How's your first Cyberpunk 2077 run been going?


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Nov 25, 2019
We've all been waiting a long time for Cyberpunk to hit release and now it's finally here the big question is whether it's living up to your expectations.

Have you ran into anything that's made you go ooooh, a quest that's made you go aaaah or a glitch that's made you go huh? Are you holding off on jumping into Night City until a few patches are added in?

I'm kind of torn on whether to play today or wait and I'm likely going to use this thread as my compass. You have incredible power over my wallet and I'd encourage you to use it.

Tell us about your experiences, but make sure you keep it spoiler free!


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Playing the game. The counter currently shows 3,5 hours. During this time I didn't encounter any bugs aside from some very minor graphics glitches. It seems that Day One Patch did its job. Night City looks wonderful. The PC version has a quite good population density, so it all looks very lively. During my playthrough I did the prologue and explored the city a bit. I'm having a great time! Can't wait to get into some side questing. I'm hoping to see some really good stories there.

I can say a lot of good things about the game after 3,5 hours, but one thing I didn't like. It's the ray tracing performance. On my RTX 2070 Super I get less than 30 fps in a more crowded places. After switching RT off I get 57-60 on Ultra, which is not a bad score I guess.

In overall I don't regret the money spent on pre-order. It's a great game despite its performance problems. I'll be updating if something new occurs. :)


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
Around two hours in, soon finished with the prologue and so far it has been pretty much smooth sailing. The bugs I have encountered have been very few, only a couple of people glitching into walls and a strange accident where my motorcycle kind of glitched into a car and then popped out on the other side. It's not perfect, but nothing that makes you go: "ohhh, I can't play this game".


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Jan 13, 2020
I'm also about two hours in. Really happy with the character customization options. I like that it's not a ton of sliders, I prefer the feature preset numbers. Not sure how the genital stuff will play into the game but here we are lol.

Upon starting I immediately went to work on the GFX options. I have an i7-7700K with a GTX 1080 TI, 64gb of ram (I know I like ram), and am running the game off of a NVMe M.2 SSD. The game defaulted to Ultra settings with ray tracing off, but at 1440p I was only getting 20-30 fps. After about five minutes of tweaking I found a mixture of medium and high settings that got me to 50-60 fps on average. Only bugs I've noticed so far is when I wear a hat it doesn't appear and my hair disappears as well.

I started Corpo and just finished the prologue. I'm not sure how I feel about the beginning of the story so far. My encounter with the folks in Arasaka was fairly surface level and all you really take away from it is the guy you were working for is a scumbag and for some reason (very minor spoiler) you're being removed from the company. It seemed like a fairly abrupt start that in a short time probably gets you to the same point where the other three life-paths converge, but I could be wrong.

Overall it feels like there's a lot of information to take in, so I'm hoping Act 1 eases me into the gameplay. In the few gun battles I've had the shooting felt good and snappy. Hacking felt a little clunky to start out with but I want it to be a big part of my play style so I will keep at it. I started the game at HARD difficulty because of the notes @PCG James had in his review about feeling OP in combat relatively quickly. The prologue was pretty on-the-rails, so excited to see what it feels like once I'm untethered.

Good experience so far and I think as long as CDPR is persistent in squashing the release bugs, optimizing the game, and polishing the content, there's no doubt in my mind we've got a future masterpiece on our hands.
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Jan 14, 2020
Are you holding off on jumping into Night City until a few patches are added in?

This is what I'm *trying* to do, but we'll see how long I last. I didn't play Witcher 3 until all of the DLC was out, so the game was fairly stable by then. I've no idea how buggy it was on release, but I was very happy with the game when I finally played it. And I'd like to have that same experience with Cyberpunk. But I've been itching for this game ever since that first teaser trailer years ago, so I'll probably end up getting it as soon as I can reasonably afford it. (Which isn't really during the Christmas season. Even if I had the funds available, I'd feel a bit guilty buying myself a present instead of someone else.)


Community Contributor
I little update. Like some of the reviewers wrote, once you leave the center of Night City the crowd density is not so great. Some of the districts are really empty, too empty... It's not a major thing, but Night City should be overpopulated. This emptiness breaks the immersion a little. Also the side quests which I've done so far were very simple. I still hope that I'll find a masterpiece equal to the Red Baron questline though. :)
I love seeing comments of people saying they see little to no bugs with high end pc hardware, like yea you def. shouldn't be seeing many bugs, but it doesnt play out that way for the 90% or more of those that don't play on that kind of hardware. If im seeing benchmarks that a 1500 gpu and a 500 cpu is only getting 60fps in 4k on ultra settings, its worrying for the rest of us.

I dont think its necessarily a good thing for CP to become the next "can it run crysis" type game, a game, imo, to be a great stellar OMG game is one that runs like butter on a huge variety of pc hardware, and looks phenomenal and has a good story to boot (At least for SP games like CP) not one that brings 1500 gpus to their knees because the game is unoptimized or made too big for the sake of being a big game.

But alas i am eager to play the story and i still have to wait on getting into it.
Dec 11, 2020
I'm just coming out of the prologue after taking my time exploring Watson and getting a handle on mechanics.

