I was talking about the CEO. But the owners really aren't making $50 billion a year, either. That's how much the value of their stock went up. Walmart has never come close to making $50 billion in a year, so it's impossible for them to make that much money.Not 25 mill, 50 billion, split between the 4 owners and that's after all the investors get paid. if they Paid the 2.4 billion instead of the gov, they'd still be splitting over 40b. I think those numbers were from 2020. If the owners were splitting 25m I wouldn't have anywhere near as much an issue. Laws in the US favor stock holders over employees, it's sad but true.
Take a dive into their finances if you like. I did a couple years ago and i was shocked at what i found. it wasn't conspiracy sites either, this stuff is official government and finance records aa they are public.
look at sports, the collectively bargin to get 50% of the profits, most other companies workers get a tiny fraction. I don't know how things should change by % but when tax payers are subsidizing workers in a company that profits billions because they dint have a living wage, something is wrong.
As far as intell and their losses, how where stockholders still making money if they were not profiting? Sounds fishy to me how the largest chip manufaturer on the planet can't make ends meet
There is nothing you can do about the value of a person's stock. Remember that a lot of normal people like me rely on stocks for retirement. If you go after the Waltons and their stock, you are going to hurt everyone, not to mention destroying the stock market and sending the country into a depression.

I believe this to be a picture of Intel's new 18a fabricator. I wish I hadn't seen it. I'm going to have nightmares for months. "Zed, we have a problem with 18a. Could you check on it?"

Newsflash: Intel's all-important 18A node is officially 'ready' but what exactly happened to the 'five nodes in four years' thing?
Ready for customers, but what about the PC?