If this makes you happy, we can be friends.

I just now found out about this website. Well, not Bandcamp, but Team Fat's page.

All, or at least most , of the music The Fat Man and Team Fat have made. Of course one particular series is my favorite and if it's yours as well then we can be friends.


Community Contributor
Won't be me. All I played during the 90s was a little N64. Up until my late 40s I rarely played video games. I played them, but not very often, and other than the Nintendo period, it was always either a cRPG or an American Football game. I really only started playing more so I could play with my kids.
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Won't be me.
Well, nobody's perfect.

All I played during the 90s was a little N64. Up until my late 40s I rarely played video games. I played them, but not very often, and other than the Nintendo period, it was always either a cRPG or an American Football game. I really only started playing more so I could play with my kids.
I would have loved for my kid to be more into gaming, but they were into healthier activities like music and farming. I mean, they do game, but not it's never been what you'd call a regular thing.
Weirdly, I've kind of always wanted to play Putt-Putt, even as an adult. I could show it to my kids, but I think I've already broken the seal and I'm not sure they'd tolerate the slow pace.

My oldest has not stopped talking about Subnautica for a week now, from the moment they wake up until I leave the room at bedtime and even then, I'm still being told stuff about Subnautica as I walk away.


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