The thing I really appreciate so far are the different kinds of responses to dialogue and their reactions from characters. Main example was when I went for every unique response due to my Cool rating being high. I just assumed these were silver tongue options that would advance me through with some bonus reward or options like Fallout 3 and 4.

Not so! The character in question warily warned me that they're cautious of the "used car salesman" pitch. I quickly went for more honest answers - even though it seemed to add a risk of being naive and too trusting. By the end of the convo it looked like I had got the character's trust by being more honest and not using the Cool unique responses. Who knows, they might be manipulating me. But has really given me the sense of the actual risk of trust when weighing up whose alliance I'm going for.

Anyway, this is a good sign of a good RPG and character interactions and that 20% extra that CPR seems to invest in traditional RPG mechanics. Hopefully this is indicative of having more at play than just being good or bad on some morality binary.

What's making me look past the bugs is the excitement of a AAA game that invests as much into subtlety and "soul" as they have into a mega-detailed, ultra resolution sandbox.
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Nov 29, 2020
Pretty good, not bad there are some bugs etc. But overall it's an fun game but def needs some improvement for sure, so i'm looking forward.
Jan 13, 2020
I was so irate and disappointed when I discovered that the game had fixed keys and not all the keybinds were available in the game. Then I found how to edit the inputUserMappings.xml and it's not so bad now - but still disappointed that the game released as a console port. Normally, it would be a dealbreaker - but - the game does look nice and other than a few NPCs posing in the "T" position - so far no other bugs.
Of course, I'm still just wandering around after first leaving V's apartment and haven't started any missions. I'm hoping by the time I'm ready to play - more of these bugs will be fixed.
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Oct 8, 2020
Well, so far so good. Only just finished the prologue. A few glitches here and there (people sitting on thin air even though there are empty chairs, people walking trough closed doors, etc.). It breaks the immersion sometimes, but very much playable; I'm enjoying it so far.

It doesn't look quite as densely populated though. Night City looks really good, but I think I expected a bit more of a living and breathing city. Maybe after I progress a bit further it will start to live more; I was struggling with the keybindings the first few hours so I wasn't paying a lot of attention. But I understand what the PC Gamer review meant: it feels like a stage, not a simulation.

The thing that's really shameful though, is that you can't rebind certain keys. Especially the main and secondary interaction key and walking up and down (left and right can be changed for some weird reason). Only by editing some XML and JSON files I was able to rebind those keys. That should be fixed ASAP.

But if you want the game to be more bug free and play it as how it's supposed to be? Then yeah, you should probably wait a couple of months...
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May 3, 2020
I lauched it, it runs well (i have a good pc), but the reviews makes me cold about it so i'll wait a few patches before playing it.
I'm on DX XI def ed on the gamepass...
Jan 14, 2020
So, an update: my wife got me the game as a surprise early Christmas present. (Apparently not shutting up about it for two years was enough of a hint), so I nervously installed it, thinking I would have nothing but problems since my setup is three years old and wasn't bleeding edge at the time, even. The only thing new in my setup is my GTX 1660 Ti, and even that is considered low to mid-range now.

And I have to say, on High settings at 1080p, it is running surprisingly great for me. I know the game would probably look so much better at Ultra and 1440p or more, but since I'm using a 43" 1080p HDTV, I've never experienced games at that resolution so I don't (yet) know what I'm missing, and am fine with the 2008 definition of HD for now. (Plus this gives me a chance to re-experience the game in sharper detail at some point in the future, so that's cool. I had a similar experience in my 2011 Skyrim experience vs. playing it in 2017. )

For point of reference, I'm using an i5-7600k running at 4Ghz, 16GB of RAM, and installed it on a 250GB Samsung 860 EVO SSD.

All of the non-performance-related downsides are still there, like the disappearing NPC's, the NPC's largely being generic wandering people with no lives intermixed with staged puppets, and the occasional script hangup that resolves with a reload (definitely a game that currently needs to be saved as often as possible), but I'm over 13 hours into it and so far nothing game-breaking or that totally takes me out of the game (any more than what would happen to me in Deus Ex or Skyrim.)

It also took my readjusting what sort of game to expect from it. I'm now looking at it more like the first couple of Mass Effect games, which were a bit on rails within missions but still a lot of fun. I wasn't that much in a hurry for another sandbox game anyway, so a well-written Cyberpunk story will suffice, at least until DLC and mods allow for more. I'm probably being more forgiving since it was a gift, too. I also went in with staggeringly low expectations after the reviews and comments. I'm still bracing for some major glitch, though. *knock on wood*
Dec 14, 2020
I'm not sure if this is the correct thread to post, so mods, please feel free to move/delete as applicable.

I haven't picked it up yet, haven't decided on whether to buy it on Xbox One X or PC.

My PC is fairly poor - an i5-3570K / 1060 6GB / 16GB RAM.

