When you're forced to say goodbye (to gaming)

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Nov 17, 2020
Hello everyone. I know this is a pc gaming forum and I'm a console player but since there are no official playstation community forums and I really like this forum, I'm posting this here. Please note that I'm just expressing my experience, thoughts and feelings in this post. Hope you can respect that 🙏🏻

Playstation has always been a huge part of my whole life. Since the first days of PS1 till the end of PS4 era. From getting my first Playstation as a birthday gift to working hard and buying a PS4 for myself.

I live in Iran. The country with the least valued currency in the world. But it hasn't always been like this. Our currency is called IR Rials, but since it has too many zeroes, in common daily usage we take one zero out and call it Tomans. For example 10,000 Rials is called 1000 Tomans. To give you a better feel of how it should campare to USD in worth, every 1000T bill is like a single dollar to us.

When Iran was a kingdom before the 1979 islamic revolution and before we became a third world country, our currency was really valuable. To be exact, it was ten times more valuable than 1USD. But after the mullahs took over, the downward spiral quickly began. I remember when PS1 came out, our currency got to be at almost the same level as USD. Not bad at all. Our working class could still afford most stuff.

By the time PS4 arrived in 2013-2014, IR Rials had shrunk to 1/3 of it's value. 1USD was about 3000T. For buying the console I had to save up a whole month of salary. But since I had no serious responsibilities in my life I could do it. Gaming was a great distraction from all the issues caused by our horrible government.

But then here we are in 2020. The year most Iranian gamers have to say goodbye to their hobby. At least for the next gen experience. You wanna have a guess at IR Rials worth now? I'll spare you the google search. It's freaking 1/30 of a US dollar. Can you believe that? Literally the least valued currency in the whole world. The disc version of PS5 is $500 but for us is something like $15,000. If you come here with your own currency in pocket, you'll be a king. Rich af. Jokes aside It's just not worth it to game anymore. Unfortunately I had to sell my ps4 and ps vita to take care of my cats' veterinary costs so it's gonna be a while till I can game anhmore.

Also just to reiterate the numbers I gave were only to give a general feeling. By 1/30 I meant Tomans. It means for every US dollar you can get 30,000 Tomans or 300,000 Rials.

Another thing to explain is that Iran has two different exchange rates. One is the official one that the government announces to the world and one is that you can actually get inside the country.

For example the banks say that every dollar is about 5000T Tomans right now. But when you go to the bank to exchange the currency is always "unavailable". They rarely allow anyone to actually get anything with that rate.

So the practical one is the one you can find in exchange market and not the banks.

Imagine a country like China always gives the world a much smaller number of deaths from a tragedy. Just to save face.

It's the same in Iran but with the currency. It's a matter of technicality and practicallity.

I can only prove my point by asking you to google "least valued currency" or "least valued currency in the world"

So farewell Playstation. You gave us lots and lots of great memories. I sincerely wish a wonderful generation of gaming for all you amazing people. I know I'll get hate for this but I really had to lift it off of my chest. It really is not that deep but just remember to enjoy your life fully and not take anything no matter how little for granted.

Much love and respect from fellow gamer in Iran 🎮
Its never easy giving up a hobby especially when you've put in give or take nearly 2 decades on a particular platform. i'm not familiar with gaming in Iran would be an interesting AMA there.

How is PC gaming in Iran? I don't want to sound preachy but your gaming experience shouldn't stop at next gen consoles. seek other alternative sources of gaming! why go forwards when you could go backwards and play retro/emulator games? maybe try some indie games and sample the delights of pc gaming if you can. Again all dependent on how things are Iran or whether you're doing that already.

I'm sure the PCGF community would gladly offer recommendations or and advise to ease you into pc gaming.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
It's always been sad to watch incompetent or ideological governments run their countries into the ground—Iran, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, North Korea come to mind. There are millions like you and I suffering behind the headlines.

As Johnway said above, if you can get your hands on an old PC, there are loads of free games out there. Some are quite good, labors of love by the general community.

Best of luck, and things might improve next year if USA gets back into the nuclear deal and eases the sanctions.
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Nov 17, 2020
Its never easy giving up a hobby especially when you've put in give or take nearly 2 decades on a particular platform. i'm not familiar with gaming in Iran would be an interesting AMA there.

How is PC gaming in Iran? I don't want to sound preachy but your gaming experience shouldn't stop at next gen consoles. seek other alternative sources of gaming! why go forwards when you could go backwards and play retro/emulator games? maybe try some indie games and sample the delights of pc gaming if you can. Again all dependent on how things are Iran or whether you're doing that already.

I'm sure the PCGF community would gladly offer recommendations or and advise to ease you into pc gaming.

You are absolutely right, I love older games. I used to run all sorts of emulators on my ps vita. I have an old laptop that's for my work but I believe it can still run some older stuff no probblem.
Also it might be surprising to some but the gaming experidnce is pretty similar in most parts of the world. Even third world countries. Just like with watching movies, reading books or listening to music. It's just gaming is unfortunately turning more and more into a luxury day by day.
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Nov 17, 2020
It's always been sad to watch incompetent or ideological governments run their countries into the ground—Iran, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, North Korea come to mind. There are millions like you and I suffering behind the headlines.

As Johnway said above, if you can get your hands on an old PC, there are loads of free games out there. Some are quite good, labors of love by the general community.

Best of luck, and things might improve next year if USA gets back into the nuclear deal and eases the sanctions.
I cannot agree more with you on that. Thank you 🧡
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Apr 4, 2020
And here we are with a Steam library full of games bought in Steamsales, most of them unplayed because we don't have the time. Thank you for your story. It reminds us to be gratefull. Do you play (older) Steamgames? If you're not: go ahead and install Steam on your laptop. I'm sure some of the guys and girls here can give you some hints on really cheap (or free) Steamgames. GOG has some nice games as well...You can even share your Steam ID. Which games do you like? Platform, FPS, race, flying...? Eg: https://www.gog.com/games?page=1&sort=popularity&price=free
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Oct 8, 2020
Holy crap, that's just... horrible. So if I understand your story correctly (English isn't my native language either) you are basically being forced, financially, to choose to put either food on the table or to exercise your hobby? Damn man, that's awful. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to give up a hobby just because it's so out of reach.

Like badman said, it reminds me to be grateful, and to not take things for granted. Thanks for your story and I sincerely hope things will improve for you and all Iranians in the near future.

Love and respect to you too my friend 🤞🤜🤛
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