Tomb Raider (2013) - Will they add RT + DLSS ???

Aug 22, 2021

I started playing this when it came out and only got 1/3 through and am keen to get back into now i have a 3070 Ti....

However, I've noticed that they have been going back and adding graphical improvements to older existing games - adding things like Ray Tracing / RT and DLSS etc which I assume should be much nicer?

I know they've done it with Shadow of The Tomb Raider - so I'm wondering - should I just leave it be for a while and get back into it when they bling it up a bit later with RT and DLSS?

How likely do you think this is to happen in the next 1-3 years and what time frame would you estimate it could happen?

Thank you for your time

PS - could someone please edit the title to be RT not RTX? cheers


Community Contributor

I started playing this when it came out and only got 1/3 through and am keen to get back into now i have a 3070 Ti....

However, I've noticed that they have been going back and adding graphical improvements to older existing games - adding things like Ray Tracing / RT and DLSS etc which I assume should be much nicer?

I know they've done it with Shadow of The Tomb Raider - so I'm wondering - should I just leave it be for a while and get back into it when they bling it up a bit later with RT and DLSS?

How likely do you think this is to happen in the next 1-3 years and what time frame would you estimate it could happen?

Thank you for your time

PS - could someone please edit the title to be RT not RTX? cheers

They didn't go back and add ray tracing to Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Ray tracing was already around when the game launched. It just didn't make it into the game immediately. The company that ported the game for Square Enix kept working on the game after launch, bug fixes and the like, and about 6 months later they released a patch that added ray tracing. Had the game been completely finished when ray tracing came out, they probably wouldn't have added it at all.

Also, you don't need DLSS with a 3070 on a 9 year old game. DLSS lets you play in a lower resolution with similar graphics to a higher resolution so that you can get a higher frame rate. Games actually look a little better without DLSS on.

Back to ray tracing, it is very rare that ray tracing is being added to games that have already released, so as I said in the other thread you stared about this, just play the game now.

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, all they have is ray traced shadows. How much is that really going to improve things if they add that to the game you are talking about? Here's a quote from PC Gamer: "Yes the ray traced shadows are really good, particularly in the party scene at the beginning of the game, but even here the non-ray traced shadows are fine. Run the game at the highest quality settings, and you're going to get a great visual experience, even if the shadows aren't always quite 'perfect'. More importantly at no time did I feel the quality of the shadows impacted gameplay."
As WoodenSaucer said, it won't happen. I doubt that the Tomb Raider 2016 makes currently enough profit to justify dedicating people and funds to implement these features. I expect however that the potential future Tomb Raider games will support RT and DLSS from the release date.
Yeah, I guarantee any big game from now on will include RT.

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, all they have is ray traced shadows. How much is that really going to improve things if they add that to the game you are talking about? Here's a quote from PC Gamer: "Yes the ray traced shadows are really good, particularly in the party scene at the beginning of the game, but even here the non-ray traced shadows are fine. Run the game at the highest quality settings, and you're going to get a great visual experience, even if the shadows aren't always quite 'perfect'. More importantly at no time did I feel the quality of the shadows impacted gameplay."
I agree that it's just not worth it to add that into old games. But I do think it made a difference in Shadow. When I first saw the video for the game that showed it with RT on and off, I thought it was really cool.

Right now, I still have an old GTX 1080, so I haven't been able to experience RT for myself yet. Hoping to get an Xbox Series X, so I'll be able to experience it in a limited way, at least.
Aug 22, 2021

Hey Guys - thanks for your thoughts on this... sounds like I should just go ahead and play it again now.

I doubt that the Tomb Raider 2016 makes currently enough profit to justify dedicating people and funds to implement these features

I don't know about that - more people are getting into PC Gamer than ever before and this is an iconic game that will likely stay popular as people tend to enjoy going through a complete series of games.

They didn't go back and add ray tracing to Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Ray tracing was already around when the game launched. It just didn't make it into the game immediately. The company that ported the game for Square Enix kept working on the game after launch, bug fixes and the like, and about 6 months later they released a patch that added ray tracing. Had the game been completely finished when ray tracing came out, they probably wouldn't have added it at all.

That does make sense - but I also got the distinct impression that a lot of these 'latest batch of retroactively added RT and DLSS" games lists' included ones where they literally went back to spice up an old game (not super recent and still being worked on?)

Did I misunderstand and get that wrong?

Also, you don't need DLSS with a 3070 on a 9 year old game. DLSS lets you play in a lower resolution with similar graphics to a higher resolution so that you can get a higher frame rate. Games actually look a little better without DLSS on.

Ohh - got that mixed up - thanks for pointing that out.



Community Contributor
I don't know about that - more people are getting into PC Gamer than ever before and this is an iconic game that will likely stay popular as people tend to enjoy going through a complete series of games.

Keep in mind that the whole new Tomb Raider trilogy was already given away for free on Epic. This means it'll bring even less profit in the near future. Of course there are people who missed the giveaway or weren't interested in it while it lasted. However I don't expect that this group will provide the necessary funds to make ray tracing possible in the first game. It's more probable that this feature will be implemented by modders, but I have no idea whether Tomb Raider 2016 is susceptible to easy modding.
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