How many people still love the old games?

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Sep 17, 2023
Hey can anyone guesstimate on the following: if we take a modern price to performance mindful iGPU setup, what year of games can it run at 1080p (is the "p" correct in this context ?) and 60 frames at max settings ? Talking about the titles that in their year would've been taking advantage of the hardware of the time. Not like Crysis but y'know- the average fancy game at the time.
A modern price-to-performance iGPU can run games from around 2015 to 2017 at 1080p and 60 frames per second on max settings for average titles of that era.
Nov 1, 2023
I feel like nostalgia plays a big part in this, and I'm very outdated when it comes to modern games, but... In the previous game eras every game used to look and feel so different from each other, because of unique art styles, themes and concepts. And you'd see many companies making their own engines for different titles, so each game was unique. And everyone was coming up with new ideas and concepts so you had this great variety of genres and themes.

But nowadays most companies are following the trends, so you end up with many titles that end up looking and feeling the same, you don't see people going for a genre that hasn't been touched in a while, and once someone does and gets successful, you get bombarded with the same stuff again from everyone else trying to be "in".
The use of modern game engines really helps developers, and they are pretty flexible to how you can make your game look and feel, but most often you see the hyper realistic graphics and over the shoulder camera gameplay, or since Genshin came out you see open-world walk-around-collecting-and-killing-stuff with anime-esque graphics.

Anyways, this whole rant was to bring the point that in old days you felt like you had a great variety. Sure, during the SNES era for example, you had tons of JRPGS and platformers, but they all felt and looked so different from each other, it all felt new instead of feeling like just another copy of the most recent successful game. So I suppose that could be one of the reasons a lot of people still like old games, even with their limited technology and clunkiness.
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Brian Boru

Legenda in Aeternum
Welcome to the forum :)

they all felt and looked so different from each other, it all felt new instead of feeling like just another copy of the most recent successful

That's a pattern with many industries during their early phase, while they're still figuring out what works and what's sustainable long-term. Eg 100 years ago there were ~200 car manufacturing companies, today there are hundreds of AI companies.

Of course you still have old car enthusiasts today, just lie old game lovers—and I expect in 100 years time they'll look back nostalgically but incredulously at the time when wet brains all going their own crazy way was how we did things. Borg ftw :D
Jan 4, 2023
Many older video games are among my favorites, 30 years later. For me, the Nintendo 64 was (and perhaps still is) my top console of all time. Even older PC games, like Baldur's Gate, are present day favorites.
May 26, 2023
If there's a sim racing physics engine better than 'NASCAR2003', I haven't found it. I have a newer gaming rig that's pretty much going to waste. N'03 FPS is fairly good. :eek:

I really enjoyed 'Pole Position' at the arcade. (Forty years ago.) Mostly for the pure fun of using the many exploitable shortcomings--against unsuspecting, sore, losers. No desire to play it on the PC tho. The hustle was the draw.
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Jan 16, 2020
I don't necessarily think old games are better, just different. I have plenty of fun playing newer titles. I think, and this has been touched on some, that the biggest problems with newer games is innovation and creativity. In the AAA market you get almost none of that. The EA and Activision machines churn games out on a yearly basis. In an environment like that, creativity is stifled.

However in the low to mid budget indie scene there are tons of great games. Ever played outer wilds? Doom eternal, though not an indie game, is probably the most fun I've had in a shooter. It's 3 years old but I think that still counts. Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion maiden, and Cultic are all examples of awesome new fps games. They take the best from the retro and new eras of gaming. If you like puzzle games, baba is you, the talos principle and the portal games are all fantastic.

I worked in a used video game shop for 8 years and had plenty of time to play older retro games (from the 80s and 90s on consoles) and let me tell you, there are plenty of stinkers. Some great classics and hidden gems too, but those I think are the exception.

I love classic games and always will but I try not to buy into the the thinking that everything used to be better.
May 3, 2024
Old games hold a special place in my heart, like a well-worn book you can't help but revisit. They're classics for a reason, embodying the essence of simpler times when gameplay was king. Speaking of classics, who else here finds themselves lost in the soothing rhythm of spider solitaire from time to time?

As for the question at hand, count me among those who still harbor a deep love for the oldies. There's something magical about the pixelated worlds of yore, where imagination bridged the gap between limited graphics and boundless adventure. Whether it's the timeless charm of Super Mario Bros or the strategic depth of Civilization II, these games paved the way for the industry we know and love today.
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Mar 27, 2024
Tricky one. I believe most people who still play games released till 1999 or so, are middle aged guys. Younger people (or, the majority of the players) probably know "retro" games through remakes or completelly new, modern titles, that carry the tag.
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Aug 22, 2024
I love playing on the Nintendo 64 because it brings back so many great memories. The classic games like Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda and Mario Kart 64 are timeless and still fun to play today. There's something special about the simple, yet addictive gameplay and the nostalgia of those pixelated graphics and iconic soundtracks


Community Contributor
Well, RPG Codex sure likes the old games. Here's their top 70:

Big kudos for the very last game on the list, though. "Build-porn" is exactly the right phrase.

I finished 8 of these, abandoned 5 and I'm currently playing Baldur's Gate 3.

A lot of these are games I'd love to play one day, but realistically that'll never happen unless I get magical time powers or upload my brain into a computer or something like that.


On a Journey
i had:
  1. Planetscape: Torment
  2. Arcanum: Of steamworks and Magick Obscura
  3. Baldurs Gate (1 & 2)
  4. Fallout: New Vegas
Out of the top 10, anyway.
Wizardry 8
System Shock 2
Dragons Dogma
Wonder why Diablo 2 is in 53rd... seems a bias at play as to what is an RPG. Not this again.

Slaps them around with a Sacred hammer... only arpg mentioned is Diablo... no others.