Your yet BIGGEST disappointment?

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Kingdome Come: Deliverance was fun stuff. I only got tired of it after quite a while. (And I'm really wondering what Warhorse Studio's next game will be!)

@ToxicOffender - I said Cyberpunk was looking good, not bad!

That just results in games like:
  • GTA: Definitive Edition
  • Saints Row
  • Cyberpunk 76
Actual GAMES. Games that can get patched up in just a couple of years. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but all three are vastly more playable right now that Star Citizen.

And once at a certain health marker always disappear for a follow-up encounter like the worst version of a multi-stage boss?
They don't disappear, they RUN! Seems fairly sane, given they are getting their tailpipes handed to them. You even got an achievement for finishing one of them off while it was running. You can get another one for killing one the first time you encounter it.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
this one was my favorite
That's gotta be a mod, doesn't it? The head & neck are different skin tone, and at one point are clearly not connected properly to the shoulders. So someone modded a naked body onto the guy.

I see your comment re not a mod, so maybe some fun the devs were having and didn't remove from final code—and it somehow gets called sometimes. Shrug :)
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May 11, 2022
Far Cry 2.
Annoying. Impossible to clear enemies out of an area, constant degradation of health and weapons—overreached in search of realism.
Dammit, all these points are fair.

With that said, it's still my favorite in the series. The malaria, the respawning checkpoints, the insane weapon degradation are all things I hated in other games and FC2 should've pissed me off so much but for some reason even though it did, I loved it.
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May 11, 2022
There are also games that initially disappointed me that I ended up loving.

Silent Hunter 5 I digged out a boxed copy from a bargain bin in a Canadian Tire of all places. It's like a hardware store basically. Beyond broken but somehow still played the crap out of it because what worked in that game really sucked me in. It's so terrifying in all the right ways, but then you arrive back in Kiev in time for a nice cup of tea after a grueling patrol only to find out your commanding officer's face somehow hasn't rendered so you're being given stern orders by a flailing mannequin with floating eyeballs and dentures like that classic wind up toy that's just a set of teeth skipping around the floor. Exquisite.

Dakar 18 is probably the most absorbing rally game I've ever played but it took me 20 hours to forgive it for its SNES era physics. If you just focus on the ambiance and navigation aspect of it there is nothing like it. Driving flat out through Bolivia in torrential rain trying to find your way on a cryptic notepad is a hair raising experience but the jank will always catch up to you, like when you hit a rotten looking fence post that should've exploded in a million pieces but instead stops your 2 ton pickup dead in its tracks because nothing breaks in this world except your car, so enjoy this random accidental bollard in the middle of an open field where no human has been for decades. Thankfully they're making another one and hopefully the physics match the immersion this time.


Sep 5, 2022
With the exception of Alien vs. Predator, I think Predators [2010] was well done.

PREDATORS was one of the best! The whole story in my opinion, how they "roughly" landed on that planet before they even realized they´re in fact are on another planet and of could one forget about LAURENCE FISHBURNE playing some weird nutcase who´s talkin to himself 🤣 from being all alone on that planet for years and last but not least the whole cast in general! Besides all that, to me the sheer thought of being "captured on another planet being far away from beloved earth" (even that i think our earth is one hell of a rotten planet already, lol) gives me shivers.

As for those AvP movies...well....i just can´t even tell why in gods name they sucked so bad, that sequel actually even more than the first one, but still...i have no clue what they did wrong with it, i just know and remember that there wasn´t something "extraordinary" to it as it has been to all the other movies with the franchises.


Sep 5, 2022
Dammit, all these points are fair.

With that said, it's still my favorite in the series. The malaria, the respawning checkpoints, the insane weapon degradation are all things I hated in other games and FC2 should've pissed me off so much but for some reason even though it did, I loved it.

Whenever i think of FC2, i always see that kewl fire spreading on the ground through woods and bushes as it never yet happened in any game before to that point, giving it this great sense of "realism" but then again weapons degrading so fast was everything else but "realism" among other pretty "weird" things for a game being so "real" in certain aspects.

On the other hand, it was actually a good idea to transport the formula into the african dry desert rather than giving it again this green, tropical touch like FC1 had.

Sadly, UBI-SOFT is actually keep doing the same with ASSASSINS CREED formula for years now, you either have green, tropical background, dry desert with rocks...or both, so every ASSASSINS CREED is more or less just looking the same in my opinion (it basically is looking the same everytime, more than all the FAR CRY sequels do look similiar), that´s why i am one of those guys who wishes they would do something completely different for a giving ASSASSINS CREED a more "grey" touch rather than just green-tropical or brown-desert background, meaning.....

...i want ASSASSINS CREED to be in WWII!!!! ..and don´t tell me they wouldn´t find a way to also give it a great/interesting WWII storyline to fit with the rest of the franchise! I know they can, i just have no clue what UBI-SOFT seems to be so afraid of, since they´re a bunch of cowards anyway, that´s why they´re repeating the same formula for years now rather than risking something new.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
for some reason even though it did, I loved it
Far Cry 2.
Yeah, there is a small dedicated group for whom 2 is the best FC game, so you're not alone :) Different strokes… eg I dislike Blood Dragon, whereas most seem to love it.

that kewl fire
Yeah, that's what it's most famous for, they did a great job on that.

it was actually a good idea to transport the formula into the african dry desert
Agreed, I'd like FC7 to go back to that locale and go nuts with all the wild life, which has always been a big strong point of the series.


Sep 5, 2022

There is still a major difference to that other thread...

Thanks to almost every game being more or less "hyped" to some point, it´s almost a regular thing to end up slightly some point.

