Apologies for the delay. I took some time off to play God of War. This concludes the walkthrough with the final 3 missions, The Road, House of Reckoning, and Silent Auditorium. The objective in the first 2 missions is to find and recuse the pilot. In Silent Auditorium the objectives are to locate said auditorium, and defeat the Harbinger.
The Road
This is a relatively short mission, and can be grappled through with little to no combat if you have the grapple upgraded, but without said upgrades, I stuck to the vehicles. I also focused on saving the captured troops. I started with the Wraith, then switched to the Scorpion, and finished by speeding past a Wraith in a Chopper
I got through it nonstop without dying, which is relatively easy to do if you know what to watch out for. There's an Elite Ultra lurking cloaked on the left ridge, some troublesome Brutes if you don't take them out right away or from a distance, and Wraiths and Ghosts. Any of these can quickly destroy your tanks if you're not careful.
House of Reckoning
This is a combat training facility where you go through waves of increasingly difficult enemies, ending with a wave of 2 Elite Hunters and some Jackal Majors. I like to immediately grab an HMG and head to the first door enemies spawn behind, which includes an Elite and Elite Major, then grab the Shock Rifle I carried in just past the entrance door before going back to grab the Skewer there, which I take out the 2 Jackal Snipers with that spawn from other doors. I then go back down to the spawn door and swap my Sentinel Beam for a Hydra that is dropped by one of the enemies.
I then fast walk (W+A or D) the HMG over to the next spawn door, head to the central area, pick up another HMG, and take on a group that spawns from the other end of the arena, which is comprised of Grunts and Jackals. As soon as the alarm sounds for the next group, I head back to the HMG I stashed, and stand by it, tossing 4 grenades in the door as it opens, then finish them off with the HMG. The next group is Brutes, including Snipers, Captains, and Majors. I stay near that spawn door to kill 2 Grunts and a Jackal with the Hydra, then the Skewer to pick off 2 Brute Snipers.
After managing to land only one of the 2 remaining Skewer spikes on the Brute Captain, I go and swap it out for the Shock Rifle I used previously, which I had tossed off the upper area to be more accessible from below. I finished off the Captain with a couple Shock Rifle shots, and 4 Brutes, one with a shot at a Kinetic Fusion Coil he was standing near, the other 3 with headshots, one of which was killed by an arc of electricity hitting a nearby large Plasma Fusion Coil. A Brute Major then rushed me, which I killed with the Hydra, This left just 2 Brutes, a Major and Captain, which I head shotted with the Shock Rifle to end the 1st phase.
In the 2nd phase, I show you how to use 3 secret buttons, which spawns a Plasma Mortar Turret Warthog, which I chose not to use. I also show where to stash a fully loaded BR, and how to easily grapple to the top of the tower to use as a safe vantage point, and how to grapple to the 2nd button. The tower roof is useful for the many Grunts, Jackals, Brute Snipers, and as many of the 4 Berserkers that spawn you can get line of sight on. Any remaining Berserkers I jump down when the Elite Hunter wave warning comes and take them out with the Skewer. I then top off my BR with the one I stashed, and use it to take out Suicide Grunts that also spawn in on this wave, and a few Jackal Majors.
By then I've picked up some Skewer ammo from one of the Brute Sniper's weapons, and found a great spot to kill the first Hunter from, a wrecked Pelican back in a corner. The 1st one went down quicker than expected, but then I nearly got killed by the other after going to the other end to finish off Jackals and Grunts. I narrowly escaped dying from their fire by zigzagging around large containers. I then carefully stalked the other Hunter, relocating around to the other side after each shot, to avoid the wrath of it avenging it's partner death.
The 3rd phase can be tough, but is made a ton easier with some careful placing of Kinetic and Shock Coils. It's the boss fight against "Blademaster" Jega 'Rdomnai. I generally also carry an HMG to the small, dark indoor area you fight him, but didn't have to use it this time. I have found the key to beating him very quickly is to create an oval of Coils just beyond the device you interact with to start the battle, with Kinetic Coils at each end, and Shock Coils in the middle. I then grab a Kinetic Coil to toss at him. What this does is cause the Shock Coil explosion to delay slightly until he approaches you, then he is hard stunned by them and can be very quickly killed with the Sentinel Beam. He literally went down in about 10 sec.
