Giveaway This September win an EPOS | SENNHEISER GSP 370 headset from SpecialEffect!

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Aug 27, 2020
What a great chance to win this such a great headset through these days while I am hyping now for the next X BOX X console.
Sep 1, 2020
I know it's probably been said before, but I really think you guys should get into the VR scene with a related product or game. VR is such an amazing medium that could really prosper from an awesome company like SpecialEffect!
Sep 14, 2020
Earbuds with subtle haptic feedback could be neat but you would have to spend a lot of time testing it to get a good product.
Sep 11, 2020
First Person Shooters are what I love and I was always fascinated by people who would try to play mouse and keyboard with one hand...but, it really made me think, what if someone has only one arm/hand or limited mobility with one.

I’m sure there are workarounds to be able to play shooters with one hand, but when it comes to playing PC shooters and mouse and keyboard, there has to be a mor elegant solution...

I don’t know what it would be, but I do know it would have to be able to:
  • Replicate the accuracy and movement of a mouse
  • Give the player ability to move their character in a fashion akin to using WASD
  • Give them easily accessible buttons on the same device for small the extra binds that may be needed
  • Have some sort of modifier button that if they can press two keys at once it gives them another option
  • Maybe the device is able to take gestures created within the game and turn those in actions.... again not sure of the logistics, but that would be interesting
It’s definitely a complex solution and would be cool to see it done right! Thank you for all you’re doing.


Sep 15, 2020
Since I am a person of disability, it would be really cool to see gaming technologies that will help the blind or the deaf to experience the magic games bring. I ain't really a hardcore player so I do not know much. Anyway, I am joining this giveaway due to my online classes. If this headset is USB type, I am joining!
Jan 28, 2020
Some kind, well not some kind, but real gaming chair, with all of lightnings and vibrating effects to make gaming more enjoyable.
May 5, 2020
I know it sounds like like future tech but some glasses with a mic built-in that could capture conversations around you and display subtitles in real time would be incredible for deaf people
Feb 12, 2020
Probably something that's been already touched upon a lot, a sort of neurogear VR dive headset that even people with muscle disabilities and such can also use
Sep 10, 2020
How about a standing chair or frame? Something that accounts for various physical needs with interchangeable parts that can be customised for both needs and style . Possibly a range of these with options such as built in surround sound and an independent microphone since headsets aren't suitable for all. An adjustable support for a controller as well. Might as well have a built in temperature regulator also
Mar 12, 2020
Wow everyone on here has great ideas! You all should really think about fleshing it out, or patenting it in the meantime. The solutions for disabled people to play games is one I would fully support (hint hint kickstarter anyone)
For now my needs are simple. That is for someone to develop a gaming controller that can do 100 hours on one charge. Or a cellphone battery that lasts 100 hours at least from one charge


Jan 15, 2020
This is not a product, as I am not an expert in the field. I would like to see accessibility options within video games to be something that isn't even thought about, because all games have them. It must be extremely frustrating for people with disabilities to have to research games before hand to make sure that they are even able to play it

Just to name a few, every game should have;

Adjustable keybinds
Full controller support
UI and font scaling
Colour blind modes
Subtitles and closed captions
Fully adjustable audio (ability to lower music volume and increase dialog volume, for example)

It must totally suck to want to play a game, but just can't due to it just not being accessible.
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