Game Recommendation for couple stranded on a deserted island :)

May 10, 2020
I am immunosuppressed and she has respiratory deficiencies - therefore, we are sitting this one out real tight.
We are looking to do more things together and one thing I reckon will be pretty cool is if we could play a computer game.
I am a relatively geeky gamer but I can do whatever. She is the more-picky one.

Please, could you have a moment to share with us some ideas about computer/console games that fit the following requirements:
1. Nice shiny graphics (she's not into retro aesthetics)
2. Co-Op mode (I don't see her enjoying a 0-1000 score between us). This will be the only mode we'll be playing.
3. Simple controls (she's quite a newbie)
4. Not MMO or human multiplayer. We both don't like people in general :) and also internet connection sucks these days...

And this is my requirement: A game that's actually going somewhere, like new levels or RPG-style level up, collection of artifacts, etc...

We can buy a console for that game, if required. Although, of course, a game running on our existing computers will be preferred.

Super thanks and keep safe!
Jan 13, 2020
Kind of a narrow result field with some of those requirememnts.

It would help to know if you each have a computer to play on or if you're going to play coop on just the one computer, because local coop narrows your choices even more.

Also, if you want coop with easy controls you might have to go retro style because there's quite a bit of coop games that have simpler graphics.

Anyway, my default answer to coop is just about any Lego game.
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Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
Are you looking for a coop game that you can play on 1 PC or do you both have one?

A game I finished yesterday: Sniper Elite 4 - Has coop mode (even for campaign). I'm not sure if you end up comparing scores with each other, but there are some coop missions too where both of you have another role. AAA title from 2017, looks pretty good.

Borderlands, it's not what I'd call "shiny graphics", it's an art style, but it has coop mode. Goes for all Borderlands (except Tales from the Borderlands I think).

LEGO games indeed have coop. Can be played with both Remote Play Together (Steam) or on 1 PC.

From what I read, Tomb Raider also has coop modes (Rise of the Tomb Raider for sure), it's not a campaign, it's more of a surival mode. Not sure if it's actually coop or 1v1. Didn't play it myself.
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May 10, 2020
We can buy a console for that game, if required. Although, of course, a game running on our existing computers will be preferred.
May 10, 2020
I'll give Divinity Original Sin 2 and Borderlands a shot - thanks for the suggestions!
(I always thought Borderlands is one of those nasty MMO stuff!)
Mar 9, 2020
Brothers A Tale of Two Sons has a very simple control scheme, is a fun, light puzzle platformer, and it can even be played with both of you holding the same controller.

Castle Crashers is a 2d beat em up with a goofy cartoon ascetic. You play as a group of knights hacking your way through all manner of enemies in a quest to save your respective princess. It has a similar flavor to Battle Toads with some of the humor you might see in Metal Slug.

Battleblock Theater is another game by the same company. It's a "co-optional" platformer where you can interact with your teammate in both helpful... and not so helpful ways.

Magicka is chaos in a bottle. While more complicated than the above titles, not being good at the game is much of the fun as you'll be casting wild and poweful spells that engulf large parts of the environment, causing chain reactions and deadly explosions, all while friendly fire is on.

Portal 2 requires good problem solving and teamwork but isn't aim intensive.

Raft has a cooperative mode where the two of you will be grabbing debris in the ocean to build up your Raft. It's a really relaxing experience though I don't know how far it actually goes.

Divinity: Original Sin and it's sequel Divinity 2 are turn based RPG's with deep stories and class structures. You can play Co-op out of the gate with each of you controlling one of the two starting characters, and the system mechanics are great fun to explore and learn.
A thought occurs, Orks must die 2 might be worth a shot. The Halo series with coop might be a good fit as are other ARPGS. Host a private game and jump in i guess. Path of exile might be a good fit, being free and all.

Portal 2? helldivers?

EDIT: one more suggestion. its a bit more strange, but perhaps legend of grimrock (both of them)? One person controls the party (keyboard), the other does the fighting (controlling the mouse) and together you work out the puzzles. I suggest it because my friend played it with his then Girl friend and it kinda worked. I mean, they're both married together now so it couldn't have been such a terrible idea. Right?
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May 10, 2020
oh you guys are giving me more than I expected. Thanks (keep 'em coming though, if anything else springs to mind) !!!
I'd second Raft. I only got into it recently as it was recommended on these forums. The atmosphere of the game, especially the music is fantastic. It's easy to drift along for a few hours collecting stuff, fishing and then paddling furiously to an island...

Although only Early Access it has a reasonable amount of content and is being updated frequently.
As with any game I'd watch a few YouTube videos about it.


Community Contributor
The Divinity: Original Sin games are really made for it. The first game is more silly but starts out slower, with a pretty long quest of mostly dialog in the first town. The second game is better but can be pretty hard. The second game happens long after the first so there's no problem playing them out of order.

Co-Op mode (I don't see her enjoying a 0-1000 score between us). This will be the only mode we'll be playing
?? I don't get the score reference. There's lots of puzzle-oriented games that should work well with somebody over your shoulder saying "oh try this!" - for instance, The Talos Principle or even The Stanley Parable. (The latter has a free demo that's well worth the download.)
While Stardew Valley isn't very shiny, I think it looks pretty good and it's very easy to get into and probably runs on every PC made after 2000.

Pretty much any RTS can be played co-operatively. Age of Empires II has a HD version on Steam and is pretty easy to get into, but there are a ton available, from medieval to fantasy to sci-fi.

Tropico 6 has a multiplayer mode. From what I've read, you can stick mostly to your own island, but you can help each other out a bit (or pester each other).

Saint's Row IV is fully playable in Co-op.

Inspireless Llama

Community Contributor
Dec 20, 2019
?? I don't get the score reference. There's lots of puzzle-oriented games that should work well with somebody over your shoulder saying "oh try this!" - for instance, The Talos Principle or even The Stanley Parable. (The latter has a free demo that's well worth the download.)

I think it means the OP doesn't want a co-op game where they play against each other (eg like Mario Kart, or Fifa) but rather a teaming up together kind of game.
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May 10, 2020
We did try Borderlands and she's hooked :)
She didn't know how to aim with the mouse or use WSAD but now, she's a real junkie!

I wanted to thank you all for the advice. You have helped us to enjoy about 200 hours (according to Steam)!