What games were turning points for you?

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Feb 12, 2020
According to my experience, the first game that changed the whole perspective of my gaming was reveal of the doom reboot ie doom 2016. IT WHOOPED MY TINY FRAGILE MIND!! When I sat for like 30 mins, it was a great change of pace for me as the combat mechanics and environment that they have build was truly awesome and with all that heavy metal music, it basically increases your adrenaline and makes you think that no one in this world can stop me as I, am the doomslayer. "The doom franchise itself is a power fantasy", that's the quote which was given by Hugo Martin, the creative director of doom and I truly agree with it as the elements of the game like the glory kill system which is truly unique in the fps genre and those people who are into gory stuff would really enjoy this game to the fullest.

Sekiro is one of the games that I really liked about as it's a Japanese themed game, and it was made by From Software which I really hate for some reason, (dark souls vibes). The environment, the storyline and the background music is absolutely stunning and it forces you to go in a trance f you look at the scenic beauty for too long which I really liked about the game. Although, sometimes it get pretty rough if you're not familiar with the combat mechanics of the game as this game would anal thrash you harder than you expect which I liked quite a bit, as it makes many players to rage quit without understanding the movements of the opponents in the game, so a player should concentrate. And most important thing about sekiro s to use the items wisely as it helps you a lot in the game. Without the use of equipments and prosthetic tools in the game, a casual player like myself would die constantly. So it is really advisable to use the resources intelligently.
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Feb 12, 2020
A game series that will survive the test of time, Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 ...still addicted to it and a new MSI would really work well for the helm of the Normandy.
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Feb 12, 2020
Played DOTA and got addicted... now I am a good for who hangs in front of a monitor whole day playing DOTA 2.
Feb 12, 2020
There are some great games that made me a gamer but I fell in love games with Red Alert. See, I didn't have a pc back then and I hadto stay with one of my mother's friends' homr for a week. She had a son with a pc and Red Alert. Those were the days...
Mar 12, 2020
Oblivion: This 100% - my roommate introduced it to me in college and it quite possibly is the reason I'm a PC gamer to this day.

Oblivion was my favorite game for like forever until my college friends told me about the League of Legends. This is where even my studying started failing.



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Jan 13, 2020
Fallout 3. It was 2008, a group of us were sitting on the couch watching someone (on xbox) work through the introduction in the vault. When he finally emerged from the vault, it was one of those "oh wow, did I miss something? This is where gaming is at now?" It was enough to make me go out and immediately purchase the game. In my mind I said "silly console can run, just wait until it's running on my PC!!"

Up until then the most impressed I had been with gaming was titles like Battlefield 2, DOOM3, and Half-life 2.

Turns out I had missed something, because when I got home the game wouldn't even install on my version of Windows (2000, I think). I then woefully went out and bought a copy of Vista.

And then, later, was also met with the dreaded "video card/hardware not supported" prompt.

One weekend and a full set of computer parts later... I was on my way to find Three Dog.
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