February 2025 PCG Article Discussion

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This review makes it sound like a fantasy Mass Effect. I immediately put it on my wishlist, though I have no idea when I'll actually get around to play it.

Really nicely written review that.

I dont really need to play it now but part of me is tempted to just buy it because I dont want to see Obsidian getting any kind of axes chucked their way staff wise.


Community Contributor

This review makes it sound like a fantasy Mass Effect. I immediately put it on my wishlist, though I have no idea when I'll actually get around to play it.
I get a lot of use out of Game Pass (when it downloads things properly), and I will definitely be playing this next week.
Really nicely written review that.

I dont really need to play it now but part of me is tempted to just buy it because I dont want to see Obsidian getting any kind of axes chucked their way staff wise.

For me the best obsidian game was neverwinter night 2, that game was fantastic. I never did play the dlc so I think if I ever get around to a replay, that would be a really nice incentive.

As much as i like it, I never beat the base game. I'd get all the way to the swamp and get stuck on one of the battles leading up to the shadow lord. Its one in the tomb. So I'd really like to see that last couple hours after all these years. I must have 300 hours into the game too. I played the game to basically the same point 3 times. So close yet so far.

Wasteland 2 I have the same issue. It's so long by the time I'm nearly done i loose interest. Let's hope that doesn't happen with 3
And another first person game. Im really hating this rpg trend.

I'd of loved the Indiana jones game and that shipped first only. So many games are going in that direction.
Avowed is also third person if you want.

Also, I don't think it's necessarily a shift in that direction. Great Circle was first person specifically because Machine Games knew first person games well and they wanted to distinguish themselves as being different that Tomb Raider and I think they made the right call.
For me the best obsidian game was neverwinter night 2, that game was fantastic. I never did play the dlc so I think if I ever get around to a replay, that would be a really nice incentive.

As much as i like it, I never beat the base game. I'd get all the way to the swamp and get stuck on one of the battles leading up to the shadow lord. Its one in the tomb. So I'd really like to see that last couple hours after all these years. I must have 300 hours into the game too. I played the game to basically the same point 3 times. So close yet so far.

Wasteland 2 I have the same issue. It's so long by the time I'm nearly done i loose interest. Let's hope that doesn't happen with 3
I never beat the base game either, it was back in 2008 or whatever I played it so I dont remember much other than I liked it but fell off. People say the Mask of The Betrayer DLC is one of the all time RPG stories so maybe one day, or even if theres a remaster:

I get a lot of use out of Game Pass (when it downloads things properly), and I will definitely be playing this next week.

I wish I had the time to make use of Game Pass. And my wish might very well be granted soon, as both my wife and my child should be gone for about 5 days next week. I might see if I can get the 14 day trial of Game Pass for $1 and play through the Legacy of the Void campaign from Starcraft 2. I've been meaning to play it for years now but I'm not going to spend $30-40 on it.
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For me the best obsidian game was neverwinter night 2, that game was fantastic. I never did play the dlc so I think if I ever get around to a replay, that would be a really nice incentive.
I never got to finish the game. Twice I tried to playthrough it and the game broke in exactly the same spot, if I recall it was during a part where your base you fortified came under attack.


Dominar of The Hynerian Empire
For me the best obsidian game was neverwinter night 2, that game was fantastic. I never did play the dlc so I think if I ever get around to a replay, that would be a really nice incentive.
I enjoyed the first one, but never got far in Neverwinter Night 2. I remember thinking the visuals and spells were cool, but I think there was something about the backtracking I did not like as much. I might have to play it again at some time to figure out what went wrong where.
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No need on this one :)

View: https://imgur.com/a/XaoAlKE

If Beamdog is doing the remaster I'd prefer to wait for that anyway.

Is that the full? I have it on disk too but i rebought it so I didn't have to put the disk in and the added dlc.

Im not against a reboot but I'm not sure there really is anything they need to update. The game works really well, or atleast last time I tried it on win 10. I wonder what they would actually do/change. Maybe if you play 4k, I'd guess the will add the textures.

if people don't own it might be worth the wait
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Is that the full? I have it on disk too but i rebought it so I didn't have to put the disk in and the added dlc.

