Red Dead Redemption 2 performance as of now?

Jan 20, 2020
Hi all,

I'm interested in purchasing the game. I'd like to know how the game fares now in terms of performance. I'm only really interested in hearing from people who's setups have a GTX 10xx series or below. We all know the game generally plays well on the 20xx series but since they have a lot of grunt power that does not necessarily mean the game is optimised.

I'm using a gigabyte 1070
ryzen 3600
16gb ram @ 3000mhz ddr4

I want to play at 1440p, what will I expect in terms of graphics settings if I want to play at 60 fps?

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Jan 13, 2020
Hi all,

I'm interested in purchasing the game. I'd like to know how the game fares now in terms of performance. I'm only really interested in hearing from people who's setups have a GTX 10xx series or below. We all know the game generally plays well on the 20xx series but since they have a lot of grunt power that does not necessarily mean the game is optimised.

I'm using a gigabyte 1070
ryzen 3600
16gb ram @ 3000mhz ddr4

I want to play at 1440p, what will I expect in terms of graphics settings if I want to play at 60 fps?

I was using a gtx 970
i5 4690k
16gb ram

I could play the game ok at 1080p. I had textures at ultra and then a very mixed bag for all the other settings. I consulted youtube and other comments sections to help get the best performance for my rig.

I upgraded to a gtx 1660 ti recently and that has allowed me to dial up some settings. However my i5 is definitely a limiting factor but I've no intention of upgrading that just yet. From my experience with the game, I'd advise you to go ahead an buy it. You may not be able to be game on the highest settings at your resolution of choice but with some tweaking it may be at least satisfactory.

Its a fantastic game and I'm enjoying playing through it immensely. I'm also going to enjoy returning to it when i have a more powerful rig and better monitor, to experience it in all its full glory. Best of luck with it.
RTX 2060
Ryzen 5 1600X
16GB RAM @ 2400Hz
1080p Monitor

I'm playing the game on mostly Medium settings, with Textures at Ultra, Shadows on High, and a couple other minor settings turned up as well. I can hit 60FPS pretty easily, but of course there are some areas in the game that can spike my FPS, or even certain lighting scenarios, specifically a sunset where there is a lot of volumetric fog present.

I have to say that the game looks very nice to me. I would like the play the game at higher settings but frame rate is more important to me in this game, since it allows for greater immersion IMO. With Textures on Ultra the game look great.

Overall, the game runs very smooth most of the time. When you're really focused and immersed in the game, you will not notice the slight frame rate dips that happen every so often.

Check out PC Gamer's "Red Dead Redemption 2 settings guide" in which they talk about the what settings affect FPS the most and which settings you can turn up. There are also benchmark graphs so you can see how your GPU performs.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
For me about the same settings as @neogunhero . With a Ryzen 2600 combined with an RTX2060 at 1440p I was running at an average of like 58 FPS.

I know a guy though who has alot of trouble getting the game to run on a Ryzen 1600 with a GTX970, but I'm not sure if that's the hardware or that his settings are messed up somewhere.
Jun 13, 2020
It runs like absolute crap on even very high end PC’s. I bought it a few months back and tried playing it on my PC which has an Intel Core i9, 32gb Ram, an RTX 2070, and I had it installed on a 2Tb SSD which still had a good 1.5Tb of free space after I had installed Red Dead Redemtion 2. I have the latest drivers for everything in my PC and yet I was barely able to keep a steady 60 FPS with and without GSync. I even lowered the settings with the most impact on the game’s overall performance and I was kind of able to keep a constant 57 FPS or so but it wasn’t even much of a difference except for the fact that any settings that are below High make the game look like a piece of garbage. So if you are looking for a fix I can tell you this, there isn’t one. Rockstar has neglected to fix major performance issues in their game and not to mention it crashes almost all the time. It is just too much work to play a video game. I play video games to relax, not to stress out over the fact that I just wasted 60 bucks on a game that sometimes runs but even when it does it runs like crap. If you play it play it on the console because it is clearly much more stable performance wise on consoles compared to PC. Rockstar can easily fix these issues but they haven’t done anything and it has been over a year since they brought RDR2 over to the PC. It is disappointing and really frustrating when these kinds of things happen.