Rockfish Games, creators of Everspace 2, AMA

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Aug 31, 2020
Would really like to know how far you are going to take the crafting part of the game. Would really like to see this be a little deeper then Everspace where you simply found patterns and then found all the materials. That's a good start and can be that way for most items, but what about having some really hard to find or hard to obtain patterns that might require a series of events or maybe having to dismantle items to obtain parts or whatever. Let your imagination run wild. Thoughts?


Registered Developer
Aug 26, 2020
We get this question a lot, and rightfully so. Truth be told, since the game is scheduled for early 2022, it could actually change a bit between now and then. But even with EVERSPACE 1, we made adjustable settings for even an 8-year old machine to play it at a consistent 60 fps. I know this is true, because that was my computer. HA.

Otherwise, for decently being able to play, I'd say something equivalent to a GTX 1070 maybe. ES2 is also coming to the XB1 and PS4.
Let me step in here regarding current-gen console support: yes, ES2 coming to XB1 and PS4 was announced at gamescom 2019, but we have to see how development goes, especially with those handcrafted planetary locations eating up a A LOT of memory...


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
To quote Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz: "We're not in Kansas Anymore":)

@RFG_Erik I have not heard about this game as of yet, so if you and I were in an elevator and you had 30 seconds to pitch the game: What am I jumping into?


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
Where else do you want to see the Everspace universe expand to? Books? Comics? Animated show? FIlm? Or is this something your team wants to keep close to the chest, it is your baby afterall, might be weird handing off creative to someone else
The more, the merrier honestly!

But also, we LOVE seeing fanart from different mediums. While some of it is silly, some is also downright impressive too. A comic would be really freaking cool!


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
Would really like to know how far you are going to take the crafting part of the game. Would really like to see this be a little deeper then Everspace where you simply found patterns and then found all the materials. That's a good start and can be that way for most items, but what about having some really hard to find or hard to obtain patterns that might require a series of events or maybe having to dismantle items to obtain parts or whatever. Let your imagination run wild. Thoughts?
I think you're going to LOVE what we're cooking up behind closed doors for ES2.


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
Just like how us the player will have an amazing amount of customisation options to make our ship look unique, are there plans for this customisation to carry through to other npc’s (friend or foe)? For example instead of having all outlaw scouts look the same, there could be different colours applied to them.
lol hi Hazzy <3

Truth be told, this has been an internal discussion point. We want a lot more variety in ES2, and have some floating concepts of making two identical enemies have unique aesthetics (but a similar silhouette so you can still identify the type). But I have a feeling we'll talk more on this one further in development. ;)


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
To quote Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz: "We're not in Kansas Anymore"

@RFG_Erik I have not heard about this game as of yet, so if you and I were in an elevator and you had 30 seconds to pitch the game: What am I jumping into?
EVERSPACE 2 is an arcade-y space looter shooter using open world and RPG systems. Think of it like a Freelancer-meets-Diablo experience! And there will be a lot of different ways you customize your ship (but statistically AND aesthetically). Pew pew!
Jan 14, 2020
So I play a lot of different styles of games. Space Sims not a lot but I played a little. Not everspace I must admit.
Being an adult makes my gaming time limited but still try to vary the styles of games I play (lately they tend to be the easy to grab and play, like 3PS)
So, my question is: why should I play everspace 2? 😁

P. D: This is a silly question, but AMA, right?


Registered Developer
Aug 26, 2020
The more, the merrier honestly!

But also, we LOVE seeing fanart from different mediums. While some of it is silly, some is also downright impressive too. A comic would be really freaking cool!
Adding to that: when I was at TGS last year to demo ES2 to Japanese space game enthusiasts on the show floor and pitch to Japanese publishers behind closed doors (there is moooar!) one of them was very intrigued about making an EVERSPACE manga series - that's not an announcement, but would be dope, wouldn't it?
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Jan 29, 2020
What's the least related to a PC work that you need to do and know to have a great develop of a game and a software company?


Registered Developer
Aug 26, 2020
Hey, it's my pleasure. And I think this is your floor?
Get it because it was an elevator pitch? ...I'll be here all week
Wait, that's not your floor, yet! BTW, there will also be a proper 20-30 hour single-player story campaign featuring lots of interesting characters. Did Erik mention that you can also fly down to planets, too? No? Well, now you know! Oh, this must be your floor. Have a good one! :)


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
Will there be a decent amount of customization available?
Ships alone have modular pieces that make up the whole of the ship. So a tier 1 Sentinel could have 4 different wings, 8 different bodies, and 8 different engines just for the WAY IT LOOKS. And this is just ONE SUBCLASS. There are three classes, and three subclasses of each.

There will be further customization for the cockpit, and additional details on the exterior of the ship, too. Also, there will be primary, secondary, and tertiary colors to customize, and the insignia as well. But I may have said too much; there will be more regarding this in a future dev update.

But all that was just the way your ship looks. I didn't even crack open the various Specials and Passives each subclass could have, nor the differences of equipment slots. And we didn't talk about the depth of the itemization, either; each piece of equipment can literally change the way you play. But we also didn't talk about Devices, and the unique modes you can unlock on them. And we didn't talk about the Perks.

To summarize: yes, decent amount. :cool:
Aug 31, 2020
I always like looking at concept art and the production process. Will any of this be revealed upon release?


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
So I play a lot of different styles of games. Space Sims not a lot but I played a little. Not everspace I must admit.
Being an adult makes my gaming time limited but still try to vary the styles of games I play (lately they tend to be the easy to grab and play, like 3PS)
So, my question is: why should I play everspace 2? 😁

P. D: This is a silly question, but AMA, right?
HA, honestly it sounds like EVERSPACE 1 might be up your alley: It's not so much space sim, but fast-paced arcade-y roguelite. That said, it's got a brutal difficulty curve out of the gate. It's really easy to dive in and play for 15-30 minutes, or push yourself for a couple hours for a full run. Easy to pick up and play.

EVERSPACE 2 puts a lot more focus on the open world, allowing freedom of choices quite a bit further. So, for a player like yourself with limited time, you'll be pleased to know that we're developing a rich 20-30 hour campaign that you can follow along on your own time. Play a mission, log off. Do a couple side missions, log off. No pressure, no stress, just dip in and out as you please!

And then if you want more than just the main missions, you can branch away and pick up the jobs you want, help out the factions you'd like, and explore to your heart's content without anyone telling you to do so.


Registered Developer
Aug 24, 2020
How come we never see Okkar mining operations? Do they get all the resources they need from their own planets?
The short answer is: Yes! But you don't come to an AMA asking for single-word responses, so let's go a little deeper.

Okkar use a wildly different energy source than the Colonial remnants (various Outlaw factions and Grady & Brunt Mining Prospects, among others). The Okkar energy is known as viridian energy, and it is responsible for not only powering the Okkar fleets, but entire cities on their homeworlds as well.

Part of the Okkar-Colonial Treaties after the conflict allow the G&B to mine in the DMZ, and the Okkar don't mind because they aren't losing the bulk of their precious viridian.
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