Question Your 2025 gaming resolutions!

Dec 9, 2019
Hey folks, and happy new year!

I'm asking the PC Gamer team to tell me their 2025 gaming resolutions, and I'd love to know yours, too! I'll publish them later today (possibly early next week since a lot of people are still out).

Mine: I want to get into an MMO this year. I've never found one I enjoyed and I almost always give up on them immediately, but I'm super interested in Dune: Awakening, coming early this year, and I'd also like to give The Elder Scrolls Online a shot since I've played a ton of Skyrim and Oblivion. Maybe that'll help me stick with it.

Let me know what your gaming resolution is for 2025!
Try and buy fewer games. I should reduce my Steam collection which continues to balloon in size. its a losing battle tbh as i find games on offer too good to pass up, i snap them up in bundles or i get them for free.
As well as new games i look for old ones that i never got round to buying and you can get them at really silly prices. They may be old but the first time i load them up they are new to me
As well as new games i look for old ones that i never got round to buying and you can get them at really silly prices. They may be old but the first time i load them up they are new to me
The battle is made things harder when i have a huge back log on epic, EA, ubisoft, vita and 3ds, doom wads (ramp2024 will keep me VERY busy) and any emulator games i care to play.

Looking at the backlog most of them are indie games, so maybe the problem isn't so bad. But there are some pretty big ones and atm i'm sort of alternating between AAA and indie That's assume POE doesn't put a halt on everything...
Same as @Alm and @Johnway and that's to spend less and play more that I already have. My library is over 1000 games at this point between Steam, GoG and Epic, plus I have heaps of retro console games I'd also like to play. So if I could spend less than $100 for the whole year, that would be great. I spent like $450 in 2024.

I would also like to endeavor to play more games with my kids. I'm a solitary gamer and have been for a majority of my gaming life, so I'd like to try and be more amenable to playing games with them, even if it's only 30 minutes at a time.
I want to finish Baldur's Gate 3. I was in act 1, but got sidetracked by Blightfall and then Middle-Earth: Shadow of War. I need to get back to it before I've forgotten too much.

I also want to play more games with friends. I have a game of Crusader Kings 2 going with three friends and I want to make sure that doesn't get forgotten, but I also want to try inviting people to play local multiplayer more often. We had a friend stay over during the holidays and we ended up playing a bunch of games together and I'd forgotten how nice it can be to play together while sitting in the same room.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I need to
and get my second character to end game, get to the highest endgame tier maps, get the best possible DPS for my ranger without following builds, loot a mirror of Kalandra, make a perfect vaaled item and possibly by another support package so I can get even more stashes, preferably a couple of the quad stashes which are much larger than the standard ones.
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I have just set myself another target, it is 23 years since i ditched other gaming formats and joined the pc gaming genre. I only have 92 games and by some of the posts i have seen thats a small amount but thats because i get a game and either complete it or hammering if it does not have an ending and only then do i go and get something else.

Apart from satisfactory i have uninstalled all my games and will reinstall them one by one until i complete them or get bored with them.
I only have 92 games and by some of the posts i have seen thats a small amount
I have over 3000 on Steam, but that's mostly because I really hit hard on the bundles when they became all the rage. Sometimes you'd get a 12 game bundle for $2 that has one game you want so you get it and add all the game to your library. I have hundreds of games I never touched and/or would never even consider touching. They're just kind there.

Apart from satisfactory i have uninstalled all my games and will reinstall them one by one until i complete them or get bored with them.

I tried that once. I bounce from game to game too often for that to work for me. I have roughly 30 games installed at the moment and have probably played seven or eight of them in the last week, though some might have been just for a few minutes.
Cut down on total gaming hours.

Stop wasting time doomscrolling my library/store pages and find something I will really enjoy.

Branch out and try more genres I don’t normally play. Things like RTS, 4X, cRPG, no more first/third person action games all the time.

Make a small backlog and try to clear it. I have a lot of games started in 2024 but never finished.

Save for a new PC build (maybe).
Mine's pretty simple, trying to minimize my gaming to the point where it and my physical exercise are balanced. So far that's not been easy to do. I'm trying to get back into mt biking after being away from it for 20 yrs, and it's hitting me like a ton of bricks. There's a HUGE difference between being 46 and in fairly good shape, and being 66 and completely out of shape.

Here in the NW part of USA I've never biked much in the colder months due to most people where I live not being very good at driving on slick roads (those living west of the Cascades anyway), and mainly because it's quite a chore to clean a muddy bike after a hard ride before taking it into the apt building where I live. My back got sore enough doing it 20 yrs ago, all the more now.

I have made two trips so far to a local LA Fitness gym that's within walking distance, but I'm having a hard time committing to a regular routine yet. It's partly due to having purchased and waiting for various parts and tools for a new bike I bought, but I also just had a colonoscopy and am finding I have to go back in and get my prism adjusted on my new glasses, which make my double vision worse while driving.

I have to admit it's also due a bit to guilty holiday pleasures like snacking on the Belgian chocolate cookies you can get this time of year, but I'm hoping once I get the bike and glasses sorted out, and hopefully get good news from the colonoscopy pathology report, I can at least get back to the gym.
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I made one years ago that is still holding strong. Only play games I love, even like is not enough. There is not enough time for love, so why settle for less? It's the best resolution I ever made. I have zero guilt for buying things and only playing the an hour and giving up.

Last year I said dent backlog. The year ended with the least amount of backlog dent ever, (I started one and it went against my still holding resolution from years ago) so the year ended with buying and completing one game. "Atom Eve" it was awesome BTW if you like vns and completing one from 2023.

So I resolve NOT to dent backlog!
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A while back I bought a 15lb weighted bar, sometimes called a body bar or similar. It's great for in house and small spaces exercise. I'm at a 20lb now and it's really easy to get 20 minutes a day in with.
I wouldn't mind trying one of those weighted vibration bars that have a grip in the middle and weights on the end. You hold them in various positions one handed and two handed, and move your hand/hands back and forth with your arms in different positions while keeping your core rigid. Supposedly they do wonders to strengthen your back and other muscles without risking muscle or joint trauma.

Randy Johnson, our former Mariners MLB pitcher, used a much older version of such a thing when they first became popular to strengthen his back after he had major surgery on it. I honestly think that's why he recovered so well from it and went on to help his Diamondbacks win the World Series against the Yankees in 2001.

A bit of Randy Johnson trivia. He pitched at a height of 6' 10", and was called the "Big Unit". As if his imposing stature, even higher on a mound no less, wasn't enough, he had a blazing fastball that often was over 100 mph. In a spring training game the same year his team won the series, he accidentally killed a bird that was unfortunate enough to fly in front of one of his fastballs!

Poof, poor bird didn't stand a chance.
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May 13, 2024
January 1st: Try to minimize or even stay off of web/gaming forums and get more game time in, since I generally don't get more than 10-15 hours in on a normal week, between family, work, and 2 hours a day I spend in the gym 4 days a week, and bike/mountain bike on weekends. And generally just reduce overall web forum/social media activity.

January 9th: Resolution broken.


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