The defect is enough to make a 5080 perform like a 4080 Super but for more money.
50 series, where you pay more for the same performance as older cards.
bobbing for apples.
Do you get a good apple that works - Card with no defects
Do you get a bad apple that also works but at a lvl equal to a lower quality apple to the one you bought?
Think I would wait before buying as there is no visual way to know (right now) if the cards are right or not. Don't buy until Nvidia and reviewers confirm its fixed... but then always be chance of some old stock. Depends how Nvidia fix it. Can't do it with software.
Nvidia need to speak up. They said it was only 5090 and 5070 TI but Steve has a defective 5080... so they need to look harder.
Lots of people won't know any better and with the scarcity of the cards, many may not want to rma a card that mostly works and wait for a replacement.
Nvidia drivers should have a test in them that shows what you have. Should run on any 50 series card as a test to confirm and highlight field in red if its wrong.