The 4th and final phase of this mission is a tough boss fight against Escharum. There are many various weapons around you can use. I like to grab a Plasma Carbine, and some ammo off the Skewer. I circle around trying to keep cover to my left to avoid his Scrap Cannon fire slung to his right. I toss Coils at him, hit him with the Plasma Carbine, then one Skewer shot, which usually drops his health low enough for his impenetrable shield to come up. Then I destroy a shield relay with the Plasma Carbine, rinse and repeating for all 4 relays. When the Skewer ammo runs out, I pick up a Needler.
After the Relays are destroyed the tough part starts, as he is now in fast running, Gravity Hammer wielding, long leap mode. I like to pick up the Spankr that's there to weaken him, then finish him off with the Needler, which can also be refilled with the available Kinetic ammo dispenser, and is easier to turn and shoot with. After retrying the 1st 3 phases via reloading Saving Progress checkpoints I set aside, I managed them with no deaths in these final captures. By the time I got to the 4th Phase, it was getting late, and I already knew from prior play throughs Escharum's fight usually results in deaths, so I captured it with a few deaths that I edited out using 2 checkpoints. All things considered though, it went pretty well.
Silent Auditorium
This is the longest and hardest of the 3, but went pretty well for me. I carried over a full BR and Sentinel Beam, with full nades. After taking out a Grunt and a Jackal Major, I managed to easily kill the Elite Ultra with just 1 Shock Grenade that caused him to fall to his death.

The Elite Warmaster I killed by stunning with a Shock grenade, then a blast of my Sentinel Beam and 3 punches. I then started mopping up with the BR, at one point luring the Berserker toward me, taking a few shots from a distance as he ran at me, then jumping to safety across the chasm Mr Ultra fell into, then went back and finished him off. I was soon down to just 1 Grunt, or so I thought, which was lucky enough to have my grapple punch whiff. It was fortunate for me though, because as it turned out, there was also a Brute Major, whom ended up dying from the Grunts' grenade that was fumbled after I shot him. The Brute yelled, "It's on me!", then kaboom.
There's then a very short battle between 3 Grunt Ultras, an Elite, and a Brute Major with a Sentinel Beam, then on to what is usually the first very tough battle for me against 2 Elite Hunters in a fairly small room. I managed to get one of the Hunters in the back pretty good with the Sentinel Beam as I entered. Then made use of the 3 Hardlight Coils nearby, grabbing Skewer ammo there after tossing them. I then got in a Skewer shot, then used the right edge of the window wall to grapple swing around. I am not the best at doing that, but it REALLY helps in this fight even if you aren't good at it. I then used 2 more Coils near the far left pillar, tossing one at each like the last 2 I threw, then got in another Skewer shot on one of them. I then grappled back to pick up ammo from the 1 other Skewer after freaking out from missing a grapple, then peeked around to shoot one of them whom was point blank.
I used the same swing grapple around the window wall, back to the pillar, and by then had one of them barraging me with fire, as I shot, and unknowingly at the time, killed him. However when I got back to the now empty Skewer rack, the other was right in front of me, and I narrowly escaped death heading back to the pillar. Fortunately once I got there, he was far enough away to get in 2 shots, moving across to the left for cover from another pillar after the 1st, then swing grappling around the window wall once more for cover behind the ammo station crates. It only took one more shot from there to kill the 2nd. It was over in about 1:30. Normally this fight takes far longer and I'm desperately grappling past one of them and using ALL the Coils, 2 of which I didn't use this time. It's partly due to swing grappling around that wall, but also due to them not splitting up this time, which makes it a LOT harder.
After exiting this room, I show a handy room you can access where you can restock those 2 aforementioned Shock Grenades used, as well as various weapons, of which I chose a Shock Rifle. I was also shuttling the BR forward as well, but never used it again. It really would have come in handy in one room where I started advancing closer though. The key to the 1st of these 3 next rooms before the final battle is to stay back and take out any Grunts and Brutes before taking on the Elite Ultra, as if not, you can easily get killed by one of them whilst doing so. Once the entryway is cleared though, he's no match for a Shock grenade and Sentinel Beam. You then just have to mop up some Jackal and Brute Majors, and a few Grunt Ultras.
