizzard are stupid enough to believe it will happen... its frankly disgusting and whilst some people blame could be put to the consumers, i think its unfair to completely blame the consumer/victims when its the devs exploiting human weaknesses to perform it. It wasn't the first time in history and it certainly won't be the last time we'll see it happen.

It probably will be a massive hit, raking in cash and that saddens me greatly.
Why sell a game for $60 a pop when you can get a big handful of boneheads that will pay $110,000 for the game? :LOL:

My wife works with a guy who has a significant monthly budget for some game that he plays. Personally, I don't get that at all.

Your wife needs to find out what game this is, I'm absolutely baffled by this man.

On a slightly different but related topic, wasn't there talks mostly within Europe about banning loot boxes and the pay to win features given their addiction and gambling aspects/appeal. I don't know what the situation is, but this really needs to be implemented, it's not about killing games it's about destroying real life's now.

I also read a small article about Blizzard hiring psychologists to make World of Warcraft appealing and addictive when it released in its earlier days. I am sure within marketing there is many examples of these tactics being used to make whoever's product more appealing but surely a line has to be drawn. When a company of that size loses some of its customers, it's obviously not great for them but the sad reality is that it's probably a drop in the ocean to the ones who stay and pay for whatever they can?
On a slightly different but related topic, wasn't there talks mostly within Europe about banning loot boxes and the pay to win features given their addiction and gambling aspects/appeal. I don't know what the situation is, but this really needs to be implemented, it's not about killing games it's about destroying real life's now.
If I remember correctly, it had to do with minors being able to gamble through loot boxes.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
a guy who has a significant monthly budget for some game that he plays. Personally, I don't get that at all
Addictions aside, people will put significant resources into things they're passionate about. Sports supporters are a good example, costs a lot of cash & time to attend, especially away games.

I am sure within marketing there is many examples of these tactics being used to make whoever's product more appealing
It's not 'many examples', it's been SOP for a long while—eg notice why so many ads tell you very little about the actual product contents and functions.

The real damage with this could happen if they ever link purchases to phone bill—the not stupid but just unaware could easily spend hundreds before they know it.
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Addictions aside, people will put significant resources into things they're passionate about. Sports supporters are a good example, costs a lot of cash & time to attend, especially away games.

It's not 'many examples', it's been SOP for a long while—eg notice why so many ads tell you very little about the actual product contents and functions.

The real damage with this could happen if they ever link purchases to phone bill—the not stupid but just unaware could easily spend hundreds before they know it.

When I first purchased an iPhone, it linked Marketplace purchases to my bill. I could change it but it's still already there as an option, terrifying possibilities really. Same with Klarna being slapped on everything.
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To raise your gems from rank 4 to 5 will cost on average 40 to 50 thousand dollars
And all that increase gives you in return is 1% less incoming damage
it costs 100k to max out a character

I assume only reason anyone would want max lvl is gear is if there is PVP.

As having everything you want in a game might sound like a dream, but why keep playing after if you have it all? I have had the best gear in an MMO and I realised there was no reason to keep playing that character, it couldn't get any better.

If its to parade around in your shiny gear, I don't really have any words for you.

Hope it gets hacked as this isn't even a game any more. As stated in this video, its to sneak this sort of monetisation into all games and to educate a new generation of gamers that this is how its always been. If they don't know any better, no one will complain.

and more ways to pay open up as you go along
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
The good thing about this major scummy business model that Shittyvision Blizzard has pulled is that everyone here on the forums and elsewhere can tell their children and anyone else for the sake of just how abusive a company can get towards its active and future customers. Oh, let us not forget that this is the same company (not the only one either, shocker!) that also has avoided paying billions in taxes because of loopholes, you know, money that should have gone elsewhere like for example helping people with gambling addictions.
The good thing about this major scummy business model that Shittyvision Blizzard has pulled is that everyone here on the forums and elsewhere can tell their children and anyone else for the sake of just how abusive a company can get towards its active and future customers. Oh, let us not forget that this is the same company (not the only one either, shocker!) that also has avoided paying billions in taxes because of loopholes, you know, money that should have gone elsewhere like for example helping people with gambling addictions.

... and lets not forget the sexual harassment and abuse to its own staff and kowtowing to china when their motto was think globally and every voice matters. Oh and giving a half arsed apology that wasn't an actual apology.

but back to the topic at hand the scare thing is that its $110k CURRENTLY. knowing these F2P they'll shoe horn more events, more cosmetics, more different crafting currency, feature creeping it to keep people reeled in and constantly trying to fish for money. Who knows how much it really will be? if i had 110k i certainly would not spend it on one game. for some people 110k is life changing money.

Some interesting points by josh strife hays:

Hopefully when Microsoft actually becomes fully in control of Blizzard, they will knock this nonsense off and not let the game continue the way it is.

Honestly if people had high hopes for this game to not be the way it is now in some aspect, its just naivety on their part. Blizzard hasnt been about the customers who buy their games for a long time now.
What was the last new games they made that isn't part of a franchise? Or a remake.

According the Bellular this was finished 2 years ago but they just sat on it hoping the backlash from the announcement would go away. Possible they made the PC version in that time as people had complained it wasn't. We may have been better off if they hadn't.

You can pay to upgrade the free legendary gem you get at start, but each lvl of upgrade costs more to point its 160 total to upgrade to lvl 4. No cheap way to lvl 5. And the upgrade path only opens once you lvl 37. As I said, they offer more new ways to pay as you level up.

Microsoft probably offer it free with every copy of windows lol. On the store.
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