Question What do you want to see next for strategy / simulation?

Frostpunk 2 for sure, really liked the first game, so I'd definitely like to see what 11bit comes up with next. Its already out but I'm looking forward to trying Old World when it goes on a sale, I've got quite into Crusader Kings 3 and a mashup of Civ and CK sounds very interesting.

Also keeping tabs on when The Iron Oath and Wartales come out of early access to see how they develop. Been looking for something that expands on Battle Brothers for a while, I keep going back to the original for now as its still great.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
In order of preference:

C&C Generals 2.

Remakester™ of C&C Generals + Zero hour.

Remakester™ of C&C Tiberian Sun & Red Alert 2, + expansions.

Old World finish issuing DLCs, the Oganesson Edition goes on sale.

Humankind get fixed, finish issuing DLCs, the Oganesson Edition goes on sale.

Royal Envoy 4 release.

Supreme Commander 3 announced.

Civilization VII announces it will be called Civ7.
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I've been keeping an eye on Dune: Spice Wars. It looks very board game-y and I think it would be great to play with friends. It has a whole bunch of ways to screw with people and to backstab them, which is much more impactful (and fun) against real people. However, that means I'll have to wait until we get a second computer before I actually get to play it with my wife, which will probably take a few more years.
May 22, 2022
I sort of want to see more of all those you mentioned...

but we really don't need a rimworldWarcrimes simulator 2 yet. 😂 just DLCs probably at this point going forward.

Remakester™ of C&C Generals + Zero hour.
I also want to see more of the C&C Generals line of games.

made me sad that they cancelled the generals 2 game. 😑

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
sad that they cancelled the generals 2 game
Hey thanks, hadn't seen that video before. It's a shame there hasn't been a Generals 2, but if the rumors are true—that it was to be free and loaded with MTX—then it's a good thing it was cancelled. That would have tarnished the C&C name too much—there's plenty of community goodwill to get past C&C4, but not a second disaster straight afterwards.


Community Contributor
Are you looking forward to Frostpunk 2 or Hard West 2? Hoping for Cities: Skylines 2? Tropico 7? Anno XXXX? Surviving Mars 2? Factorio 2? Offworld Trading Company 2? X-Com 3? Rimworld 2? Planet Coaster 2? Two Point _________?

What games do you want in this genre, even if it doesn't exist as a franchise already?
X-Com 3 would be great, but unrealistic at this point, I'm afraid. I suppose I'm looking forward to their Marvel game the most, but that could change when the Subnautica devs reveal their new sci-fi strategy game at the end of the month.


Community Contributor
Jan 13, 2020
X-Com 3 would be great, but unrealistic at this point, I'm afraid. I suppose I'm looking forward to their Marvel game the most, but that could change when the Subnautica devs reveal their new sci-fi strategy game at the end of the month.

As someone who disliked XCOM 2, I still would be onboard for a Terror From the Deep reboot. I'm a die hard fan of the originals and loved XCOM 1. The sequel was not for me sadly.


Community Contributor
X-Com could use a rest.

Very much looking forward to Troubleshooter: Banished Children (sequel to Abandoned Children)

I've still got Age of Wonders: Planetfall installed and expect to play it some more, so I'm not really in need of a new 4X just now.

Still, I would love to see a "spiritual sequel" to the Sword of the Stars games. The factors that made it fun for me:
  • Lots of technologies to use. Enough with the rock/paper/scissors - at least throw in Spock riding a lizard or some such.
  • The path through the tech tree isn't certain. Maybe I'll learn to make energy shields from magnetic shields like most races. Maybe I'll learn it later, based on my cloaking technology. Maybe I'll have to steal it from some other race.
  • Lots of choices in making ships. And I mean choices that matter more than cosmetics, though the latter is always nice. Firing arcs should be a thing.
  • Fully 3D battles. Homeworld showed this works fine, why don't we do it more!? Make the strategic map 3D as well.
  • Real time with pause, turn based, or speed-on-scroll-wheel combat. Just not fully real time all the time - I'm going to have too many options to deal with that.
  • Races that are fundamentally different. I don't care what the artwork is like, if every race is the same, just with a +3 to birth rate or +2 to industry, it ain't enough. (This could well mean there's no custom race option.)
  • Not a lot of work done on planets. I like doing that kind of thing, but I'm going to be busy enough designing ships. Let Stardock do the fancy planet development over in Gal Civ.
Jan 14, 2020
I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, or ADD, or what, but I want to see a new IP in this category. Everything is sequels now, and y'know, that's FINE to an extent. But I want a strategy sim that makes me go "Wow, never saw that before!" or "I'm surprised it took someone this long to make a game about this." I'm not sure what that game would be, or I might attempt to make it myself (with the help of coder friends, so it probably wouldn't happen as they have enough on their plates.)

Years ago my wife and I were designing a game called "Mall Mogul," it was going to look basically similar to RCT3 or Planet Coaster in terms of animations and people detail, but with a 3D view through security cameras where everything would be rendered in more realistic detail, just because. (No strategic reason for it at the time, we just wanted an excuse to have a somewhat realistic realtime rendering of a mall.) Then "Mall Tycoon" came out, and while it was a far lesser experience than the pipedream we were concocting, it was similar enough to dissuade us from continuing it, plus our reference material was dying out anyway. (We were visiting as many malls as possible to get an idea how the "average" mall would look.)

I think what I'm saying is I'd like to see the Planet Coaster/Planet Zoo people make a Planet Mall.

Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
I'll almost definitely give 7 a shot
Yeah, but there's no rush. I waited 5 years to pick up Civ6, and still managed to miss some DLC—nothing important of course, but still annoying after 5 years. I'll do the same with 7.

There's a lot to like in 6—I probably put 100 hours in it earlier, and will revisit—but there's also a major flaw. They added complexity—probably confusing that with strategy or hoping it would pass as strategy—but I can't be the only one who objects to needing wall charts to play optimally.

I want a strategy sim that makes me go "Wow, never saw that before!" or "I'm surprised it took someone this long to make a game about this."
Your wish will soon be granted, keep a lookout. There will be approx a dozen nearly simultaneous announcements in all genres, the common theme being it's a cat game.

For the strategy genre, it's I suppose obvious that it'll be Cat & Mouse, an epic duel of counter espionage in the shadows.
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I really want a city builder that has next gen graphics like ray tracing. There's a game called Viking City Builder that's in development that looks visually incredible. If Cities: Skylines 2 comes out without ray tracing I will be a sad mayor.

Nice! Thanks I'll keep and eye on Viking City Builder as well.

I also caught Farthest Frontier a couple of days ago. Both looking like the kind of game I've been after for a while. Just like the buses.