Question System requirements for Elden Ring

Feb 25, 2022

I would like to know if my pc can handle Elden Ring on low settings (1080p)?
My specs are:
- GTX 1060 (6GB GPU)
- RAM 16
- Intel core i5 7400

-> the only requirement my pc doesn't meet is that I have the intel core i5 7400 instead of the i5 8400 ..

Would this be a problem? Should I be better of buying an xbox series s for this game?

Thanks in advance
Hi herman if you type ... can i run eden ring or any other game for that matter , into a browser you will find web sites giving details of required spec for a game and some of them even have a little program to run for it to scan the spec of your pc.

Unless you have xray eyes you can drop the graphics settings on games without actually seeing a change , if you buy from steam their refund policy is you must have owned something for less than 2 weeks or used it for less than 2 hours
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Hi @herman789

As well as the useful stuff the guys already posted, some first hand experience, I expect you will struggle. Minimum is the 6 core I5 8400 or rough equivalent 4/8 thread AMD 3300X CPU so you're below minimum specs I'm afraid on the CPU side and pretty close on the GPU as well.

Its hitching on my CPU at times and I'm above the recommended specs. Nothing major but I imagine on a weaker CPU it might be quite bad.
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I have read postings that players with some really hot stuff are struggling to run the game and this always makes me ask the same question ...... do games writers use machines that gamers cant get their hands on or simply cant afford.


On a Journey
Hi herman if you type ... can i run eden ring or any other game for that matter , into a browser you will find web sites giving details of required spec for a game and some of them even have a little program to run for it to scan the spec of your pc.
I would avoid "Can you run this" as even if its advice is accurate, its little more than advertisement for Driver Booster, as it will always say your GPU drivers are old, even if they are current. Click on link to get new drivers takes you to driver boosters web site. You don't want this program.
I thought site was useful until then.
Feb 26, 2022
I'm running i7-6700 CPU, 16GB RAM, GTX 970 (4GB). My CPU and video card don't meet the minimum reqs. However, I'm currently playing Elden Ring on Medium settings at 1920x1080 and I've no problem running the game with 5-year old components. A caveat: I'm only in the Limgrave region, so I don't know if other regions in the game are more CPU- and video-intense that may well cause my PC to stress. But for now I can play the game fine.
@Charley Parker The thing I'd point out there is that the flat 4 core 7400 is a significantly worse chip than your 4 core 8 thread 6700 which performs almost the same as the I7 7700, being the same architecture. Its the lack of threads that I think might be the problem.

I do think they overshot the minimum requirements by a way on both CPU and GPU though, so worth OP giving it a try to see if you don't mind it chugging a bit.

When it rains performance gets hammered in Limgrave for me, so could get much worse later on.
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