@THORLLAMAS approximately where are you located geographically? If there's a microcenter near you, then yes, they often have deals that are as good as or better than what you can find online. I have a Microcenter in my city and I love going there. But you should also look online at Newegg and B&H photo. Both are reputable sellers and can sometimes be cheaper than Amazon. PCPartPicker automatically selects the lowest price it can find among online sellers (and indeed Newegg and B&H were both sellers in the list
@Oussebon put together).
If you do go to a physical store, do be just a little bit careful not to make an impulse purchase. It seems like you're new to the PC building game, so if you're seeing tempting items on the shelves (or if a salesman is leading you down a different path), there's nothing wrong with sleeping on it, doing more research, and then coming back another day to make the purchase.
From the recommendations so far in this thread, you should be able to put together a Ryzen 3 3100 and Radeon RX 570 build for a bit under $600. I would try to stick with that as a baseline, even if it means you have to save up a little longer.
On the high end of the PC spectrum you get diminishing returns when you start spending many hundreds of dollars for that last 10% of speed. Well, on the low end of the PC spectrum you get a kind of similar inverse effect happening, where you can end up sacrificing a proportionally large amount of performance to save those last few dollars. This is why it's often better to wait a little longer and save up if ~$100 makes the difference between an APU system and a system with a dedicated GPU.