Haunted House Type Attractions

I ended-up at one this year for the first time in 20+ years and I ended-up feeling pretty much the same about it: bemused indifference.

My Brother-In-Laws girlfriend is a huge fan of them, so it was funny to watch her cling to him and scream while the actors chased her, but I don't really see the appeal. Thankfully the tickets we got were "VIP", so we only had to stand in line for about 45-mintues to get in, as opposed to the General Admission which seemed to be at least two hours.
During the Halloween season, do you go to the haunted house type attractions that are open throughout the month? When I mean attractions, I mean stuff like this

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=layoGq629LU

I've been to Field of Screams, Jason's Woods over the years and they're all incredibly entertaining.
I helped make one for the University of Tennessee and also acted in it for two seasons. That was actually some of the most fun I've ever had. But I've never actually been to one as a customer except for a small one in a mall when I was a kid. I would love to go to one, though, just to see all the creativity that was used when making it and to enjoy the campy acting.

I don't want to go to this one, though: No one has ever made it to the end...

@ZedClampet That whole McKamey Manor is a weird one. Some say it is fake because of footage showing some of the people supposedly participating just getting paid for acting out. Then you have those saying they have experienced pretty gnarly stuff, not. As far as I know, the case has been dropped, but it is sketchy.

He moved it from California to Tennessee, and the Tennessee Attorney General stated that the attraction was legal, but last year the AG opened a new investigation on reports that the safe word was not being immediately honored and people were being tortured for some time after giving their safe word. McKamey denies this and says that all tours are 100 percent filmed.

There is a documentary on Hulu about this called "Monster Inside: Americas Most Extreme Haunted House".

Apparently some other extreme haunted houses have opened, but McKamey is by far the most extreme.



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