Im not against a reboot but I'm not sure there really is anything they need to update. The game works really well, or atleast last time I tried it on win 10. I wonder what they would actually do/change. Maybe if you play 4k, I'd guess the will add the textures.

if people don't own it might be worth the wait
Its the base game. I played a bit of it a few years ago, had to fiddle with some minor mods or patches IIRC. Based on Baldurs Gate, if Beamdog do an update they might add some content and include the DLCs which I dont have. Just have to wait and see.

Ive got no shortage of stuff to play as it is, so Im not desperate to get it working.


Community Contributor
And another first person game. Im really hating this rpg trend.

I'd of loved the Indiana jones game and that shipped first only. So many games are going in that direction.
Thank goodness. Isometric (more like '3rd person but camera stays high up') is all right, but I like it a lot better when the camera is down in the world.

Avowed is first AND third person, you can switch whenever you like. (Mortismal has a deep review.)
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They didnt ask us in the forums this time :p

I wasnt really limited outside of not having anything in my room because i had no tv or pc in there. Then i moved into my basement as i got older in high school and it wasnt really limited then because my parents didn't really bother to check

They didnt ask us in the forums this time :p

I wasnt really limited outside of not having anything in my room because i had no tv or pc in there. Then i moved into my basement as i got older in high school and it wasnt really limited then because my parents didn't really bother to check

My parents told me they would start limiting my game time if it started affecting my grades, but since my grades were always good I got to game pretty much however much I liked.
My parents told me they would start limiting my game time if it started affecting my grades, but since my grades were always good I got to game pretty much however much I liked.

My parents never limited me, can't really say why. Guess they were never terribly strict about most things, so I would game all day on my Genesis and later my PC, which was eventually moved from the basement to my room.

My grades were absolutely terrible, barely graduating high school and then flunking out of college after keeping my head barely above water for a year or two.

That said, I don't think my parents putting limits on my screen time would have done much. I would have just found trouble to get into or would have probably stared at the ceiling instead of doing school work (or attending classes, which I did, rarely.), but I'm not an externality motivated person and my parents probably knew this.

My kids have limited time, but it's overall pretty fluid. I have my arcade cabinet, which they're always allowed on. They otherwise get 2 hours a day during the week, sometimes more and sometimes less depending on what's going on, many times they get nothing because we were busy with other stuff and their usual time to play has passed. But they're still pretty young, so we'll see how it all evolves as time progresses; my youngest is very much like me, so we'll see what strategies work later in life.
Many of us old enough that our games were self-regulating as kids. I mean, how many hours can you put into this?
View: https://youtu.be/AH7iMzEHOxg?si=yEFwFXRias9dnaR1

All day.......

Did you not ever flip games? There was no pause, there were no bathroom breaks unless you had some you trusted enough to keep your precious chance to flip going. Some games took 4+hours to flip, and sometimes you went for the double flip! Lady bug, donkey Kong, asteroids, berserker, pitfall, qbert, Mr do, smurfs, ect. Such simple games that I could play all day in search of the flip! Atari at my friends or my own coleco. I got a lot of cheers for the dk flip, the others smurf and ladybug I was alone with out a camera, so you'll just have to take my word for it. :)

I played night driver with an other kid when we were both in the hospitol for hours every night, it was the only game you could play one handed. Was a great memory from a crappy time.. never flipped that one, we had to go to bed ar 8pm but seeing we started after lunch it was a long enough. night driver and ice cream good times!
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All day.......

Did you not ever flip games? There was no pause, there were no bathroom breaks unless you had some you trusted enough to keep your precious chance to flip going. Some games took 4+hours to flip, and sometimes you went for the double flip! Lady bug, donkey Kong, asteroids, berserker, pitfall, qbert, Mr do, smurfs, ect. Such simple games that I could play all day in search of the flip! Atari at my friends or my own coleco. I got a lot of cheers for the dk flip, the others smurf and ladybug I was alone with out a camera, so you'll just have to take my word for it. :)

I played night driver with an other kid when we were both in the hospitol for hours every night, it was the only game you could play one handed. Was a great memory from a crappy time.. never flipped that one, we had to go to bed ar 8pm but seeing we started after lunch it was a long enough. night driver and ice cream good times!

What does it mean to "flip" a game?


Community Contributor
Definitely did not ever flip one! The only one of those games I could play for more than a couple of hours was Adventure - and only because of the weird things you could do. Playing the game right got boring within a couple of hours after starting the game. (Hmmm, so does that make it the first ever sandbox RPG?)


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