Question SPOILERS - How far through Xcom 2 am I?

Jun 29, 2020
I've been playing Xcom 2 and really enjoying it but only get a couple of hours a week to play and am starting to feel it drag a bit after playing for weeks. I have the mission to investigate the location extracted from the Codex, and have just had the thing happen where I skulljacked another Codex.

Can anyone give me a rough percentage of how far through the campaign I am? I'm starting to find the constant council missions really annoying, as they keep interrupting me gathering supplies or building contacts. Thinking I may need to stop and switch to another game for a bit but don't want to do that if I'm near the ending.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
I finished XCOM 2 few weeks ago and if I remember, skulljacking second Codex triggers something. Did
a new powerful enemy make an apperance?
If not, you're not even at 50% imho. If it did happen and you finished the shadow chamber research, you're few key missions away from finishing.
Jun 29, 2020
I finished XCOM 2 few weeks ago and if I remember, skulljacking second Codex triggers something. Did
a new powerful enemy make an apperance?
If not, you're not even at 50% imho. If it did happen and you finished the shadow chamber research, you're few key missions away from finishing.

Oh wow yes that happened. Surprised to hear I'm so early as I seem to have some top level weapons and armour already! Think I'll take a break then and come back later...

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
As @Zloth wrote, if you saw that enemy after "jacking into" second Codex, you're close to the end. I don't remember exactly how many missions there are, but if you do the research assosiated with that particular enemy, you will embark on final set of missions very soon. Some normal missions may popup as they tend to do so.
Jun 29, 2020
As @Zloth wrote, if you saw that enemy after "jacking into" second Codex, you're close to the end. I don't remember exactly how many missions there are, but if you do the research assosiated with that particular enemy, you will embark on final set of missions very soon. Some normal missions may popup as they tend to do so.
Ah that's a relief, good to know! Yes I got lucky and had put everyone into overwatch so that enemy wasn't too bad but just had a mission where I encountered an Andromedan. What the hell is that thing?!

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Andromedon together with Gatekeeper are my fav "encounters" in late game. Add to that some random "king" that I didn't kill yet or bunch of codex/archons and usually my reaction was "I didn't sign up for this".

Sometimes I had mission where everything went smoothly. No problem, getting close to that one terminal we need to destroy/hack/whatever. And then just then, when one of my squad members approach it it is revealed that a whole bunch of enemies were in the corner of the map, literally hiding behind the building we're in. And it's Andromedon and Gatekeeper with friends.
Much rage was had.


Community Contributor
If you look closely at the Andromedan, you can see it swimming in the head. They remind me a lot of the Nemesis Warhulks from City of Heroes.

That final battle is good stuff and the ending is a fun one. I hope you get to it!


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