Recent content by LiamBeran

  1. L

    Favorite Childhood Game?

    Favorite Childhood Game?
  2. L

    Question Parents ever understand your gaming interest?

    Has your parents ever been mocking you for playing games?
  3. L

    What are you playing this weekend? (Sept 18/19)

    Probably some chill board games or something to train my brain haha.
  4. L

    Books about Gaming—broad strokes…

    Thanks for the list!
  5. L

    What game are you most addicted too?

    What game are you most addicted too?
  6. L

    help me find a game which i'm not even sure exists

    Yeah maby Bubble Witch?
  7. L

    How much storage do you have on your PC?

    Not very mutch space haha
  8. L

    Looking for new games

    Bring it!
  9. L

    Share a game that makes you smile!

    Got to try that one out for sure haha
  10. L

    Share a game that makes you smile!

    Half-Life, Diablo and Counter Strike Source always brings me a good smile! What about you? :)
  11. L

    Game that brings you nostalgica?

    I would say it is Half-Life