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So glad I am not young, I couldn't get addicted to stupid
Tiktok and following influenzers
And mobile phone games. I told mum she was lucky we kids never had mobiles as a kid, as if games had actually cost money to play (apart from arcades) we would have been hard to control.
One girl in China spent $64000 of parents money on a mobile game, they woke up to find 7 cents in their bank account.

Too many traps.
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@Colif I've been reviewing maybe a hundred films that were made recently and all have some sort of apocalypse or major change for humans from alien invasions to AI sentient beings. I was wondering if these films, tv shows and games reflected the fear of humans.

I watched this which explores the idea of the apocalypse from the bubonic plague through to nuclear annihilation and beyond.
How from the 1950's onwards films showed geneticically modified creatures being defeated in films which was seen as a vicarious way for people to imagine defeating their fears of radiation.

Maybe it's the same with post apocalypse games, we vicariously defeat; the infected, the robots and the new outlaws, while they also make people aware that there are real threats to negotiate.

The idea has been embedded in our culture for about 3000 years.

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Shame the number of happy futures seem to be out numbered by all the bad endings

Sure, some movies try to show people survived, and I guess nothing happens doesn't sell movies
I think in all the films, tv series and games I've seen the humans always persevere. Yes there are casualities but there are always those determined survivors. Post apocalypse worlds are also interesting places to explore.

Through religious times the apocalypse or 'revelation', was seen as a way of controlling humans, ie: do as god says or face the consequences.
Well now it's humans that have volition over their destiny and we see that being played out by characters in films or we play it out in games.
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Look, I live here, I don't have to watch it.
That is a reasonable solution. I did that myself here in Norway back in the 90s when we had tons of sitcoms based on Seinfeld. It was so bad, that even as a kid I was slightly embarrassed :sweatsmile:
3rd hand version of a UK franchise.
Australian comedy was bad 30 years ago, it's just dying slowly. If we are lucky it might be soon.
At least you have Ozzy Man Reviews, he carries the comedy torch in is hand!
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AI can't reason, its just got access to all the data and remembers answers. It all falls apart when it doesn't know answers ahead of time. All it takes is changing the questions a little and their win rate drops. They aren't getting smarter, just getting bigger data pools to remember.

It looks smart to us as we can't know/remember everything. We aren't Bene Geserit. Or Paul... but I digress.

Still a use for something that can remember everything... just need to work on accuracy or it misremembers, and that doesn't help anyone... we need it to give citations.
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AI can't reason

Meaning ' The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought', yeah?

Gary Kasparov would've disagreed with you. 'Kasparov said that he sometimes saw deep intelligence and creativity in the machine's moves'.
I wonder has AI advanced in the 27 years since then, or are you correct?
They aren't getting smarter

Probably a moot point anyway, how many humans can reason?

If you're interested, there are lots of credible sources you can find thru search—one example to whet your appetite…

…where perhaps the most interesting quote is 'ultimately delivering better outcomes for patients'.
(I watched about half of video).

I think that many people have a bias when it comes to AI. When I was reviewing modern sci fi films, AI featured as a source of apprehension and fear, but also the opposite, as a source of benefit for humans in general and on an individual level. With ageing populations an AI robot would seem the ideal solution for care giving.

@Brian Boru good point about humans being able to reason.

I think much of our populations do seem to be losing some of their reasoning abilities and I wonder if the bias, their biased version of reality is part of that.

Reasoning>It's a word we use, it's something we do, but I'll have to think about the process. Are we looking at past events and rationally working out some future probability taking into account all future variables.

I think we just need to see AI as a tool that can do all the mundane tasks whether in systems or robot form/car form, etc.

And I remember what game players(chess, GO, Dota) have said about playing against AI. It came up with moves no human would think of and that they would learn from the AI and in conjunction with AI to improve their own games.


(There's a good Veritasium video out about QR codes, changes the way you see them).
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