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On a Journey
hmmm, wonder what he has to say they really don't want us to know. They have taken review down 8 times...

OH thats right, he is showing that its not just Fake Japanese people who don't like what game looks like.


On a Journey
I don't need that, I remember

I also have this:
Quotation of PC’s from 1989 for local college

20 x 286 systems @ $2895 each
• 16 bit 286 CPU @ 12.5 mhz
• 1mb ram expandable to 5mb
• Ems 4.09 supplied and supported
• Real time clock
• 40mb HDD
• 1 3.5 inch 1.44mb floppy
• 1 5.25 inch 360k drive floppy drive
• Serial port
• Parallel port
• 80287-8 maths co processor
• 16 bit vga card and tystar vga high res monitor
• 1 optical mouse

Special features
BMS 386 sx CPU module at 16 mhz with socket for 80387sx. Price = $495
BMS i486 CPU module at 25 mhz available March 1990

Standard upgrades
From 1mb to 1.5mb = $145
From 1mb to 2mb = $290
From 1mb to 3mb = $495
From 1mb to 4mb = $990

Replace 5.25 360k drives with 5.25 1.2mb drives = $35 per drive
Upgrade from 40mb to 80mb hdd = $495.00

Ethernet card
8 bit Ethernet card = $235
16 bit Ethernet card = $255

MS Dos 4.0 = $110
MS Word Education pack of 10 users = $625
MS Windows 2.11 Education pack of 10 users = $388
MS Works Education pack of 10 users = $405

You sure do get more for your money now... looks at ram upgrade amounts... funny, they really similar to how much Apple charges for a bigger SSD now, though the storage space offered is bigger:

Still a rip off. Apple's walled garden sure is profitable... for them.
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On a Journey
Saw this earlier and thought... that car looks like its made of really thin plastic

And fake as hell.

Later I found more proof
Its not a car, its a drone in the shape of a car. The entire shell is empty apart from 4 rotors.

It has no motor inside. All it can do is fly, and it has no cockpit as its never intended to be a real car...
its just a scam intended to get people to pay $1500 as a pre order for a car priced at 300k that will never be legal.
So far 3000 people have fallen for it.

Its being promoted on TV channels to attract the gullible.
Captive audience on TV, if they believe the news still, they will believe anything.

Backer of this idea also funded
Giant red flags
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