The next room has a nice ammo room prior to it that has a Spankr, and 2 each Shock and Stalker Rifles. It's key here to keep an eye on the distant upper ledges on each side of this room to look for Jackal Snipers. There's also a rather pesky Brute Captain firing a Plasma Cannon in the distant middle part, as well as a Brute with a Ravenger closer on the right, and some Brute Majors. There are also 2 Berserkers for which I like to grab the aforementioned Spankr, then lure by going up the ramp to the right upper area, then retreat to one shot each one at a time. There's also some Shield Jackals and Skirmishers, which I mostly sniped from a distance, but should have switched to the BR for one Skirmisher I took nearly a dozen missed shots at with the Stalker Rifle when advancing, only to punch him dead instead.
I then make sure I swap the Shock Rifle for the Hydra in the room, which is handy for the 3rd small room with Grunts, Jackal Majors, Brutes, and an Elite Ultra, which I again use the 1, 2 Shock-Beam tactic on. Then backtrack to the prior big room to top off my Sentinel Beam, Shock Grenades, and grab a Cindershot for the final battle.
In the final battle I mainly use the Cindershot for everything but the Brute Chieftain and the Harbinger. Each of these 3 waves has some difficult enemies, including Elites, Brute Majors, and Ultra Skimmers, some carrying a Ravenger, Sentinel Beam or Stalker rifle, the Ultra Skims, a Commando. The waves tend to advance in difficulty though. In wave one I position myself on the upper walkway to the left of where you activate the console, because the 1st spawns in wave 1 come from the doors up there on either side of it. I just shoot a few Hardlight nades with the Cindershot at each door after they open, then jump down to mop up the few remaining. It is also key to be ready near Harbinger's shield with nades set to Plasma and Sentinel Beam equipped at the end of each wave, so you can toss a nade at her, then at semi close range fire bursts of the Beam at her, in between moving in to punch her, which usually helps keep her from teleporting if done right (had a hard time with that this run).
The 2nd wave has some Skirmishers, Skimmers, a couple Jackal Snipers, and a particularly annoying Brute Captain that flies around on his jetpack raining Ravenger rounds down at you. The key here is going on the run after making it to the first spawn door to kill the group that spawns there, mainly to grab more ammo, but it also helps to shoot the large Hardlight containers after going by them, as they can kill following enemies when they explode. You'll know where that 1st door is via trial and error from the checkpoint you get after the the 1st wave. Note however that if you get too close to the door before it opens, the game will use another spawn point.
The 3rd wave is by far the hardest. This is the one that has Ultra Skimmers that love to toss Shock nades at you, a few Elites whom love to toss Plasma nades at you (one of which usually has a Sniper Rifle), and last but not least, that dreaded fast running, far leaping Brute Chieftain, who's Gravity Hammer has a fairly large area of damage. I found the key here is to after again locating and destroying the 1st spawn, actually stay inside that spawn alcove and lure the rest to you. Now there IS a risk of being naded, but you CAN skip out quickly to avoid those shock nades, AND toss a couple yourself.
Lastly, the most common tactic against the Chieftain is to instead of going on the run, where he'll usually leap slam kill you (especially if you have no grapple upgrades), is to keep him from being able to leap at you. This is done by constantly changing from upper to lower areas, as it takes him a little time to get to you. It also helps to toss Shock nades at him, especially near one of those Hardlight canisters if near them, but I'd forgotten I restocked my Shock nades right after using the last one on him to escape the alcove. As a result, the battle with him lasted over 4 min, as it's really hard to hit him with the Beam when he's running fast,
I nearly panicked after finally killing him when my tossed Plasma nade missed Harbinger (the other 2 stuck). She once again was hard to track, teleporting about wildly, but I managed to avoid her attacks and get to her. I was SO glad I didn't have to fight the damn Chieftain all over again. Based on very difficult attempts of this final wave on previous test runs, I was speculating this mission could easily take as much as an hour, so I was very pleased it took less than 49 min, making it only the 3rd longest mission for me. Sure you could add some time wasted shuttling a weapon I didn't use, but it still would have taken well over 45 min I'm sure.
Thanks much to those whom took the time to watch and/or comment on these videos. I hope if you play the game, with or without hardest difficulty mode or these insane added challenges, you get some useful info out of this walkthrough. Here's hoping the next game will be every bit as enjoyable as this one. I can say that now that this struggle is finally over.