PCG Article Not E3 wrap up. Did you pay attention this year? What are your thoughts?

I've paid pretty close attention and for the most part there isn't any one game that jumped out at me that I'm super excited about. The game I most wanted to see more of - Avowed - was not shown in any capacity. Off the top of my head, the game I'm probably most interested in (in terms of the near future) is A Plague Tale: Requiem. The enjoyed the first game quite a bit, and the sequel is looking quite strong. There's a smattering of other, smaller games that look pretty cool, and I did add a decent few to my wishlist so I remember they exist.

For big anticipated titles, I'm a bit lukewarm on Starfield. I think it looked solid and it'll likely be a good game, but I'm just not super excited for it. It's obviously hard to say since we don't know a lot of important details (e.g., how good the dialogue is, whether the story is strong, etc.). but it definitely didn't wow me. But I'll say that this game strikes me as one that will satisfy the core audience of big BGS fans. I've never liked their games to the same extent as others, so it makes sense that this game reveal wouldn't dramatically shift my opinion.
I've paid pretty close attention and for the most part there isn't any one game that jumped out at me that I'm super excited about. The game I most wanted to see more of - Avowed - was not shown in any capacity. Off the top of my head, the game I'm probably most interested in (in terms of the near future) is A Plague Tale: Requiem. The enjoyed the first game quite a bit, and the sequel is looking quite strong. There's a smattering of other, smaller games that look pretty cool, and I did add a decent few to my wishlist so I remember they exist.

For big anticipated titles, I'm a bit lukewarm on Starfield. I think it looked solid and it'll likely be a good game, but I'm just not super excited for it. It's obviously hard to say since we don't know a lot of important details (e.g., how good the dialogue is, whether the story is strong, etc.). but it definitely didn't wow me. But I'll say that this game strikes me as one that will satisfy the core audience of big BGS fans. I've never liked their games to the same extent as others, so it makes sense that this game reveal wouldn't dramatically shift my opinion.
I'm similar to you with this. A Plague Tale: Requiem is definitely my most anticipated game that was shown. And I'm probably a bit more on the positive side of lukewarm than you are about Starfield. But before this, not only did I have absolutely no interest in Starfield, but I was actually angry about it because it's holding up TES VI, which is what I really want. So seeing how I went from that to being on the positive side of lukewarm, they must be doing something right. I have Game Pass, so I'll definitely give it a whirl. Not sure if I would buy it, though.
Nope. Anything of interest will filter thru to me during the next year or two, in nice time to buy in 2024 summer sale—once bugs are fixed, good mods out, discount big, etc etc :D

Same. I have not actively followed it, but have seen some stuff mentioned here and there (mostly here). Starfield is the only game I expect to get at some point, I don't expect I'll get around to playing any of the other games anyway.


Community Contributor
:ROFLMAO: You all are a tough crowd. Remind me not to do my stand up routine in front of you.

Since we're in THAT mood, I'll tell you that I thought the worst trailer was for Ark 2. It showed a couple of dinosaurs and Vin Diesel. Thanks, I had no idea it was going to have both dinosaurs and Vin Diesel. In my wildest dreams, I was hoping for just one of the two.


Community Contributor
(Looks up the video) Oh wow, a dinosaur riding Vin Diesel!!

Starfield looks pretty good to me - I don't understand what all the downcast faces are about. It seems a bit like No Man's Sky? NMS with Bethesda's knack for helping modders sounds incredible!

The Invincible got a trailer and looks reasonable. The voice actors seem to mispronounce words from time to time (non-native speakers who've done a good job getting the accent right?) but the mystery I'm hoping for seems to be there.


On a Journey
i seen it called No Mans Skyrim - its like name wrote itself. They have already delayed it because they were afraid of it being Cyberpunk part 2.

When you invoke 2 of the biggest hype fails in the last 10 years in the paragraph, you can see the point. Hopefully it can achieve what they promise. 1000 planets makes me wonder about content. But anyway.


Venatus semper
Nov 27, 2020
I didn't follow not-E3 very closely, the only game I was interested in was Starfield, and you guys probably already know my feelings about that (which are very positive), so I won't go into that here. Nothing else really took my interest, so I didn't spend much time with other upcoming games.

Like @Ryzengang , I do wish there had been something about Avowed from Obsidian, since it's been about 2 years since that game was announced. An open world RPG set in the Pillars of Eternity universe definitely has me excited for that game.

A related PCG article: Six no-shows we hoped we'd see at this year's not-E3 | PC Gamer lists several games that didn't appear, three of which I have a great interest in.

Avowed, as I mentioned, the Elder Scrolls 6 (and I really didn't expect to see anything from that game with BGS focusing on Starfield), and Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2, and who the hell knows what state that game is in.