Can anyone advise on the best course of action?
It also took my readjusting what sort of game to expect from it. I'm now looking at it more like the first couple of Mass Effect games, which were a bit on rails within missions but still a lot of fun. I wasn't that much in a hurry for another sandbox game anyway, so a well-written Cyberpunk story will suffice, at least until DLC and mods allow for more. I'm probably being more forgiving since it was a gift, too. I also went in with staggeringly low expectations after the reviews and comments. I'm still bracing for some major glitch, though. *knock on wood*

From the comments I've read it seems a lot of people had very different expectations for the game. Most of the criticism I've seen seems to be from players expecting a GTA type of game, instead of something closer to Mass Effect.
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Staff member
Nov 25, 2019
I've actually decided to wait a little while, which is insanely out of character for me. - the clown king of impulse buys.

There's enough good stuff out there at the moment to tide me over until they get a handle on things. Loving Yakuza: Like a Dragaon and Valhalla has been pretty fun too. I waited this long, I can hold off a little longer.
Dec 14, 2020
19.5 hours in, no game breaking bugs, one or two weird visuals where a car disappeared in front of me, but meh.
playing on a AMD 3600x, RTX 3070, 32 gb (3600 cl17) ram, 2k resolution. 80-95 fps ( w/ rt and dlss) after tweaking settings according to digital foundries. ( was getting 50-60 on ultra with rt and dlss). still one of the most visual stunning games, I have ever played, story rich, interesting npc interactions, and a ton of great lore items to get and read along the way.
only wish there was a way to reset skills, does not break the game, would just be a quality of life thing.
the level designers, quest designers, visual artists are bloody amazing. everything I was wanting and expecting. for me, 10/10
Jun 26, 2020
It's a fun game. The combat took a bit to grow on me, but focusing mostly on quickhacks has been a blast. The story and the world are interesting enough, there are some seriously well crafted moments in the game. Technically, it's a bit of a disappointment. Pretty buggy/glitchy, but I can forgive that, it's a big game and that comes with the territory. The optimization is probably my biggest complaint. 6700k and 1080Ti and I seem to be stuck on medium settings at about 30 fps average. Just makes me wish I could find a 3080 even more. There are also some pretty questionable design decisions throughout the game, but again, it is a big game so it's going to happen. I've nearly finished all the side missions in my first playthrough, but now I'm starting to itch for a real RPG so I may put it down for a bit. Kinda went ham on it, the holidays give me way too much time to game.

I will say it certainly didn't live up to the hype, but having set pretty low expectations (I was not a fan of the witcher series) it's surprised me a bit.
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Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
32 hours in and 7% of the main story done. The story is so far interesting, though I have to say I have had the pleasure to experience some decent side quests with a bit more punch. Understandable though since the main story is going to be a slow burner before the character development peaks. The thing I like the most about Cyberpunk so far has been the exploring aspect. Just walking on foot, or taking a motorcycle and sucking in all the colorful Night City fumes. I feel like I am part of the world and that is something I have not felt with a game for a long, looooong time. Morrowind would be the other game, so yeah, been a while.

I love being able to change clothing, reflect on where I want to go in the skill tree, and how I want to do a particular mission. The music in the game is excellent, and it kicks ass to hear the bass thumping while you walk into a bar. While the complexity is a bit lacking here and there, the entertainment factor is uplifting. I would have liked to see better A.I (especially the cops are lackluster here) and NPC's that act more naturally and not twitching and glitching around like a crazed person, so here is hoping some of the coders manage to make miracles happen.

It is not a perfect game by all means as it got A LOT of rough edges, but it manages to hold it all together with something you do not see that much with other games; a beating heart with a lot of rock and soul.
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Jan 14, 2020
From the comments I've read it seems a lot of people had very different expectations for the game. Most of the criticism I've seen seems to be from players expecting a GTA type of game, instead of something closer to Mass Effect.

True. And if I'm being honest, I was a little bit disappointed that there wasn't a bit more "GTA" in the game's DNA, in terms of traffic AI and whatnot. It feels weird to be able to drive away from a heist with no one pursuing you. (Unless maybe they do on the highest difficulty?)
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Jan 14, 2020
... I went for every unique response due to my Cool rating being high. I just assumed these were silver tongue options that would advance me through with some bonus reward or options like Fallout 3 and 4.

Not so! The character in question warily warned me that they're cautious of the "used car salesman" pitch. I quickly went for more honest answers - even though it seemed to add a risk of being naive and too trusting.

I noticed this, too, and appreciated it. And sometimes there's just no good answer, which felt very Witcher to me. (And I'm using that as a compliment.) One character I thought I had nailed the best possible replies -- and I did, from my character's goals perspective. But then it lead to something unexpectedly tragic, and I wondered if there was some other way. (Though a quick reload showed me that some things are inevitable.)
Dec 14, 2020
Honestly, It's been smooth. The only bugs I've encountered were simple ONE t pose after a save and a glitch with a side mission chat. And I'm only running a 1600AF, 5700 OC, 32gb 3200mhz, And the game is on an SSHD.

1080p Ultra is smooth as it gets with a lil upscale ;)

It seems the most bug issues come from Nvidia and their Cyberpunk ready drivers. My wife has a 1500x, 16gb 2400 and 1070 FTW2 and she has seen ALL The bugs everyone has reported. And thats Nvidia.... She didn't get these issues til she updated the drivers wanting better FPS.
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