I doubt it, but I wouldn't know—I never played Saints Row as it seemed far too silly to me
But I haven't noticed any over-the-top stuff, if that's what you mean—FC has always had its unscripted crazy cameos coming out of left field, but they're just occasional LOLs.
ETA: DLCs are a different story, most of those are crazy to me.
Far Cry 6 free trial
Best thing is check out
the free trial:
"Far Cry 6 gets a free trial for new players starting today on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, as well as Windows PC through the Ubisoft Store and the Epic Games Store "
Last time I bit on one of Ubi's free trials it was The Division, and I regretted ending up buying it, even though I only paid $12 for it. The trial was very misleading and did not BEGIN to show what a horrible grind that game is to get the necessary gear to do well in it. Granted, their games not designed for MP typically aren't the tiered loot crap they've been cranking out, but still, Ubi are changing a lot of even their SP campaigns into silly, fantasy Sci Fi crap, like what they did with Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Thanks, congrats to England as well.

No one in my country is pleased with the style of our national team though. It's a success that we managed to get out of the group, but I'd prefer a better level of play and loosing. Our current coach prefers an ultra-defensive style and it's very hard to watch sometimes. It's a shame that the potential of Lewandowski and Zieliński goes to a waste...

I'm quite pessimistic when it comes to match with France. TBH it'll be good if we loose only 2:0. On the other hand, the pressure will be on the French side, because we don't have to do anything now and they have to win. So who knows...
As much as I was sympathizing with Poland on staying in, when they showed the tail end of the Mexico vs Saudi Arabia match, I had to think Mexico is the better team. Seamed unfair they got knocked out when they scored 2 goals to Poland's none, especially since Mexico won their match and Poland lost. I do understand though they go on accumulative goals and other stats, but still, Mexico is clearly the better team vs Poland.
Anyway, as far as our team goes, here's hoping Christian Pulisic can play in our match tomorrow against the Netherlands, and be a contributing factor again. I can't help but think we're going to really need him. This is kind of a crazy World Cup year though, where the big teams like Belgium, Germany, and now Mexico, are already knocked out, and teams like USA and Japan are advancing. So the teams not expected to go far now have high hopes.
Also Sarafan, I completely agree with your assessment of how Poland is being coached, and that it's a waste of their top players. England played our USA team the same way, maybe because they've never beaten us before in the World Cup, but it doesn't help to sit back on numerous possessions and play ticky tack passing the ball back and forth in hopes it will set up a successful attack. They did better in the 2nd half being more aggressive, but it still ended in a draw.
I have to say as well, one telling moment in our match against Iran was when their goalie very nearly accidentally had one of our guys intercept one of his passes to another one of their players near their goal. This is the kind of thing that can happen when a team gets too defensive. They start losing their confidence, get nervous, and often make costly mistakes.