Question Looking to get new monitor for general use

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
The plague is ravishing the land and in these dire times my oldest monitor is starting to act in odd ways - mainly "rebooting" itself at random. I triple checked all cables etc. and it's getting worse. Before it only happened when my PC was booting and monitor wanted an extra 5 minutes to "warm up" to the task. Now it can happen while gaming and as you may expect, it's not the best thing to happen. And I am not looking ahead to going back to 1 monitor setup after being on double screens for a about a decade.

So yeah I am checking my options and doing research. Anything you can recommend that would meet the simple criteria:
- 24'' (no space for anything bigger anyway)
- FullHD (I don't see much sense jumping to 1440p and it's still to early for 4K imho)
- Preferably IPS with good colors
- as little as possible of annoying stuff like lags, "ghosting" etc.
- 144Hz may be a plus but not required

- everything. Seriously, from being main monitor for gaming to coding, writing walls of text to browsing memes.

- small. Like about 200$

Adding info about localization since some of the stuff I see recommended here and there isn't available here: Poland.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
The 24" monitor I've been using for quite some time is the AOC G2460VQ6. When I purchased it, it was arround €140. 24", 75hz, colors are fine (but I'm not a professional so I don't know how good they are in that way).

Review of the monitor

According to that review, you could go for a 144hz version of that monitor too, if it's in your budget.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
@Inspireless Llama thanks, I will add it to my "research more" list. So far the selection process determined few possibilities (not including yours)

AOC 24G2U​
Samsung C24FG73FQUX​
AOC C24G1​
iiyama G-Master GB2560HSU Red Eagle​
LG 24GL600F​
MSI Optix G241​
ViewSonic XG2401​

Only two of these are IPS, some are VA. Gotta dig into reading more specific things about them and see if I catch any other recommendation.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Getting the right monitor can be hard :) There's so much choice haha. I took my time getting that AOC monitor, while I quickly found out that I wanted this MSI monitor (I wouldn't recommend it for you, it's too big :p), but I knew what I wanted already.

I usually read alot of reviews, like "the best 24" monitor" and the Dutch sites I read usually come up with good recommendations for every budget/ panel.

OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
So an update on this topic - I was really trying to "survive" on my old monitor for as long as possible :p

In the end my list of potential monitors got reduced to these:
- AOC 24G2U (IPS)
- Asus TUF VG249Q(IPS)
- AOC C24G1 (VA)
- MSI Optix MAG241CV (VA)

After some consideration - and cursing that there's no happy middle ground/perfect LCD panel - I decided to go the IPS route. VA may be better for my "dark environment", but some of it's issues scared me away. From the remaining two I could either way for AOC 24G2U to restock at shops (checked online shops in whole country, none have it, sold out) or go for Asus which uses the same panel.

tl;dr - I got Asus TUF VG249Q and IT'S SO BRIGHT. And colors look GOOD. TOO GOOD. HELP.
Now my second monitor is looking kinda "dark and meh".
Seriously, after 10 years it's kinda nice having something new to stare at. Happy with performance, even tho my poor rig won't utilize the 144hz very much.
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OsaX Nymloth

Community Contributor
Jan 29, 2020
Great to hear the new monitor is a success!
What is your poor rig?
Intel I5-4690K
GeForce GTX 970
16 GB DDR 1600

Not going to list everything, rest if rather normal except for 2 HDD and 1 SSD and a Xonar DX audio card I guess. Yeah I can't even use Freesync with this. Yet. And even if I could, only in some older games I could hit that high refresh rate.

But I didn't get this screen just for current rig but also for my next build that I plan to make in second half of the year.
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