You awaken in a grassy field, unable to remember how you got here.

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So we playing Zork now?

easier to play the original
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Jul 12, 2021
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And is this version…
…by a 'RossFerrow' also on the blockchain?

Won't the crypto guys get miffed if we start duplicating stuff on 'their' playground?
this is mine

When does that kick in?
it's already costing me money to add. Just not a lot
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I programmed the branching story system. (I also wrote a lot of the initial branches, but the actual first prompt came from someone else)
Ah, I see. We always look askance at something like this just 'dropping in', and more so when it turns up posted elsewhere also—looks a lot like plagiarism at that stage, of which we get a lot here, so we're always wary.

Kudos on your work so far. I assume you'd like forum members to play along, choose an option from the previous post and you'll reply with each new scenario.

So I'll start before I head out for a while:

Investigate the town
That's my choice :)
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Jul 12, 2021
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Ah, I see. We always look askance at something like this just 'dropping in', and more so when it turns up posted elsewhere also—looks a lot like plagiarism at that stage, of which we get a lot here, so we're always wary.

Kudos on your work so far. I assume you'd like forum members to play along, choose an option from the previous post and you'll reply with each new scenario.

So I'll start before I head out for a while:

That's my choice :)

You take the long walk to town. The smoke rising appears to be coming from an unattended blacksmith's furnace. It's blazing, but doesn't quite seem like a hazard to any of its surroundings. Upon inspecting closer, you see boots and a bottle to the edge of the workshop's door frame.

_Look for the blacksmith
_Knock on the back door
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Jul 12, 2021
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Look for the blacksmith
Stepping through the backdoor, you see the blacksmith is not hard to find. To the left you see them slumped over a wooden table, bottle in hand. They are mumbling in an awkward drunken slumber. The fire flares up a moment, catching your attention, but it quickly settles back down. The air smells of sweat and booze. There's several tools on the front facing wall, and to the right a rack of beautiful weaponry and armor.
_Look at the weapons
_get the blacksmiths attention
Jul 12, 2021
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Look at the weapons
Taking a closer look at the weapons, you see a dozen swords of great quality. Tall brilliant shining metal with long handles wrapped tightly in cured leather. There are also metal tipped arrows next to some chainmail armor. All of great quality work, but what stands out most to you is the axe. It's the largest, with a blade spanning nearly half of the swords'. It's taller than you, but rests horizontally on the wall. The blacksmith notices you, gets up, but his foot gets caught between the seat and leg of the table. Incapacitated, he flips everything over, along with himself, hurling a bottle of alcohol right into the furnace, splashing fire everywhere.
+(new path... make up something)
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Jul 12, 2021
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So this may be upsetting. but the game is being reset after some new discoveries
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