my pc wont display on my monitor while an HDMI & Display port are plugged into the gpu
I assume you mean only one of those at a time—both together would likely not work.
The keybord and mouse are not turned on once plugged into the motherboard
Is their connection via USB or are they plugged into the round pin ports? If round pins on the front of the PC, switch them to the ports on the back—that probably isn't the issue, but it's quick & easy to check.
If they're into USB, try different USB ports—I've found USB ports more likely to be or go bad than other ports. Also, USB ports on the back are sometimes better than those on the front of a desktop.
rams connected to the motherboards are on
Not sure what you mean by that. Did you reseat the RAM sticks?
What version of Windows 10 are you on? Eg 1909, 20H2…
What's your storage space, and how much space is free on the system drive—usually C:?
Have you checked all the cables are properly connected? They can work loose during transport.