I ask the PCG staff a regular Weekend Question and post the answers on the site. If you'd like to throw in an answer here, I'll squeeze the best into the finished article!
This week's question is: What's your dream Star Wars game?
Ubisoft are making an open-world Star Wars game, and there's a separate thread asking what you'd like to see from that. What I want to know is what else you would like to see done with the licence now that it's free of EA's hold. Should there be more games like Republic Commando? A game about your favorite secondary character? More of the weird ****?
This week's question is: What's your dream Star Wars game?
Ubisoft are making an open-world Star Wars game, and there's a separate thread asking what you'd like to see from that. What I want to know is what else you would like to see done with the licence now that it's free of EA's hold. Should there be more games like Republic Commando? A game about your favorite secondary character? More of the weird ****?