Well i should be excited because some big games came out this week that ive been looking forward to playing and i have been let down by both

Destiny 2 had a new expansion come out and its...less than stellar. I like the new guns and armor and the new system of armor mods and difficulty level and the new "seasonal activity", with content still to come but Bungie has just dropped the ball so far. Ill try to keep this short
1. New campaign was bad, worse than the last one (witch queen, which has been the best exp so far to date for me) by far and probably towards the bottom in terms of expansion stories imo.
2.New "guardian rank" system is useless. You use to see peoples season rank now alls you see is this arbitrary number based on tasks you completed in destiny (which were reset for this new system because ive certainly completed every task in this system already). So now someone with 5k+ hours has a 6 (the basic beginner number for most of destiny players with this new system) and someone with 100 hours has a 6 as well, and thats it, the system doesnt do much else yet.
3.No new MP maps in either of the games pvp/pvpve modes (crucible and gambit)
4.1 new strike (think quick dungeon runs) added, just 1, for a new expansion this is pretty bad
5. New subclass has great abilities but they have atrocious cooldowns. Grappling is one of the abilities but you wont be doing much grappling because the cooldown is roughly 2 minutes. Its also a class based on mobility which is going to just get you straight up killed in harder content.
The only reason why ill play it and enjoy it is being a clan leader, theres a ton of members playing and asking for help, so its nice to jump in with them and play, along with playing with my family. Basically we all suffer together and it makes the experience better lol
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty was another anticipated release i was looking forward to. Now a lot of players are having terrible PC performance but its running pretty smoothly for me (80-120 fps, 2k, 3070ti) but the game has some of the ABSOLUTE WORST controls ive played in a PC game in a while. They added the dead space from controllers to the mouse so you dont move as you move the mouse if you move it too slow, even with mouse sensitivity all the way up

And, it being a Dark Souls-like game, its so extremely annoying bosses/combat is at its peak here. Its just so fun really laying into a semi-boss that can just stop taking all your hits and dmg and just swing their weapon and kill you in one hit that you cant block because you are in full slashing mode, not to mention you cant ever win these fights if you dont parry because even if you can hit them a bunch, bosses just go invulnerable and go on the offensive and killing you in 1-2 strikes no matter your health. Also, i just cant stand that this first boss in the game is a 2-stage boss where it takes every ounce of effort to beat the first part and then have the boss turn into a dragon that kills you in one hit sending you to the beginning of the 1st section fight
The open-world combat is nice, really fun even with its DS-esque combat, I really enjoy it, but when i get to a boss i lose all interest in the game because it just seems the devs break the game to make a boss hard and it just gets so utterly boring, guess i gotta just git good.