What's the least challenging SP shooter you know of?

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My wife wants to try to play something. We did L4D2 once, and it didn't go too well. Besides having general problems of controlling with mouse and keyboard, she was completely overwhelmed with enemies quite often. My son and I managed to get her through it, but it didn't leave a great taste in her mouth.

Can you think of something simpler with no hoards or anything so she could get her feet under her? She wants to play by herself, so co-op is out or I'd get her to play Strange Brigade. Anyway, SP shooters haven't really been my thing for awhile, so I'm out of ideas.

Her eventual goal is to play Witcher 3 because she loves the books and the Netflix series, but I thought that just general FPS gaming would be a better start for her than most melee games I know which are quite challenging, but if you know a simple melee game you think is really easy for a beginner that would be okay, too.

My other thought was to get her to play Portal first just to get the hang of the mouse/keyboard.

Edit: I forgot to mention she specifically said 'zombies', but I can convince her otherwise. I think she may think of zombies as slow. I should have asked her why she wanted zombies.

Edit 2: I just downloaded Spec Ops: The Line and am going to play a bit of it in "Walk on the beach" difficulty and see what I think of it.
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Just have her play Witcher 3 (Witcher 1 if shes really into the lore and stuff and doesn't mind older games) imo, if she starts there, she will eventually get good at it and then she can explore it from there, the game is massive so im thinking by the time shes good enough to play on her own and progress through the game fluidly, she would still have a lot of stuff left to play.

Going on the witcher 3 goal, playing games that are over the shoulder would be the most beneficial, like spec ops, so your going the right way i think in that opinion, you dont want her playing a FPS then switch to 3rd person melee.

As for zombies?The only ones im familiar with are ones that have hordes, WWZ, Dying Light etc. Im not sure about indie zombie games that might help her.
I've decided to encourage her to try a controller. I thought keyboard/mouse would be easier, but maybe that's only from my experience.

I'm downloading Witcher 3 now to see what it's like on story mode or whatever it's called. My main fear with Witcher is that the controls are a little more complicated than in many games. She's actually really good at casual games, though, so maybe she would pick it up faster.

Spec Ops seems ridiculously easy in easy mode, but I've been playing games for many years, so I don't know how easy it would be for her.

Not sure what I'm going to do yet. Probably just give her a controller and launch Witcher 3 on easy. She can probably just spam the attack button while she gets the hang of it.

Getting her started probably isn't as complicated as I've been trying to make it.
i would say the older FPS games are probably easier. I'm always good to recommend a few doom 2 wads to sate that itch. Like the adventures of square.

But i suppose you could try Unreal tournament. play on a easy difficulty (i don't recommend anything above experienced) and see what happens.
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You don't really have to aim all that much in Witcher 3. Some, but not nearly as much as even an easy shooter.

For something really easy - Eastshade. In this case, though, the shooter part is a "screen shotter". It's practically a kids game but it's very pretty and should work fine for teaching her how to move around and get quests.
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@ZedClampet Spec Ops: The Line is one my my favourite 3rd person shooters to date.

Half Life 2 might be a nice starting point for her, it's an easy and simple shooter to learn which is also very well made and polished.

I would also suggest something Like fable over the Witcher 3 for your wife since again it is a bit more of a simple game but still very easy to learn and a fun game.
Skyrim might also be a good game to practice with. It can be played with either a controller or keyboard and mouse and on the easiest difficulty it's extremely forgiving.

My wife doesn't have a lot of experience with games, but she absolutely loves Skyrim.
You don't really have to aim all that much in Witcher 3. Some, but not nearly as much as even an easy shooter.

For something really easy - Eastshade. In this case, though, the shooter part is a "screen shotter". It's practically a kids game but it's very pretty and should work fine for teaching her how to move around and get quests.
@ZedClampet Spec Ops: The Line is one my my favourite 3rd person shooters to date.

Half Life 2 might be a nice starting point for her, it's an easy and simple shooter to learn which is also very well made and polished.

I would also suggest something Like fable over the Witcher 3 for your wife since again it is a bit more of a simple game but still very easy to learn and a fun game.

I think those are all good suggestions. We're going to try something this weekend. @Zloth I've been meaning to play Eastshade myself. I played and enjoyed the little prequel they put out, and I find the art style absolutely beautiful.

@IndecentLouie the cool thing about Half Life 2 is that it has cheat codes. It probably has some sort of god-mode or invincibility mode or something to keep her from dying.

@Pifanjr Skyrim is a good suggestion, although I'd be tempted to install a bunch of questionable mods just to see how she reacted.


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I've been meaning to play Eastshade myself. I played and enjoyed the little prequel they put out, and I find the art style absolutely beautiful.
Oh it is! And it gets this beauty without being very high tech, too. They've just got a really, really good grasp on exactly what makes a scene picturesque and they put that knowledge to work everywhere.

The quests and their dialogues, though... Well, Witcher 3 excels at those.
If she's trying to work up to TW3 then one of the many LEGO games might be an idea.

They're 3rd person, gamepad friendly, and have virtually no fail states. Perfect for getting accustomed to navigating virtual spaces and learning where the face buttons live. And with all the franchises which have received the Lego treatment there's sure to be one she has an existing affection for.
Most of the shooters I can think of I find significantly more challenging than Witcher 3's combat. TW3 should be fine to just go into. You're meant to use combinations of oils, potions, signs etc to defeat enemies but half the time you can just facemash + Aard.

Skyrim is also an excellent suggestion, and you can play it 1st or 3rd person (and switch whenever you like), and there's both range and melee.

An MMO's also an option, since the early levels are often very easy so as to ease you into the game, and there are free ones. I'm pretty sure WoW has a free trial still.
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Jul 13, 2020
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I didn't find any Bioshock title hard or challenging on normal difficulty.and also provide a great story so that would be my go to shooter if your wife is looking for something more laid back with great atmosphere and story.
Jul 13, 2020
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Oh, I forgot about the very game I'm playing now, Clive Barker's Jericho.
It's a great horror shooter that really isn't that hard. Although I've played it around 10 times.
@Dakkon I intended on playing that game way back when it was released but never got around to it.
I'm assuming you have the original CD or an (entirely warranted) pirated version of the game since I can't see it being sold on any legit store.
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