Question Steam Discovery Queue - Do you use it?


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I have, but it's very rare. The few times I can remember using the Discovery Queue they were all games that I really had no interest in. I've found more games that I didn't know about by reading about them in the PCG magazine or an article on the web site, then looking up the game itself on Steam. I think it's a nice feature of Steam, and probably useful to gamers who play varied types of games, I've just got a pretty narrow focus of what games I like.


Community Contributor
I use it to get cards in the season sales, then try to get the badge for each sale. I think I've gotten almost all of them so far.

It's really rare to find a game I'm interested in the queue, though. I end up using it more to put games on my ignore list - which is also useful.

P.S. The current Steam sale's queue message is broken. It always says the queue has been done for the day.


Community Contributor
I used to go through it once or twice a day, but I quit and probably haven't done it in a couple of years. My gaming tastes have really gotten much more narrow, so the discovery queue is mostly a waste of time now. I can use other Steam tools to find games more specific to my interests.