Yeah, that's what sucks. Games that you have such great nostalgia for, but then when you try them now, you just can't get into them again. We get spoiled by modern games without even realizing it. There are so many games that I absolutely adored back in the day that I'd have a really rough time playing now. I used to be big into nostalgia, but I'm kind of in a season of my life where I'm more interested in new experiences.I got a bunch of the games I miss the most on GOG and didn't enjoy them so much anymore!
Maybe No One Lives Forever 1 and 2?
Tru dat. 2 recent experiences:when you try them now, you just can't get into them again. We get spoiled by modern games
I wouldn't want it to be my main vehicle, but I wouldn't mind driving my 1978 Mustang II with T-Tops again. I'd love to remind myself how that feels. It was lightweight, but still had a V8 engine, so it could really get up and go. That was my first vehicle. I bought it after I graduated high school in 1990 for like $1000.Of course, I wouldn't want to drive any of my 70s-80s cars either, or relive the joys of dial-up
Without a doubt, Super Mario Bros.
SMB3 is probably my favorite 2D Mario game.I never finished the original but Super Mario Bros. 3 i have finished twice and i wouldn't mind doing it again. As you say "without a doubt" almost all Mario games are excellent platformers. Some of the best ever made.