Hello, you lovely lot.
I'm writing up an article on how PC gamers love to, let's say, hoard old boxes and PC parts. I know, those eight fans and two HDDs from the early 2000s will come in handy very soon, but in the meantime, take a pic of it all and fire it my way
I'm after piles of boxes, fans, hard drives, cables, cable ties, old cases. All that good stuff.
I'll kick things off with my own pile of shame. This is only a taster of what I have lying around, as most of it has spilled into surrounding rooms in my house and a storage container.
I'd love to showcase your pictures in the finished article, so if you'd be happy for me using your image please let me know in your reply. I'll be sure to credit you accordingly!
This is a judge-free zone. We're all guilty of keeping stacks of old stuff around with the intention of using it for something later on. It's a perennial PC gaming problem.
Thanks for your time!
I'm writing up an article on how PC gamers love to, let's say, hoard old boxes and PC parts. I know, those eight fans and two HDDs from the early 2000s will come in handy very soon, but in the meantime, take a pic of it all and fire it my way
I'll kick things off with my own pile of shame. This is only a taster of what I have lying around, as most of it has spilled into surrounding rooms in my house and a storage container.
I'd love to showcase your pictures in the finished article, so if you'd be happy for me using your image please let me know in your reply. I'll be sure to credit you accordingly!
This is a judge-free zone. We're all guilty of keeping stacks of old stuff around with the intention of using it for something later on. It's a perennial PC gaming problem.
Thanks for your time!