What Is The Best Weapon You've Ever Used In A Game?

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May 5, 2020
I'm gonna be completely honest? The stock Shotgun from Team Fortress 2. Hard Hitting blasts, satisfying reload sounds and high amounts of damage. Love it.
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Jan 14, 2020
Who remembers the stake driver from Painkiller? You could literally nail your enemies to the wall in that game and it was incredibly satisfying!

If the question comes to down what weapon in gaming feels the best, there's nothing quite like Hand Cannons in Destiny 2. It's one of a few weapon types in that game with which you can one-tap enemies both in PvE and PvP, and the sound the gun makes in combination with the massive recoil and the way the bullet impacts the enemy just makes these things incredibly satisfying to use. I used to play a lot of competitive Destiny 2 multiplayer and there's just something about one-tapping waves of opponents with the Hand Cannon. Nothing comes close.

Also, the axe from God of War feels incredible. Yeeting that thing at enemies and then hitting another enemy with it as it comes flying back to you is a joy to behold. The particle effects in that game look insane and really sell the fantasy of the Leviathan Axe being a godlike weapon. Just look at it!

May 3, 2020
I must say I love snipers for fastscoping and shotguns for close range, but like also knives, the best sniper I've tried could be from Warframe - Vectis prime, preferred weapon from Warframe too Opticor Vandal it's like shooting a Kame Hame Ha.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
@Rensje I sure do! Not too long ago since I played Painkiller: Black Edition. Good game with cool weapons. The size of first boss took me by surprise and my jaw just dropped to the floor!

@Alvin777 Such a fun weapon to use and pretty OP when used in DM. I wonder is there still is a slight community playing deathmatch mode. Been years since I played myself, and from what I remember there were not that many people online playing it.
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May 5, 2020
It's been mentioned already, but Prey's Gloo Gun is such a good design for a weapon, as it's not just a weapon, but also a neat way to create your own pathways along walls and surfaces and allows you to find new ways to reach areas.
May 1, 2020
Only 2 really stand out. Using BFG for the first time. And the Gravity Gun in HL2. Using them for the first time was mesmerising.
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May 1, 2020
Mine is not the most outlandish one out there but I love it anyway: Fallout New Vegas' Tri-beam Laser Rifle (with all the Gun Runners' Arsenal mods). Basically a laser rifle with some spread, quite handy for many combat situations :cool:
Trying to think of one that isn't on the list is quite difficult, that being said Just Cause 3 had some interesting "weapons" Tethering people to building or cars then seeing them get quickly dragged away was great,
You could also put rocket boosters on a cow and turn a it into a type of makeshift projectile weapon!
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
I have to give an honorable nudge to the flare gun in Blood. While not being that hard-hitting, it sure makes up for it in the sheer number of enemies running around like a lit candle.
May 3, 2020
Anything from the Doom Eternal, mainly the shotguns, super shotgun first, combat shotgun second. The way they blow apart the Demon hordes is so satisfying, the guns in Doom make the game feel so much better than it already is, beefy and damaging.
Another great weapon is the plasma cutter from the Dead Space series, first time i saw it i thought it was the most badass looking weapon, everything else was second to none.
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May 5, 2020
My favorite weapon of all time, the rail gun in Quake 2 multiplayer. So satisfying when you off someone from super far away.
Mar 9, 2020
I've only just realized one of my favorites haven't been mentioned.

The Shock Rifle from Unreal Tournament deserves some recognition. Not only is it a semi auto rail gun. NOT ONLY does it have a lane denying alternative fire. It has a primary/secondary combo! Shooting your secondary ball with the primary fire creates a massive deadly explosion, giving the weapon incredible versatility.
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