So this question is for those who haven't finished the game but have been playing it for a couple weeks (which is where I am currently.) Are you enjoying it more or less than when you started? Are you burned out on it at all? Have you run into any game-breaking glitches where you had to just stop? I'm curious.
I've reached a point where my Street Cred is over 40 and my character level is around 30, with only 30% of the main quest(s) completed. I don't remember how many hours in I am, but currently my main quest is having me wait, while most of my remaining side quests are either pointless* car purchases or totally unrelated gigs. Outside of missions that demand it, I haven't fired a gun once. (Okay, that's not true, I once went full guns blazing on an early Big Bad in the prologue that I didn't seem to have an option to stealth past due to some dialogue choices I'd made earlier.)
Right now my stealth combined with my cybernetic legs allows me to go just about anywhere I want, and it seems most NPC's didn't get the memo about verticality, so I'm doing a lot of Death** From Above, which feels rather OP. I'm not finding a lot of middle ground in fights, I either wipe the floors with them or they one-shot me.
(* - I currently own four or five vehicles, none of which I purchased. I see no need to buy one so far.)
(** - Or rather knockout from above, though I'm not convinced the game always notices or cares whether I take someone out lethally or non-lethally. I'd been aiming for non-lethal just to see if it makes a difference at all like in Dishonored.)
I haven't played it in a couple of days, but I'm in no real hurry to get back into it. It seems like after playing through most of the main NPC's side quests they want nothing to do with you, and any subsequent dialogue is generic. And other than the main questline, it seems any curated/staged interactions are mostly used up, leaving just the generic NPC's who have nothing to say and seem generally unfazed that I'm sprinting down the road like Roadrunner and leaping onto buildings just because I can. It's like I'm daring the game to break on me at this point. I know there's at least one more side NPC (based on a romance guide article I saw), and perhaps more in the latter two thirds of the main quest, so hopefully that will pick up again soon. But otherwise I've got that same sense of aimlessness that I once experienced in the first Watch Dogs midway through that game.
So I guess my secondary question is, for those who are further in, does it get better? Is this just a lull in the plot and things pick up steam again? (Minor spoiler for context of progress: I'm currently waiting for a parade.)
I've reached a point where my Street Cred is over 40 and my character level is around 30, with only 30% of the main quest(s) completed. I don't remember how many hours in I am, but currently my main quest is having me wait, while most of my remaining side quests are either pointless* car purchases or totally unrelated gigs. Outside of missions that demand it, I haven't fired a gun once. (Okay, that's not true, I once went full guns blazing on an early Big Bad in the prologue that I didn't seem to have an option to stealth past due to some dialogue choices I'd made earlier.)
Right now my stealth combined with my cybernetic legs allows me to go just about anywhere I want, and it seems most NPC's didn't get the memo about verticality, so I'm doing a lot of Death** From Above, which feels rather OP. I'm not finding a lot of middle ground in fights, I either wipe the floors with them or they one-shot me.
(* - I currently own four or five vehicles, none of which I purchased. I see no need to buy one so far.)
(** - Or rather knockout from above, though I'm not convinced the game always notices or cares whether I take someone out lethally or non-lethally. I'd been aiming for non-lethal just to see if it makes a difference at all like in Dishonored.)
I haven't played it in a couple of days, but I'm in no real hurry to get back into it. It seems like after playing through most of the main NPC's side quests they want nothing to do with you, and any subsequent dialogue is generic. And other than the main questline, it seems any curated/staged interactions are mostly used up, leaving just the generic NPC's who have nothing to say and seem generally unfazed that I'm sprinting down the road like Roadrunner and leaping onto buildings just because I can. It's like I'm daring the game to break on me at this point. I know there's at least one more side NPC (based on a romance guide article I saw), and perhaps more in the latter two thirds of the main quest, so hopefully that will pick up again soon. But otherwise I've got that same sense of aimlessness that I once experienced in the first Watch Dogs midway through that game.
So I guess my secondary question is, for those who are further in, does it get better? Is this just a lull in the plot and things pick up steam again? (Minor spoiler for context of progress: I'm currently waiting for a parade.)