Why Are You Upgrading: my PC is 10 years old and my old graphics card died
Budget: 1,980 dollars total for the computer in the link.
Approximate Purchase Date: As soon as Im settled on a spec
Use Case: Gaming
Parts to Upgrade: New computer
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Your Monitor Resolution and desired frame rate: 2560x1440 , 165Hz
Preferred Website(s) for Parts? https://tms.co.il/# but the prices are in shekels so maybe you wouldn't want to work with that one.
Parts Preferences: Intel, NVIDIA
Overclocking: No
Additional Comments:
So I got RTX 3080 Founder's Edition and Intel Core i5 12600k and Im looking to build a computer around these two,
So far I got the following build and I'm unsure if the parts are compatible or if I can get cheaper parts without losing on performance, if so which parts can I buy instead?
I'm looking for an opinion on this build:
Budget: 1,980 dollars total for the computer in the link.
Approximate Purchase Date: As soon as Im settled on a spec
Use Case: Gaming
Parts to Upgrade: New computer
Are you buying a monitor: Yes
Your Monitor Resolution and desired frame rate: 2560x1440 , 165Hz
Preferred Website(s) for Parts? https://tms.co.il/# but the prices are in shekels so maybe you wouldn't want to work with that one.
Parts Preferences: Intel, NVIDIA
Overclocking: No
Additional Comments:
So I got RTX 3080 Founder's Edition and Intel Core i5 12600k and Im looking to build a computer around these two,
So far I got the following build and I'm unsure if the parts are compatible or if I can get cheaper parts without losing on performance, if so which parts can I buy instead?
I'm looking for an opinion on this build: