Question If you had to live in one of the video games you’ve played, which one would it be?


Community Contributor
Some Star Trek: Next Generation game, located on some out-of-the-way planet that doesn't get invaded or otherwise mangled. You do see quite a few planets catch hell in Star Trek but, remember, there are a LOT of planets out there. Most don't have any issues, and Roddenberry's vision of the Federation was pretty sweet. The replicators destroyed poverty - there wasn't even a need for currency. People still did some work, but they did it to better themselves, not for pay. All that advanced tech made life mighty comfortable! (The show didn't stick to the concept all that well, especially once DS9 started up. The whole concept is so foreign to us that it's hard to relate to.)

Red Dead Redemption 2. No shortage of natural beauty to admire, animals to harvest, and drunks to fight with.
And you can get interesting water flavors!
Jul 27, 2023
Some Star Trek: Next Generation game, located on some out-of-the-way planet that doesn't get invaded or otherwise mangled. You do see quite a few planets catch hell in Star Trek but, remember, there are a LOT of planets out there. Most don't have any issues, and Roddenberry's vision of the Federation was pretty sweet. The replicators destroyed poverty - there wasn't even a need for currency. People still did some work, but they did it to better themselves, not for pay. All that advanced tech made life mighty comfortable! (The show didn't stick to the concept all that well, especially once DS9 started up. The whole concept is so foreign to us that it's hard to relate to.)

And you can get interesting water flavors!
That's why whiskey exists!
May 11, 2022
I do live in Days Gone. I wish all motorcycle games had the same type of riding controls using a KB.

Okay the zombies are stupid, but the marauders, settlers, rippers, anarchists and other biker gangs are a constant challenge. Just when I forget to be hyper vigilant I hit a rope tied across the road, or a sniper shoots out my engine. Plus Deacon is a murdering B with a good heart, even morals!

I recently sold my bike, so this is good compensation and I'd like to build a post apocalypse bike like Deacon's tricked out one.


On a Journey
I mostly play ARPG, not sure I want to live in any of those worlds. Actual monsters? real dragons? No thanks.

I lived in Journey for a few years, but not physically. I feel it would start to feel like Groundhog day - the movie (this makes sense if you played the game).

I can't think of any.


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