i got something special for you print it off it may come in useful
Coal power…. 1 water at 250% can feed 3 coal at 215% but more or less depending on coal node’
Nuke power … 2 water at 250% can feed 1 nuke at 250%
Nuke power using plutonium waste , plutonium fuel rods and fisconium fuel rods have similar water use but the power produced will be governed by how many of these items are being produced by other machines.
NOTE …. I never use mk2 pipes to supply water I use mk1 and link them with a cross piece just before they reach the nuke stations I then put a VERY short piece of mk2 pipe from the cross piece to the nuke plant … this is because mk 2 are very buggy
Ordinary nuke layout
BLENDER 7 of these
in goes uranium ore , concrete , sulphuric acid
out comes encased uranium cell and sulphuric acid.
note package excess acid or loop it back to the input.
in goes encased uranium cell , encased industrial beam , electromagnetic control rod
out comes uranium fuel rod
in goes uranium fuel rod and water
out comes uranium waste
note you need to put a splitter on waste as it is needed in 2 places
BLENDER 4 of these
in goes uranium waste , silica , nitric acid , sulphuric acid
out comes water and none fissile uranium
in goes none fissile uranium and uranium waste
out comes plutonium pellets
ASSEMBLER 8 of these
in goes plutonium pellets and concrete
out comes encased plutonium cell
in goes encased plutonium cell , steel beam , electromagnetic control rod , heat sink
out comes plutonium fuel rod , you now have a choice , you can either sink these or use them ti feed power stations that is the first move towards making nuclear power using the fisconium method , depending how much plutonium fuel rods you use you may still have to sink some.
FOOTNOTE … since 1.0 some water looks ok to use but when you try to place a water extractor you might get an invalid placement report so check the water before doing anything else.
Fisconium stage
POWER STATIONS… in goes plutonium fuel rod …. Out comes plutonium waste.
PARTICLE ACCELERATOR .. in goes plutonium waste , singularity cell , dark matter res from converter , out comes fisconium.
QUANTUM ENCODER .. in goes fisconium , electro magnetic control rods , ficsite trigon , exited photonic matter from converter…. Out comes fisconium fuels rods for nuke stations that don’t produce waste ……. The encoder also makes dark matter res.
LAST BIT …. PARTICLE ACCELERATOR in goes diamonds and dark matter res , out comes dark matter crystals…… use or sink.