So what are the titles you were really like "Holy camoly OMFG!!! This is worse than i would ever have thought being possible!"

...since people these days, like i said, tend to be more or less slightly "disappointed" with too many games after all, so i wanted to know about those BOMBS, really being an absolute no-go rather than filling in hundreds of titles where just graphics wasn´t ending up being THAT good or stuff like that but still not yet turning a title into a "total-disaster".

And so i have another entry to make here!

Bud Spencer and Terence Hill - Slaps & Beans
What´s so dramatic with this title, is me being such a fan of those two and their movies, to the point i even thought "Hey! This game just can´t fail!" especially since it got SO MANY positive steam-user-reviews.

But the game in fact was so extremely damn easy on "normal", that i actually started wasting my time trying how in god´s name i could somehow "die" or at least "lose" in some way, but i´s way harder to die/lose in this game than progressing forwad.

No clue who enjoys this, but to me it practically makes the whole thing totally pointless while asking myself why da heck i am actually playing it? To enjoy the beautiful atmosphere and graphics....of a 16-bit-style pixelgraphics-game? To button-mash myself through enemy-waves?...while actually just walking right through them without hitting anyone as well works to some point.

So that makes it even worse! A game getting back to the spirit of classic 80s arcade-machines but being as easy as NOT ONE SINGLE game has been, back those days!

But wait! There was another difficulty-level button! "Heavy"! "Yes, that probably saves the game!" i thought to myself!

And then after re-starting on "heavy".......LOL....oh my, this game on "heavy" wasn´t really making the game "heavy" at all, with me still walking slowly´n relaxed through enemy-waves with occiasonly hitting others while as well occiasonly letting them hit me.

It was mostly all the QUICK-TIME EVENTS they made "heavier".

Now time for those events was set so tight´n heavy, that i ended up constantly failing and repeating the same stupid events for countless times, before i just de-installed and forgot about this tragedy. It was practically almost impossible to win over those situations if there wasn´t some luck involved.

How could they just **** this up so badly?!?!?!? Was this game probably meant for 6 year old kids and/or moving-impaired adults?

And what about ALL THOSE POSITIVE REVIEWS?!?!?!?!

I guess the latter are 70% fanboys and the rest of people just felt so sorry for the whole game, they decided to have mercy with it while rating it "positive" an move on forgetting about it while feeling both terribly ashamed and sorry too.
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Sep 5, 2022
@ToxicOffender It kind of sounds like they tried to make Bud Spencer and Terence Hill as indestructible as they were in the movies, but forgot about it being a game.

That is actually the reason why Studios are so troubeled with making a SUPERMAN game to begin with! They just don´t know how to make a proper working game with a character that is more or less "indestructible".

Now i would say "Why not just exposing him to some super-heavy-twisted-lethal altered Cryptonite, turning him human while he must "learn" everything again with his powers slowly come back...

...but then again they probably couldn´t make a whole Game-Franchise of it, coz it would be stupid him always losing his Powers for every other game they´re making, so that is probably the final reason for (probably) never bothering with the Superman-Formula as we are knowing it from the movies.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@ToxicOffender Here is an example of how it can be done properly. It is a lot of fun, a great homage and it looks and plays really well.
I largely agree with @ZedClampet in that I really don't get disappointed very often by games. I think disappointment largely comes from one's expectations, and I mostly have measure expectations regarding games. It's not common for me to be super high or super low on a game prior to release. It's just too hard to know how a game is going to pan out and I feel that there is insufficient data to judge a game until after it is already out (e.g., high quality reviews). It's hard to have high/low expectations when you are often getting zero independent information about the game prior to release.


Sep 5, 2022
I think disappointment largely comes from one's expectations,

Either that or them coming by gamers getting bombed and flooded with "GREAT NEWS!" about this or that title "GETTING A RELEASE NEXT YEAR!" and then probably the release going to take even longer by flooding and bombing gamers even more and more with "GREAT NEWS!" regarding that title so you practically...

...have to surf the net with your eyes closed so that you´re not reading all those "GREAT NEWS!" about that title, causing what´s so called "manipulation on a subconscious level" so that there is no othre way than automatically expecting something "GREAT!", like it or not.

If it wouldn´t be like that, there wouldn´t haven been any chance for certain titles to be THAT OVERHYPED.
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Just remembered another one. halo 2. The first game i played a lot with my brother. The second i was excited and it wasn't bad, but what seriously made it disappointing was the ending. Christ almighty that ending was terrible - Where was it? it ended on a cliff hanger at the point you think it was going to be an explosive finale. Instead we had to wait till halo 3 on the 360. A massive middle finger imo. it was probably suppose to end in Halo 2 but the powers that be said stretch it out so that they could sell the new console. Well, i can get the halo collection and finish it, but i'm in no rush atm.
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Sep 5, 2022
Do you guys remember when they unloaded those massive bunch of screenshots to the first MAX PAYNE title about a year prior to its release, while of coures they kept flooding us with the same until we finally got our hands onto it?





And then when i finally got the game...



I guess this was the first time in gaming-history, a studio released such a massive amount of "fake screenshots" you never ever got to your face during the whole game.

I actually caught myself waiting for "those scenes" to be happening, but they never did, i also searched for some kind of "button" where i could see the scenes as all those screens prior to its release were showing. I even waited for some "mods" to experience the game somehow just like it appeared with those early screenshots, but nothing happened.

Today it´s almost a common thing to show screens as they actually aren´t to happen in a game (best example: "JOURNEY TO THE SAVAGE PLANET" a 1st-person game showing mostly 3rd-person screenshots but there ain´t no chance to play it that way), but with MAX PAYNE it was extremely disappointing to the point i kinda felt like being "cheated" back the days.
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