Question Searching for an old PC zombie game

Jul 11, 2024
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Hello to all!

I've been scouring net and various game ss so I could find this game, but I just can't remember its name! I know how it looks vaguely and the game mechanics to some point, but the thing is, it's all stored in my 4 year old brain, when my mom was playing it while being pregnant with my lil bro and I was just watching her. Unfortunately, shortly after, a certain cousin who was literally banned from coming ever again scratched the CD for the game and that was the end of this saga X(

So, I asked my mom, and she doesn't know when the game was released, I can't ask my dad unless I become Sung Jinwoo (lemme cope with lame jokes and dark humour), but the last time I played it was in 2002, but according to the people she got it from, the developer is most likely either American or Canadian(?), and maybe developed in 1990es?

The game was low res, but the aim of the game was to build a base with a village of uninfected people. There was a bunch of options. To make a wall, a farm, military encampment, etc... You were based at the cliff, so you couldn't run, if I remember correctly. You could also equip villagers with slingshots and machetes, axes as well. You had limited time to do all of this before you were attacked by a swarm of zombies. If you destroy a swarm and survive, you go a round again. I think that you also could choose the size of your village and even the time when the first wave would come.

Basically it's a strategy survival game. Super old, super cool, 'cause I remember loving that game and just playing for 10 hours straight with my mom when we would go on a binge on the PC.

I think I'd recognise the game if I see the ss of it, so if you think you know it and it fits the bill, and you have an ss of it, please attach it so I can see it to check!

Please and thank you! I'm on a serious dry spell, and I hope getting into some old, childhood games is gonna help me get out of the funk.
I'm on a serious dry spell, and I hope getting into some old, childhood games is gonna help me get out of the funk.

Off-topic, but my advice in these cases is always the same: do something other than videogaming! Read some books, watch some movies, play some boardgames, go for a walk, play some sports, go out to a bar, anything. You're just jaded from videogaming too much. Do something else for a while and eventually your enjoyment will return.
Jul 11, 2024
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The only thing it reminds me of is this:

It'd be so easy if it was the TLS series, but the first game of this came out in 2007, while I played the game mentioned in the OG post during 2001-2002.
(⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)
TLS is cool as well, tho, brutal as it is.
Jul 11, 2024
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Off-topic, but my advice in these cases is always the same: do something other than videogaming!
I'm actually not an active gamer! I just got that desperate in searching for this particular game, because I've literally been searching for years. I usually just bug my brother when he finds an interesting game and watch him play, if it's a genre I enjoy. I'm most into strategy, mystery, horror, simulations as well, but when you're hooked to AoE2 since you're aware of yourself, kinda nothing compares. So I watch a lot of playthroughs.
I do love me a good book/webnovel/fanfic, I'm not choosy.
I do some sports I'm allowed to do, though not much lately due to budgeting issues, I love board games, but I ain't got the company for it, not really a social type, I get nervous in crowds if it's not a work setting, and I have a case of RBF ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Also, not allowed to drink due to medical issues. Pubs are cool, but middle aged men are not...😂


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